White collectivism will be inevitable if Western Civilization is to survive.
You simply cannot combat invading hordes of people with a strong collective mindset (in-group preference), with muh individualisms or autistic libertarianism. Without white people there will be no libertarianism afterall. Without white people there will be no WESTERN CIVILIZATION.
In the end Mother Nature will decide wheter we are strong enough to survive, or have our women and children constantly mass raped, our cities with it's beautiful architecture destroyed by terror and our whole race mixed and outbred by negroids and other shitskin filth.

You need Manhood in government, which operates for the best interest of your people and nation.
You need discipline, hardship and the glorious joy of duty to your country/your people.
You need a state which will deport the kikes, niggers, muzzies and other filth in order to ensure the survival of the white/European race.

You need F.A.S.C.I.S.M.

Other urls found in this thread:



Define fascism.


Fascism is adaptable to different cultures, it is defined by the culture of the nation in which a Fascist state is established.

That's meaningless and doesn't help at all.
There needs to be a common thread of universally defining attributes or characteristics which defines it or it's useless as a political/cultural category.

Then look into National Socialism.

That's not answering .

Look at the post right under it maybe?


How does the government determine what will have a positive impact?
Why would it make such determinations in the people's favor instead of in its own favor?
What checks and balances will ensure prudence?


Literally all politics are adaptations to/results of the culture they are a part of.
Saying that fascism is just some unique system which is a "cultural-political" system or whatever is meaningless.
You need characteristics which define it.
What are the common characteristics among all fascist politics, etc.

Are fascist parties illegal across the west? I'm surprised Greece is the only country with a sizeable fascist party. I know for sure they would get some support here, at least since the rise of the "Alt-Right".

i agree , but how you put all social classes under the same flag, in Norwegian it may be different but in most European countries the contempt between classes is almost as great as that of the immigrant

you cant define fascism. thats why you cant ban it. Theyre tryng to make anti immigration parties illegal because they all know that it will lead to a fascist uprising. But you cant ban someone for 1 reasonable policy. thats why they cant stop us

Good point, perhaps it's better not to define it then.

I want to combat them by not giving them free money for starters

All that covered here.

yes this is a real issue

you should give each class a way to excel in their own way and contribute to the common goal

they should be respected and supported to such an extent that being under the flag which is theirs since birth, is still more beneficial than being a traitor

Do what Hitler did desu.
Read the whole section, it's pretty enlightening.
The NSDAP used propaganda to create a unifying racial/ethnic narrative of all Germans, and had extensive social welfare programs while still allowing the capitalist economy to function. Their social policies largely focused on creating people who were physically healthy and well-attuned socially, raised and used to healthy families and communities. It largely does/did away with much of the problems relating to class inequality.

People should read Mein Kampf, its like Bible for white man.

Yeah, I agree, fascism is the answer.
However I don't think it's an enemy of individualism, I see it more as an enemy of egoism and consumerism.
Western culture is built upon healthy individualism vs. eastern collectivism.
What we need is a state that both safeguards the individual, so that he may achieve greatness and collective. Those two objectives aren't necessarily opposed to each other.
We need a society were everyone is constantly trying to improve himself, both for his own gain and so that he may serve his nation better.

I think that most European countries banned parties that use fascist symbols and glorify fascism,
but as said it's hard to define what fascism actually is. Another reason why left uses the term so loosely.

yeah the term is pretty cluttered since fascist movements were mostly reactionary movements

you usually face an outside threat and unite all classes of society together to fight it
simple and effective methods are preferred since fascim is a grassroots movement

fascism is anti-materialist and instead puts all emphasis on the man, the future of the man and its vitality and his self-determination. I believe this is also a subconscious reaction to old ideals

collectivism isn't inevitable
a robotic workforce will be here faster than people will change their nature
jobs will be relegated to machines and jobs will become increasingly irrelevant
you people always base your predictions based on the current level of technology

that was Marx's mistake, Lenin's etc

tech will set you free, not ideology

learn how to operate tech to be safe during the transition

keep good bonds with your family so you can pull together during the turmoil

but the inevitable conclusion is a robotic slave force

not collectivism