Why not just shoot them?

why do burgers have so many complicated and weird execution methods instead of just shooting people condemned to death? far cheaper and more humane


the cheapest and most humane is literally gassing them to death with nitrogen

It takes 10 minutes, they just fall asleep from lack of oxygen, suffer no debilitating pain during the process (it is 100% painless), and nitrogen makes up 70% of our atmosphere, you can just pull it straight out of the air.

No chemical cocktails, no wasted bullets. Reusable, economical, green.

Bullets are much more satisfying. I prefer a 9mm to the back of the head.

thats not cheaper than a headshot

Why do some people recommend helium over nitrogen? I want to get a nitrogen exit bag in case the happening happens for real, but everyone says get helium.

>have to pay the firing squad.
Nailed it.

>firing squad
literally one guy can do it, and he doesnt need more money because he's trained in handling specialized execution equipment

You'll sound funny and laugh before you die

Because retarded liberals think that there's a more "humane" way of extinguishing a life. I personally think dying of hypovolemic shock is dignified because you just feel the sharp pain of a few bullets, the hot feeling of blood leaving your cardiovascular system, the coldness of your skin, and then fainting. The trauma enough is a good way to forget about death, in contrast to the idea of being strapped to a table and given a cocktail of sedatives and nerve blockers.

But nitrous will give you a fun trip to go out on.

1. Long appeals process to reduce wrongful state executions.
2. Bleeding hearts in the EU have an embargo on the US to prevent their drugs being used in executions.
3. Bleeding hearts here moved to the EU and went bankrupt when they got saddled with the CoC paperwork.
4. Jews like this because it's about $20,000,000 per execution after all the lawyer/court fees are accounted for.
5. If a Jew wants someone dead, they can just hire a thug $5,000 though a cutout that costs $10,000.

Why would you want them to have a quick and painless death? Kind of defeats the entire purpose of the death penalty

>buying firearm
This isn't Asia where they put a round in the back of their skull and it's customary to tip you executioner with money tied around your ankle. They use squads to avoid remorse from being the one firing the lethal shot. In America they also sedate you which costs money.

Getting shot at the back of the head is a dishonourable death, getting shot in heart more honourable.

i wholeheartedly agree

no dancing around the subject or muh optics, you are killing someone, and you are killing someone to show others that they should not do what they did. Public hangings existed for a reason.

Purpose of death penalty is not to inflict pain on an individual (though many deserve to feel great pain) the purpose is to show and warn others.

Would want that for a child rapist murderer, to go out laughing in front of the family of the murdered child?

this sounds like the right solution
nitro's got my vote

the death penalty was not meant to be a please t death. mother fuckers should suffer more imo. if you want the cheapest route I would say a sharp knife to the neck would do the trick. walk out of the room and let them die. no cost at all.

Various phases of showcasing technological progress and instituting "humane" executions. IMO, lethal injection just eviscerates the the whole display of state authority.behind a duly sentenced execution.
We should just go back to hanging condemned criminals like our forefathers used to do.