SWEDEN YES! God is now gender neutral!


The absolute state of sweden.

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Why would God even be considered male? The only point where that could matter is if he literally fucked Maria, and I'm fairly certain that's not the official story.

>Why would God even be considered male?
In French language what is neutral is male. Don't know how it works in Swedish though.

In the logic of traditional religion, maybe it has something to do with Him being the creator of existence (an active male action, as opposed to taking a dick and letting a sperm fertilize your eggs and sitting around for 9 months) or the progenitor of laws, dictums, rules, logic itself — not exactly the sphere of femininity.

Did you know that Muhammad could be a woman or a man when ever Xir-hammad wanted to be ?

Lets meme this hard.

Fucking archive you stupid faggot


Fucking this.

>Why would God even be considered male? The only point where that could matter is if he literally fucked Maria, and I'm fairly certain that's not the official story.
Well clearly in the bible he's described as the father son and holy spirit. You can argue till the cows come home why that is (personally i think its because a woman has a womb and without a seed in the womb there is no child, and the sperm comes from the male therefore father impregnating the universal womb) but that's the description in the bible that the god is called father. And if you don't want to go by the bible then why follow it at all.
Should we change the bible to where it says god our father to god our gender neutral, then what comes next, what else are they going to want to replace? Makes it obviously into a completely different doctrine if that's allowed so then there's no fucking point in following it then if that's how you do it. Also the bible is very clear that there's a strong punishment for trying to change gods words in the bible.
Anyways those who want a gender neutral god, well just go make up your own fucking religion then instead of trying to change somebody elses.

Hahaha the lefties will fight amongst them self's.

Faggot Gender queer crap or Islam what will they pick.

We the Jew now

So essentially any preacher or christian that is caught red handed trying to change gods words in the bible overtly. According to the bible they're worse off than a fucking kiddy diddler which it says if someone tries to hurt little children/one of his little ones, it would be better if they had a millstone around their neck and tossed straight into the depths of the ocean, that's a better fate than what will happen to them without repentence. And it's worse for those that try to change gods words. So essentially. ANY christian preacher/minister who willingly goes along with changing gods words, and who is educated in scripture and believes in this, have to literally have a deathwish to go along with it/have to be fucking insane! And that's really case closed about this matter, there's little else to say about it.
So i feel sorry for the christian ministers who knowing this then go along with it, it would be better if they left the faith than pretending to stand for it and then doing one of the most gross violations of the entire doctrine!

I mean female lesbian pastor is bad enough, which is also a gross violation of scripture. But changing gods words, that's on the top 3 of the biggest violations you can ever do according to the bible. Literally have to be insane as a bible believing christian to want to contemplate doing that.
I mean do they WANT to be eternally destroyed according to their own scripture. I mean if you believe in the bible you know this is something you essentially under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do.

he is alpha and omega so man, female, animal, tree, air, water at the same time as it lives in the past in the present and in the future in the same time

It's exactly the violation of the kikes and also the violation of the muslims who essentially claimed the bible is wrong and then made up their own version. To be a christian minister and want to get in bed with that, which god clearly says they're not going to escape damnation and punishment. Well you've then certainly lost your marbles. How could a christian minister who made it their life to study the bible and know this EVER go along with this.
>yeah i believe in this
>so i'm going to consider doing one of the biggest violations possible in my faith to appease some retarded morons that want me to do it and risk being eternally destroyed.
If this goes through, they should fucking leave the faith and hope and pray to whatever else that the bible isn't true, because if it is these people for doing this will be totally SCREWED!


>he is alpha and omega so man, female, animal, tree, air, water at the same time as it lives in the past in the present and in the future in the same time
If you want to nitpick about your interpretation of scripture that's certainly your perogative but that's irellevant to this discussion really. The bible clearly says it's the FATHER not the "gender neutral". And that's what they want to change, they want to change gods words, which is a big NONO! with big fucking alarm bells going off and signs that go "don't do this or god is going to fuck you up" according to the text.

But if you want to nitpick about the interpretation of it, the father son holy spirit pretty clearly to me represents, the eternal spirit and the father that is in the cosmos, and the son an emmisary/envoy the word becoming flesh. Each connected to eachother by the holy spirit which is eternal and non gender because it's a spirit not a body. And our bodies are called temples of the holy spirit for it to dwell within.

But anyways. If in the bible it says father, you are not allowed to change that, you can misinterpret things what it says or interpret what it says and these things but you do NOT change the words of the bible just because you want it to say something else. It specifically warns about this. Because why? because then what the fuck does it matter what it says if you're just going to change it into whatever you want it to say? Then it makes no sense anymore.

>FATHER not the "gender neutral"
this is not my point, i only found your interpretation too reductive.
The fact itself he is above us imply we can't describe it using our empirical experiences

>The fact itself he is above us imply we can't describe it using our empirical experiences
You can interpret it any way you want to, but according to the bible you are not allowed to CHANGE WHAT IT SAYS. If in the bible it says our father which art in heaven or whatever. You are NOT allowed to change father and replace it with gender neutral in the text!
You can interpret it how you want though. So don't you see that it's irellevant what you may or may not individually think about it when trying to interpret and understand what it means. The whole point is you're not allowed to change the words/what it says!

Also if god is real according to the bible why does he care how you understand it with limited information. You're pretending that god should be knowable to you or it isn't correct. If he's so above you as you say, then why in the world would you ASSUME that your limited mind could fully grasp the scope of what he is?

