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$20 says some libshit sabotaged it

Obama wants only saudi oil in the usa

Wasn't it the old pipeline that leaked? Is the XL pipeline even finished and operational? If it's the old one leaking, isn't that a pretty good reason to build and maintain the new one?

New one takes a different route.

>210,000 gallons
Oh no, less than one third of the contents of an olympic swimming pool, what will happen to that 77,184 miles of pristine South Dakota landscape

You do realise it was sabotaged?

Funny that you say that.


sounds like Trump was right; Keystone pipeline is paying dividends in creating even more jobs than anticipated.

Eco terrorism from butthurt liberals. Charge them with treason.


op is a faggot

Obama made the US into a net oil exporter you numbskull


So lies, basically.

South Dakotan here.

Pipeline busted on an old section of the pipeline, plus 210,000 gallons isn't shit. That's a few drops compared to how bad it can truly get. Even the local news here in my liberal fucktard city stopped covering the leak a few days after the leak happened.


You beat me to it
>The volume of water in an Olympic sized swimming pool is 660,000 US gallons.

It was the old pipeline.
The one that was meant to be replaced.

>We gonna save the environment from possible catastrophic oil spill
>By causing a catastrophic oil spill
>See pipelines are too dangerous we told you

Literally watcha doing hippie

delete this!

New oil exploration and production tech did you twat. Obama did everything he could to stand in the way.

Well if we get it from Canada now it's basically the same thing.

>free oil from canada given to the Indians
what's the problem user?

None of you retards would drink a gallon of water contaminated by a single drop of oil. Therefore one drop contaminates at least one gallon. Then maths:

210,000 gallons spilled
90,921 drops/gallon
19,093,410,000 gallons contaminated
28,929 swimming pools contaminated

but its cool cause you got a pipeline job right?
oh you didn't... well
You get payments for the oil crossing the state right?
oh you don't... well
You get cheaper gas because of preferential treatment for domestic markets?
Oh you don't because every gallon is always everywhere sold on the global market.

well then youre a fucking retard then aren't you.

The thousands of jobs deal is fucking bullshit as well. The vast majority would be temporary construction jobs. Once it’s up and running it would employ about twenty to thirty Americans. Also there’s nothing in it for us as far as oil access goes. The entire reason for the pipeline is to send Canadian Tar sands oil to the Gulf of Mexico for export.

It’s not a replacement. XL is a new branch entirely.

Buffalo niggers got what was coming to em, holding up the white mans water on his own lamd!

imagine having his cock this far down your throat jesus christ

Anyways laugh at trump thread ?

Youre a dumb fucking monkey. Oil gets absorbed into the soil and subgrade, and it also floats on water if you would remember your 5th grade science class last year.

See: fracking

Extremists are often like that. That's why there's so many fake hate crimes committed by anti-Trumpers. It enrages them when their world-view isn't validated so they commit crimes.

Why is time mag lying so much?

Falseflag libfags cuck it up again. Sad.

Wow how convenient. There are literally thousands of miles of pipelines in the US, and this one just "happens" to leak. O.K.
>pic related

CNN could actually be Krusty the Clown throwing pies at a screen and I would have more respect for that operation.

I don't understand how their viewers can keep coming back like battered women, again and again and again and again... Jesus f'ing Christ! Don't you guys get it? LEAVE THAT ASSHOLE!


how long until we can just start executing these people

if your "job" is "political activist" you shouldn't be allowed to live

210k gallons really isn't that much. Besides oil is measured in barrels not gallons.

Given that one barrel of oil has 42 gallons only 5k barrels spilled. It's really just a drop in the bucket.

>take oil from ground
>Put it in a pipe
>Spill it back into the ground
>It's now a natural disaster

>200k gallons spill
>Pipeline moves 10 000k gallons per day

Gallons is a bigger number than barrels, so the lying media jew coincidentally decided to use the biggerer number to impress the stupider of the goyim. Coincidentally.

You are about as smart as a 5lb bag of bat farts for buying this. 100% vandalism / sabotage. I've worked in that industry and the redundancy built into each system is crazy. Shit like this doesn't spontaneously combust....it takes a large outside force. Gawd you people.

It was sabotaged by a libshit, you retarded libshit.

Damn, you're stupid.

Trump was referring to the Keystone XL, dullard.

I was against the Dakota pipeline too but Hillary was for the pipeline too. So fuck all the Hillary supporters REEEEEEEing about Drumpf.

They wanted to save the water they said. That would just be stupid for them to ruin the water they wanted to save.

Sounds like something (((they))) would do

Lol you mean the old keystones pipeline that is being replaced by the keystones XL. If not delayed by ungrateful obongo, could of been avoided.
Hey peeps, don't be a stupid ungrateful and pay attention to world events. These are two different pipelines. Keystones XL is not even operational yet.

Didn't a bunch of liberals blow-torch holes into the pipes so it would leak?

Without a pipeline, oil is whipped via the ocean. Which does more damage? An oil spill in the ocean, or an oil spill on land?

