Free Library in Melbourne!!!

There is a free library in Melbourne central where you can place any books in it; at any time.
What you going to do Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Go to the city and find a nice book.. Why what do you have planned?
add mein kampf?

Yeh that's what I am going to do.

Move all books pertaining to the Holocaust to the fiction section.

What other books will be good to add there?

easier to just move the signs leatham

Come on guys get in. This is going to be a massive shitpost. Might go international.

>get a chair
>put sign up $3 donation per book "to build more libraries"


also, add "revolt against the modern world" by evola


Find all the degenerate books and burn them

Will do.

Milos book, just to make the Leftys reeee!!!
or pick from this list for same reason.

fifteen copies per day
do it melbfags
also, smear poo on every other book inside the flyleaf

legitimately a good book

No smearing poo, I might like the book myself.
HOWEVER if it is an SJW book have fun

i about a far from melbourne as you can get . however, if i was there, i would proudly poopsmear .

Flood it with mein Kampf. Order 50 exemplaries and bring them. Try to stealth some by adding an innocent cover.

The Bell Curve

Can you imagine how triggered the melbcucks would be?

#1: Google "Free Korans".

#2: Have dozens of free Korans sent to your house by proselytising Muslims, if you live in a regular house then just use your home address but add fictional apartment numbers so they don't realise they're sending the one address many Korans.

#3: Remove the most subversive leftist books, replace them with Korans.

#4: Report the library to ASIO and the Federal Police.


For My Legionaries
basically the same effect as adding Mein Kampf but more subtle

Not Mein Kampf, but subtler stuff, especially those that retarded leftist might mistake for bullshit leftism.
Like The Culture of Critique. Tho it would take a rich user to waste good books like that.