Quick rundown on the budget

>Quick rundown on the budget

>Based Morrissey says he would kill "vermin" US president

>The Likely Lads actor Rodney Bewes dies

>Boy, 3 (paki cunt), dies because NHS (Birmingham) are shite

>UK to pay France millions to block new wave of Calais migrants

>Vote Leave rocked by donation claims as watchdog probes Brexit campaign

>Tranny women's leader of labour

>Six in Ten Muslim Marriages in Britain Not Legally Binding, Women Forced into Polygamous Relationships

>Paperchase rejecting the Daily Mail is another victory against hatred -Owen Jones

Other urls found in this thread:


Let's archive

>theguardian com/uk-news/2017/nov/22/key-points-from-budget-2017-at-a-glance
>newsweek com/morrissey-harvey-weinstein-trump-kevin-spacey-721139
>theguardian com/commentisfree/2017/nov/21/paperchase-daily-mail-newspaper

drumpf btfo


>putting the subject in the name field

In here for the non homo thread

who else watching modelling videos?

Have you ever considered the possibility that democracy and Fascism are not comparable this way? How exactly do you explain Mosley's ideas about creating a Fascist democracy?

Let me put it simply; democracy is a system of government, Fascism is an ideology.

Fascism is both a system of government: ie democracy, monarchy
An all encompassing political theory

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am for one I'm glad that the most tsundere of Anglo-senpais, Eddie-kun, is back for more pats for his favourite Mickposter.

Heh, based Nordbot is back.

>When pube met WN at banana boatyard
*cue strings*

I'll say it again I guess.

To be English is not to be white, it's simply to be English. Though I may have my roots in another land I am English just as your are English, and I am proud of that.

But you're wrong. When mosley is talking of fascism he is talking of his personal ideology he wishes to impliment via fascism. Fascism is merely the amalgamation of the separation of powers of state.

Gay mods deleted the straight thread, why?

Fuck off ahmed


To be English it to be Anglo-Saxon.

Are you being genuine or are you just trolling for lols? Also are you the real Eddie? 6'1, ex army, alcoholic, Comedian pill, North Korea Eddie?

Lack of pats.

>But you're wrong

Why, do you have anything to back up your claim that Fascism is not inherently tied to nationalism or any other ideological traits?

Times have changed user, for better or worse. To be English is to be a part of the people here, and that is what I am and proudly.

Are you a retard?

Tell her if she's English then she needs to start apologizing to what her people did to the Africans like the rest of us.

You do know a full stop only ends the sentence and not the post, right?


I.... I don't think so.

No. Why would you call me that?

WN at the boatyard yet?

Yes, the "I'll punch you in the throat" English constitution wiki articles Larping Eddie-kun, that's the one.

You're definitely not an English person

You're evidence is an assertion of what Mosley actually meant when he used the word without anything to support that assertion

>supporting crystal palace

Fuck off back to Kent. No one likes you froglover.

You're about as English as the Kaiser's trousers mate.

Last post was from Queen St in Glasgow, so he must be close

Is that Honk?


Sorry I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me

Yes I am, absolutely. You don't get to tell me what I am and am not, just as I don't get to tell you what you are or are not.

It's him but he's more of an arse than ever. Wish he'd hurry up drinking himself to death.

Winston Churchill is the villain of the 20th century

I'm pretty sure there is no phone signal in that area anyway, I've driven up and down the A82 loads of times and the signal is patchy at best.

(BASED) Honk is not a Mick and posts with the LGBT flag. I'm brit/pol/'s favourite potato-poster.

I thought he left in a dramatic fashion

>Based Morrissey says he would kill "vermin" US president

Morrissey hates the institution of president, not just Trump.

Also, he simply told those garbage journos exactly what we're all thinking; the so called "victims" of Weinstein were women who knew exactly what they're doing in order to advance their careers, and yeah, where the fuck were the parents of the kid that house of cars fag raped?

Morrissey is right and the media are once again vilifying him for it

Why have you suddenly taken to shilling that I provide nothing but wiki articles?
It's clearly demonstrable when comparing fascist systems that the only qualifying factor is the amalgamation of the separation of powers of state into one body. What is implimented by that one body is the personal politics of that one body, not the defining trait of the system.

Alright them, I'm the bloody supreme overlord of Alpha Centauri, eh? Gonna dispute that?

Fuck's sake man, let me rephrase it to appease your autism.

Do you have anything to back up your claim that Mosley and other Fascist leader's personal views were not inherently tied to Fascist ideology?

>You're not white

virtue, where are you?


Name a fitter woman. I'll wait...

That would be a fucker, finally gets there and they can't find each other cos they can't post.

Hope he gets a pic of pube I really want to see what he looks like after all his larping...

>It's clearly demonstrable when comparing fascist systems that the only qualifying factor is the amalgamation of the separation of powers of state into one body
I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm saying the argument you gave the bloke wasn't very robust

>It's clearly demonstrable when comparing fascist systems that the only qualifying factor is the amalgamation of the separation of powers of state into one body.

