Why do white people get mad at black people for living in their country when they are the ones who brought the black...

Why do white people get mad at black people for living in their country when they are the ones who brought the black people to the country?

You brought niggers to England?

Yes it was called the slave trade.

I brought niggers to my country? Wow I didn't know that. Thank you based Mohamad shit!


and they offered them to go back aftewards
your point?

They died though, all the niggers you have are not from the slave trade they came over from Africa after the leaders of the UK betrayed the native indigenous people.

Jews brought them here.

And they were most of the slave owners.

i didnt bring any niggers here.
I didnt enslave them either.
but let's not pretend that niggers in America are about 1000% better off than the ones in africa.

The jews brought the black people to america.
But you know to expose the jews for that would be racist or something. Basicly everything that wrecks America can be traced back to jews.

meat is best grill


I hate niggers less than Mexicans and other undesirables precisely because they didn’t choose to come here.
I still hate niggers, don’t get me wrong. I just think the Mexicans and Muslims are worse because it’s all the bad parts of niggers with the addition of being disgusting foreigners.

They're part of the country now because of your ancestors' actions. What are you mad about then? If anything you should be mad at the people who brought them over. Most of the people in this generation have never even been to Africa.

Wow the Jews owned the ships therefore they definitely were in charge of what the ships were carrying. It totally wasn't just hired ships.

I brought exactly 0 niggers into my country, you globohomo.

>When (((they))) brought blacks to the country

Jews brought them to America.

And furthermore, America was expressed stated as being only open to free white Europeans of good moral character.

Not our fault those filthy hooknoses have been pretending to be white and using their love of shekels to fuck over our countries for over a millennia.

The amount of blacks in England who descent from slaves freed INSIDE England is so tiny to be irrelevant. I'm sure it will have happened at some time or another, but still irrelevant.

Almost all your blacks are post-slavery migrants, your government simply let them in ... they are treasonous that way.

you can be mad at the owners of the freight boats that bring invasive pests into California from Asia, but the state and federal government still try their best to exterminate the pests.

You owned most of the slaves you kike and you blame us for it.

Yeah dude they were slavers traders.

Who bought the slaves?

Fuck. They allow actual, honest-to-fuck, dribbling spackers like you actually use the interweb. Care in the community was a mistake

At least we treated our slaves nicely and more like family. Not string them up on trees and murder them.

That knife cuts both ways. Do black people want to be in the white people's country or not? It's their choice now, they aren't enslaved.

Same elites that control us today. Mainly Jews and a couple good goys.

No they probably just owned the ships and wealthy white land owners bought them or hired them to ship slaves around. Owner and Captain are not synonymous.

My family on my mums side is jewish and they changed their last name after slaves where freed because ............
Niggers took the last names of their owners when they where freed.

Because in the grand scheme of things, slavery was a horribly inefficient economic practice enjoyed basically as a hobby by a tiny minority of our ancestors, and now the descendants of slaves will not shut the fuck up about how our entire race systematically oppresses them, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of white people fought and died to liberate them and have worked for centuries, literally hundreds of fucking years to help them, and still their communities and culture are utter dogshit.

And now in the modern area once again a subset of the population (leftists) enjoys having black people as pets, and the rest of us have to suffer for it

>Muh Jews

>when they are the ones who brought the black people to the country?
As slaves - no problem. Just need to kill those who gave them equal rights with whites.

I'm far-right


"black" or "afro%%nationname%% is a racist term.

Theese people are not just "afroamericans" or "afrobrits"

Are you making this up? It sounds to me that you are just making it up to blame someone other than Jews.

Washington did treat his slaves fairly. We don't believe Hollywood propaganda. That's probably what you were doing. You call us inbred rednecks yet you Jews and Muslims are the most inbred.

Slavery was illegal in Canada and England

Not here

Why do retards ask a group of people why they did something when that event took place generations ago and they weren't alive to witness let alone influence it?

Why do black people stay in such allegedly racist countries if they hate them so much?
Why don't they leave?
Why do so many Africans want to move into Europe if such countries are supposedly so inherently racist?
Also whites didn't bring blacks into countries like the UK and France, but those countries are infested with niggers.
Same with Canada, they barely imported nigs yet nigs are desperate to mov into Canada.
Again, why dont they leave of they hate whitey so much? Nobody's stopping them.
Why do they move into white majority countries?
Why do they chase whited everywhere they go?

They were supposed to fuck off back to africa on their own.