>Also if god is real according to the bible why does he care how you understand it with limited information. You're pretending that god should be knowable to you or it isn't correct. If he's so above you as you say, then why in the world would you ASSUME that your limited mind could fully grasp the scope of what he is?
this is my point thank you to have translated it in formal english

Who cares. Noone in Sweden is Christian since the last 100 years anyways

>The fact itself he is above us imply we can't describe it using our empirical experiences
Well sorry i read that incorrectly. But then here's the problem with that thinking. See you're thinking that god is not a male because he has to be completely removed from human understanding in EVERY way since he's above us, so you assume therefore that calling him father is a mistake. But that's what he ordained to be called in the texts. It's not man that ordained that he should be called father. But this is what you seem to assume/imply. And so with this reasoning then it opens up to say "well man just assumed he was called father so let's change it instead to gender neutral because they were just influenced by their own state of being a human so they called him therefore father when they shouldn't" No, it was not their idea! It was gods idea that he should be called father. So when you're trying to change that in the texts you're walking on dangerous territory! Because by that logic what else could you then pretend should be changed just because "hurr durr the humans got them wrong and ascribed features to god that were similar to mankind" But that's not what it says, they were instructed to call him father and so they wrote it down father in the bible. They didn't write down gender neutral and they didn't make it up according to the bible atleast but were INSTRUCTED SPECIFICALLY to write it down with that way. So you can perhaps claim that the bible is entirely made up ok if that's your premise then it doesn't matter whatsoever what it says. But if you believe it and follow it, you're not allowed to change a damn single word of that text! Yet that's what they are proposing to do!

>Who cares. Noone in Sweden is Christian since the last 100 years anyways
Yes, turn your flag into a star and crescent instead sven. Be progressive!

>Who cares. Noone in Sweden is Christian since the last 100 years anyways
when you will realize the connection swecuck

Also one of the other reasons for not being allowed to change gods words is obviously because if you can just do that you can make up any story you want about what it says. And what does that do, it misleads people! It's a very very dangerous presdence to try to change gods words because if they're allowed to do that, you damn well know they're going to try to change more of it later. And the bible is definately not unclear about the warning about doing this aswell as a severe punishment for attempting to do so. So i guess swedes don't think they're punished enough currently for straying? Do you think if they were still christians that they would've ever allowed muslims to immigrate or the kikes to do what they do to them? How much do swedes really want to get fucked up, it's about time they grow a fucking spine or it's going to be over fairly soon.

Because whilst these cunts want to try to change the bible, the muslims who have already done so and given their bastardized version the qu'ran which is essentially the bible from their own imagination or the imagination of muhammad piss be upon him. They will definately insist that you don't change a fucking thing about their doctrine. So i don't even fucking understand why the stupid swedish cunts keep bashing christianity, when islam is coming in which is about as totalitarian and authoritarian as it gets. For swedes to try to keep brutalizing christianity is the equivalent of beating on a cripple whilst there's a fucking huge monster godzilla looking motherfucker that just slipped in the backdoor and is standing behind you with saliva running down its gaping mouth and teeth getting ready to fucking eat you alive.

this is what swedes should really be worried about pic related, and i'll post the second half aswell. Not what's left of christianity in sweden.
If they're worried about gender neutrality they will find about zero concessions from the muslims. These people are fucking out of their mind and won't even help themselves. They turn around and beat on people who aren't even hurting them because they're too afraid to deal with the monster standing right behind them. Islam is terror and fear and that's why they're afraid so they're shitting on someone else instead.


Your meme pic isn't truthful immigrants in sweden are MORE than 5 times likely to commit a rape. muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2015/03/19/sweden-77-6-percent-of-all-rapes-in-the-country-committed-by-muslim-males-making-up-2-percent-of-population/


If you're not worried about pic related you are not paying attention.
When was the last time a christian killed someone for leaving the faith?
Why do you think islam became so large as it was, covering more territory than the roman empire at its peak? Well.. you convert or you die or you become a slave/dhimmi where you risk death very easily for minor infractions. Or you join islam and then if you stray from the faith and/or want to leave it. It's death penalty by the sword for you my friend. To keep living you might find is a very persuasive argument for a lot of people!
The punishment for leaving islam is called the ridda process, in umdat al salik (reliance of the traveller, sharia codex for muslim by muslim with al ahzar university gold stamp approval) it's very clear. It's this. One who is sober and of sound mind and decides to leave the faith, he is to be killed.
Muslims know this very well globally but they might not want you to know this. But muslims aren't overall very smart 40% of them are illiterate in their own language. And those that do read need very precise instructions what to do. So just go read their own legal books stop listening to the bullshit they tell you just go read what things are written for them! It's manuals of what they should do. And you will soon find out! And those who don't they will continue to be decieved i guess. And at great risk to their own life.

Guess it's a good thing that Sweden doesn't exist anymore.

And also do you want to know why it's called reliance of the traveller. Because it's designed for muslims who practice hijrah migration to claim other peoples lands for islam. So it's the reliance (understanding of the islamic law) for the travelling muslim venturing out to conquer lands by migration for islam!
I mean just look at youtube of what the muslims themselves say about these things aswell, they're totally straight forward about it. How the fuck longer are you going to remain blind about this. It's not a big deal as long as they are in their own countries they can do whatever they want, it's bad for them causes lot of suffering but it's their choice and what they want. But when they come to your place they want it there aswell! And make no mistake islamic law is something they expect you to follow aswell no matter what it is you believe in yourself! It's NOT a tolerant religion where they just want to get along! It's the OPPOSITE! Sharia has specific laws for non muslims aswell and you are treated like shit and very likely to be executed. So when they tell you they just want sharia for themselves they are full of shit!
They are establishing an islamic enclave that will keep growing in your nation till they get what they want which is sharia law. You can take some of the nicest muslims you know but if you ask them, would you prefer sharia law over our current legal system even if our current legal system gives them all kinds of rights and freedoms they will say. "yes ofcourse sharia is the best ideally i want this". It sounds innocuous but when you realize what this means for you it's effectively signing your death warrant!