This is what I want you to show me, where is your evidence for this?

Drama queen.

I am me desu

What would you have me provide to demonstrate such a statement? What would you provide me if I asked you to prove that David Camerons manifesto is not inherently tied to Democratic ideology?

How is it that every other trip fag gets doxed but Eddie just chunders along

That's a incredulity fallacy, don't be so bloody intellectually dishonest.

you are not english
you are not english
you are not english
you are not english
you are not english
you are not english

Because every answer you give is an autistically awkwardly copy + paste block of text where you larp about being knowledgeable on a pet given subject.

phil collins' daughter


Im an older user. But shes still mummy


>Why have you suddenly taken to shilling that I provide nothing but wiki articles?
It doesn't make sense, your talking points are far too limited. You'd be more interesting if you were just pasting random wiki pages.

Are you gonna pay reparations to white nigerians for enslaving their ancestors?

But you said we don't get to tell each other what we are! Otherwise I'd say you're about as English as the last shit Emperor Akihito of Japan took. You wouldn't want that now, would you?

>What would you have me provide to demonstrate such a statement

Anything mate, you yourself said that it was "clearly demonstrable".

>Democratic ideology

Not a thing.

>Fascist ideology

A thing.

Honestly it's like arguing with a brick wall at this point.

So you're just making it up then?


>It's clearly demonstrable
>doesn't know how to demonstrate it
Yeah, clearly.

>trying to place english women on a scale
Mate, they transcended the scale.

Yes, I am.

Why would I do that?

Come back to being intellectually honest and we'll carry on talking user, until then I won't bother with you. I'm happy to take whatever grilling you want to give me but only so long as you're honest about it.

I don't disagree with your main position but the main fascist parties and leaders have all had common traits. One of the best encapsulated definitions of fascism I've read:

"Fascism is an authoritarian Nationalist political ideology that exalts nation (and often race) above the individual, and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. It often claims to be concerned with notions of cultural decline or decadence, and seeks to achieve a national rebirth by suppressing the interests of the individual, and instead promoting cults of unity, energy and purity.

In economics, Fascism sees itself as a third way between laissez-faire Capitalism on the one hand and Communism or Socialism on the other. It acknowledges the roles of private property and the profit motive as legitimate incentives for productivity, but only insofar as they do not conflict with the interests of the state. Fascist governments tend to nationalize key industries, closely manage their currencies and make massive state investments. They also tend to introduce price controls, wage controls and other types of economic planning measures (such as state-regulated allocation of resources, especially in the financial and raw materials sectors).

The term "fascismo" was coined by the Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945) and the self-described "philosopher of Fascism" Giovanni Gentile (1875 - 1944). It is derived from the Latin word "fasces", an ancient Roman symbol consisting of a bundle of rods tied around an axe, used to suggest "strength through unity". It was originally used to refer specifically to Mussolini's political movement that ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943, but has subsequently also been used to describe other regimes."

Why do you respond to such obvious bait?

she's a qt but not exceptionally so.

Pt 2

"Fascism usually involves some degree of some or all of the following elements:

Nationalism (based on the cultural, racial and/or religious attributes of a region).
Totalitarianism (state regulation of nearly every aspect of public and private sectors).
Statism (state intervention in personal, social or economic matters).
Patriotism (positive and supportive attitudes to a "fatherland").
Autocracy (political power in the hands of a single self-appointed ruler).
Militarism (maintaining of a strong military capability and being prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests).
Corporatism (encouragement of unelected bodies which exert control over the social and economic life of their respective areas).
Populism (direct appeals to the masses, usually by a charismatic leader).
Collectivism (stress on human interdependence rather than on the importance of separate individuals).
It usually also expresses opposition to the following:

Liberalism (policies of minimal interference by government, both politically and economically)
Communism (specifically Marxism, but generally any communal social organization).
Democracy (majority rule and competitive elections with freedom of speech, freedom of the press and some degree of rule of law).
Individualism (stress on human independence and the importance of individual self-reliance and liberty)"

That's a very well developed definition, could I trouble you for the source? Might make for a nice read

If you identify as English and they identify as African then you have to take up the historical burden i'm afraid.

Stop. Shes merely a melted carol

It's called an observation, Eddie-kun.

Why do half pakis always look so fucking dire and subhuman

>not posting our luce

Where your family from originally then, mate?

>Regional interest
>Saaf Afrika
Fuck the ANC, my dudes

What game?

i raise

I don't see what Nigeria has to do with this, or why anyone would ever pay reparations to anyone. You don't get paid for losing a fight...

Border region of Pakistan/India, came here just before the Raj came to an end.

Only one true mummy

I'm here and I'm waiting.

That's a nice pair of tits.

I've got a huge thing for pakistani/indian women. I wear my pith helmet, don a fake mustache and jerk the gherkin onto the bhagavaghita.


Wearing a pair of me mums knickers lads


You identify as English?? Will you apologize for colonialism??


I scrolled down and instantly realised my bad

Absolute fucking madman

Ta, pal

Why was she doing those facial expressions?