>make bad decision
>regret bad decision

The amount of slaves brought into the British isles was so absurdly low that is insignificant.
The vast, vast majority of blacks living ij britain come from fairly recent immigration or the descendants of said immigrants.
Immigration from Africa to Britain really became noticeable in thr late 70's to mid 80's before that was almost non-existent.
Nearly 95% of blacks in Britain came from the post 70-80's migratory waves or are descended from those said migrants.

I'm thinking rationally about it. 'The Jews' have no motive. It makes sense if they owned large businesses at the time though.

Why did white people take black people and bring them to their own countries, why not just keep the slaves in Africa and build a fresh start from there?
There are no such thing as racist countries. Wow big surprise people prefer living in developed countries.

You're not rationally thinking about it you're rationalizing it .

I knew immigration was a bad idea when I was like 12.
Sadly I have to live with the consequences of other people's retarded choices

Because mexicans make for better farming equipment.

Jews brought them to America, sold them to whites, native Americans, and other blacks. The American Nigger is a cross breed of Arab and African blood, from when the Arabs raised slave armies like dogs, and sold them for rum and shit.

Either way my first question stands. The UK runs by democracy. People agreed to let the blacks come here. They could have said no. It was done democratically.They let the blacks come here and then 20 years later get mad. So you're telling me from the 70s to mid 80s to now, people suddenly realised how much they hate black culture.

Quit calling them people, nigger lover

>Why did white people take black people and bring them to their own countries, why not just keep the slaves in Africa and build a fresh start from there?
Tbqh we never should've brought niggers to the americas.
But interesting you didn't reply to my examples of the UK and France, whose movements of african slaves into their countries is negligible to none, the africans in those countries immigrated by their own will, you truly cannot blame white brits and white french for saying that as they did not import nigs en masse to their countries.
Tell that to americans, they should've picked their own cotton.
>There are no such thing as racist countries. Wow big surprise people prefer living in developed countries.
I know, that's why is said ALLEGEDLY because non-whited and leftists cannot stop bitching and never shut up about how racist whites and white countries are, they bitch 24/7 about it het they never leave or are desperate to live in such countries, bunch of hypocrites

The slave ship was essentially a traveling pet shop that sold laboring beasts to rich people. Slavers, as they've done for centuries, recognized the laziness of the wealthy and were willing to sell them a luxury item that performed manual labor. These people also attempted to create a culture of prestige where slave ownership was a sign of one's status. It was never really about economic enrichment. Slavers were filling an economic niche by appealing to a decadent minority

>Why do white people get mad at black people for living in their country when they are the ones who brought the black people to the country?

Oh really???

Jews brought them over and escaped responsibility for it. However, their immunity is coming to an end as their American propaganda outlets' renevue declines.

Anything goes.

You should read more, check out the Ottoman Empire, then tell me how Democratic it was. The sand niggers unleashed their hybrid dogs (nigger slave/Arab master mix) on Europe, that's how coal got there.

>Why do white people get mad at black people for living in their country when they are the ones who brought the black people to the country?

Oh really??????

If you truly think mass immigration was implemented with public support and not forced into those countries by elected politicians you're delusional.

>>Why do white people get mad at black people for living in their country when they are the ones who brought the black people to the country?
>Oh really??????


Basically this

Well France for one helped colonise parts of Africa. They already knew French so it was an easy move for them. It's literally only a question of open or closed borders. The black people acted purely on natural instinct i.e. see better place to live, go to better place for better life and health. As I said previously, blame the politicians or whomever for allowing such reckless border control, not the opportunistic migrants. It's like you're blaming a virus or disease for infecting someone who has a weak immune system.

>Hey man, I know that microwave that you just bought explodes multiple times and became sentient enough to murder your family, but why are you complaining when you bought it and put it in your home?

>Why do white people get mad at black people for living in their country when they are the ones who brought the black people to the country?

LOL. Oh really?

Of course, it's still a disease....

>willingly buys an exploding murderous microwave and puts it in the house

For what purpose would you want to force this with some supposed ulterior motive? If the politicians were white they would have felt the same threat to their ethnic mix as everyone would have.

>Why do white people get mad at black people for living in their country when they are the ones who brought the black people to the country?

LOL. really??

>my argument ends here
>capitalising Muh to make jews capitalised as well

This. I think we should leave it at that, the blacks definitely does not want to go to africa because they know its shit there. We brought them here, we take the consequences. There is no kicking them out.

>Why do white people get mad at black people for living in their country when they are the ones who brought the black people to the country?

