Putting the Judencap back on to Jews

Our ancestors in their infinite wisdom used to force all Jews to wear a ridiculous yellow bobble hat. This was so that everyone would know who the treacherous sub-humans were at a distance. Also it was funny. I'm proposing to bring this back for the lulz. Also because it could be a very funny way to let everyone know what all these perverts have in common.

One of the greatest features of the jew hat is that it looks a lot like the game pieces from Sorry. The memes write themselves.

Here's a few to get you started.

Interesting bits from kikipedia on Jew Hats:

>The Jewish hat also known as the Jewish cap, Judenhut (German) or Latin pilleus cornutus ("horned skullcap"), was a cone-shaped pointed hat, often white or yellow, worn by Jews in Medieval Europe and some of the islamic world. Initially worn by choice, its wearing was enforced in some places in Europe after the 1215 Fourth Council of the Lateran.

Fourth Council of the Lateran on Regulations relating to Jews and Muslims:

>Canon 67: Jews may not charge extortionate interest.

>Canons 68: Jews and Muslims shall wear a special dress to enable them to be distinguished from Christians so that no Christian shall come to marry them ignorant of who they are.

>Canon 69: Declares Jews disqualified from holding public offices, incorporating into ecclesiastical law a decree of the Holy Christian Empire.

>Canon 70: Takes measures to prevent converted Jews from returning to their former belief.

>In addition, it threatened excommunication to those who supplied ships, arms, and other war materials to the Saracens







do a more careful job in photoshopping . Its funnier if it looks real. Its worth the extra 20 minutes in photoshop if hundreds or thousands of people are going to look at your meme





oh my god that game makes so much more sense now. Thank you user!

More than u know.
Sorry is /ourboardgame/



I have the original game you posted, but have never noticed the six pointed star either. It's there, but I never made the connection.

good idea!


Another one of the pedo when he was just a lil kike


Funniest shit I've seen today. Based board game designer








This ones really good.

lol now include the Catholics. The percentage of Jews and Catholics on the supreme court does not match the population in the US. The percentage of protestants is very low in the supreme court compared to the population. trump appointed one to start to balance it out.


Typical IDF woman.

Make judenhut great again.


Better version