Facts don't matter to shitlibs.

210000 gallons is less than 7 railroad cars. Literally a nothing burger. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

Because nobody could have fucked with it right?

>cnn too stupid (or just didn't want) to differentiate between 2 separate pipelines
lol jewish niggers

kek, that actually made me laugh

SeeFucking mongoloid.

OP destroyed

210,000 gallons to clean up?

Even more jobs created

The pipeline leaks are far less than oil rig leaks or train derailments.
It can also be contained much more quickly.


We have to show the world how dangerous pollution is.

This is worse than that tanker with fallen off front.

god bless texas

>be protester for environment
>do damage to pipeline
>damage environment
>oil is bad mkay

not only is this a failure of the people against the pipeline, such leak can happen to anyone anywhere and you would still have the environmental damage, you wouldn't have the job though

Even if it was terrorism it should have been taken into account. It is too optimistic to claim no downsides if the site draws militant activists like flies and you are unwilling to commit to stopping them.

This is a recent, 2010 build too. Pipes from the 60's often still have integrity, so this shows how they're already fucking up with build quality.

>all these Sup Forumstards btfo trying to rationalize away an oil spill


How does that corporate cock taste trumptards :)

Hippies are the worst.

Niggs will be niggs

Holy shit you fucking retards you just got fake news'd so hard. If you'd taken 2 seconds to look up the Des Moines article you would realize that the article is from July 24 and has nothing to do with the current pipeline spill.

Imagine if you mouthbreathing buffoons actually bothered to read past headlines instead of inhaling the propaganda so happily just because it adheres to your preconceived beliefs.

>They said their first incident of destruction involved burning at least five pieces of heavy equipment on the pipeline route in northwest Iowa's Buena Vista County.


>So what if something bad happened and people are effected? I WAS RIGHT XDDDDDDD
>This is SACRED LAND! *trashes it*
>We must defend the nation! *burns cities*
Reasons why no one takes the left seriously.

>When you waste 3 1/2 years out of a 4 year term trying to pass ONE (1) law but you're too retarded to try something else but it's okay because you're BASED BLACK MAN and anyone that disagrees is LE RACIST BIGOT XDDD

The lying media at it again

>Pushes for abortion because human life is precious
>Anti-white but calling everyone else racist
>Abortion kills more nigger babies every year than even black on black violence but LOL Black Lives Matter XDDD
>Be totally retarded lacking knowledge on any politics whatsoever outside of Marxism
>Claim it's everyone else that's ignorant
Hippies are beneath the worms in the dirt.

You're right but what does that say about them, not knowing how many gallons are in a barrel?

They always feel so strongly about things but almost always lack any basic knowledge outside of what the media tells them. It's fucking pathetic.

>hm who's more likely to lie, the person who lies with every other breath or a magazine with a near-flawless record of not lying
>must be the magazine

That was old section of the pipe, not the one donald approved

Not in the way you think, the Saudis are paying lefty activists to block our pipleines just like yours. So we have Saudi oil tankers supply the east coast, because we aren't allowed to build from the west coast.

You're retarded. The contaminants in a gallon of tapwater add up to more than a drop.

>You get cheaper gas because of preferential treatment for domestic markets?
Oh you don't because every gallon is always everywhere sold on the global market.

The nation gets more return and growth from the oil as the jobs that come with it create more jobs and production. Right now OPEC dictates oil costs, only because nations can't logistically supply their own.

>as the jobs that come with it create more jobs
Is anyone really this stupid? I must be misunderstanding you or something.

200 000 gallons is literally nothing

>July 24

>a magazine with a near-flawless record of not lying

Nigga what are you on?

Last year they did his photoshoot to vaguely look like Hitler's then wrote stories about it.


That's how the economy works. The resource sector creates the jobs in all the secondary, tertiary and Quaternary industries, as they grow to meet the needs of the primary resource sector.

We learned this in grade school nigga.

You're right but no one has replied to this

this also 200k gallons is tiny

That image is beyond retarded. The chairs look nothing alike. They aren't back to back. They're looking in different directions. Their hands are situated differently.

You really will see whatever you want, won't you?

Time and all major media outlets wrote stories on it...

July 24th

my god right wing retards are so fucking stupid

damn there were no oil spills under Obama especially not in Arkansas that you never heard of for some reason in 2013

That's a third of an Olympic Swimming pool.
The number is impressive, the result isn't.

Show me some numbers then.

You cite fake news to prove your point? Jesus christ

Couple of hours with a skid steer and a dump truck. No big deal really that’s not much oil

I thought the new pipeline was named Keystone XL.

Maybe Trump should learn to say what he means.

>implying we weren't inferencing based on previous information
kys retard

you are talking only about refined petrolium products.
what happened under obama is that the USD price against other currencies fell so much that we began importing a buttload of crude, we'd refine it then export the refined products. as such, you saw in your universe

>CNN: US producing more oil than it uses for the first time ever

this has nothing to do with crude production.