LOL. Are you sure? Get the picture yet?

Jews suddenly become 'White people' when it comes to slavery.

Not me. I have no problem with blacks. I just realize there are differences.


Jews ran the transatlantic slave trade, not whites.

Pick up a credible history book

Of course people here are gonna blame jews. Why am i not surprised

White people didn't. (((White people))) did.

I didn't brought anyone in my country

don't want new problems til we deal with the ones we already have

Okay so they're just as accountable as the white people who bought the slaves. I don't see how the owners of the slave trade are relevant anyway. Both still actively engaged in the slave trade by purchasing and trading other humans. It sounds like, rather than coming to the realisation of the crimes against humanity that the early white people committed, you'd rather just blame the jews and feel better about yourself.

Yeah it's just a fact, don't let it get in your way. You're so inbred that the truth doesn't seem to matter to you anymore.

Forgot to reply to these with that post.

No (((you're))) responsible. We all know the Blacks on the your slave ships got the worst abuse.

Apperently signs saying it is okay to be white are racsist so it is the other way around

jews directly owned like 90% of the slave trade you idiot nigger

The Jew thing is just a distraction. The crux of what you're saying is that all early white people are responsible for slavery, which is absurd considering that only 1% of the population even owned slaves and many people in the West opposed slavery even back then. If you're going to point your finger at white people and cast blame upon them for the actions of this small minority, I'd say you're just as bad as all these retards spamming about jews



why are you trying to twist the fact that op stated that whites BROUGHT blacks to this country even though its completely factually inacurrate?

>Jews owned the ships
>Jews owned the markets
>Jews paid their brethren
>Jews paid off the Kings
Whites literally minded their own business and continued on with their lives, meanwhile every aspect of the slave trade, from hunting the slaves to selling and transporting the slaves, have jews hands ALL over it. As well as Arabs but they've always done that.

I'm not surprised that only the wealthiest 1% of the population could afford to buy people. The point is, it was a slave TRADE. White people may not have literally brought them but they indirectly did by encouraging the slave trade and not ending it soon enough.

When a large group of people feel extremely passionate about something, they usually work to do something about it. Clearly there was not a huge moral opposition to it or it would have ended before the question of buying and selling lives was even proposed.

So why not, at the end of the slave era, round up every single negro and ship them back to Africa? It seems like they were happy with letting them own property and become citizens back then so why are you mad about it now?

>retards spamming about jews
t. schlomo

>jews bring slaves
>sell slaves to a few rich goyim
>whites That had nothing to do with slavery end up fighting eachother to end slavery
>b-but you whiteys didnt end it soon enough and werent as guilt ridden as you should have been!

Are you jewish by chance?

>When a large group of people feel extremely passionate about something, they usually work to do something about it.

What the fuck was the the abolitionist movement, the Civil War, the civil rights movement? Is that not good enough for you? Is it not good enough that even though they were not the majority, a large number of the founding fathers themselves were opposed to slavery, and wanted to outlaw it in 1776?

>Clearly there was not a huge moral opposition to it

holy fuck read some history

In the case of the African continent, it is because two years after independence, some of those newly independent African countries, that had once made up the British empire, turned to shit.
And it is mot because of blacks being stupid niggers,it is because those newly elected leaders of those countries started plundering the countries' wealth and changed the constitution to remain in power indefinitely.

Many blacks saw this and fled to the countries of their former colonial masters.
There is a book called The state of Africa by Martin Meredith. It is about Africa's history after the white man left. And in most of those countries, it was a fuck tonne worse than when the white man ruled.

Why do blacks get mad at white people for slavery when blacks are the ones who enslaved themselves?

Cuz kangz cant b enslaved whyte boi!

Perhaps after enough time that they could see how inefficient slaves were, they eventually found their morals. Don't pretend like slaves weren't a part of American society for a long while and most people didn't really think twice about it.

Cool flag!

telephones and the internet didn't exist back then you moron, and the fastest way of getting place to place was by riding a fucking horse

people lived in their rural bumfuck town their whole lives and died there

looking back as a modern moralist and pearl-clutching because the people didn't try hard enough to your standards is beyond disgusting, considering that these people faced barriers you can't even imagine and still tried to do what was right

so many thousands of whites sacrificed everything to help slaves and they just get spit on every day by this original sin nonsense that people like you continue to thoughtlessly extol

thats why they should have sent them back after they were done using them, they didnt capture the slaves btw they bought them from african slave dealerships. not the modern white mans fault though is it ?