Soros calls Hungary PM "Anti-Semetic" for speaking out "Reminiscent of 1930's"

Why is it always "Anti-Semetic" to have an opinion or state facts against someone who happens to be a Jew?

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>Why is it always antisemetic


>Why is it always "Anti-Semetic" to have an opinion or state facts against someone who happens to be a Jew?
Mate, imagine if you had a card you could play that would render all arguments from your opposition invalid. Even if you were facilitating their deaths they would be invalid

Would you not play that card?

Didn't Soros work with the Nazi's lol?

this, jews have literally no shame.

>that was debunked, goy

HOW is this evil movie-like real life villain exist
>he was also a literal nazi
this dude is fucking ridiculous


Wow, I support Israel now.


more like Counter-Semetic

His eyes look like tired buttholes.

The Haavara agreement was treason for most Jews, as it only effectively applied to the wealthy ones who cooperated with the Nazis. The rest were left to die.

oy vay it's anoda shoah

Somebody please kill his grandchildren already

Well Soros helped the Nazis so he's antisemetic too

Someone needs to remove his small yet obvious facelift with photoshop and make him look his age. Check out Nancy Pelosi‘s mug for an example.

because person = group

Yeah man

Even the überjew Netanjahu told everyone that criticizing this faggot is NOT antisemitism.
Bow before hungarians,degenerate world.