Character who definitely have STD

Character who definitely have STD



You realize most STDs are treatable now.

Anime fucking when?

>You've never had herpes before

We all have herpes.

I don't. I am a pure anime girl.




Normalfags pls go

I like to rub my chlamydia infected dick on the toilet paper in public toilets then stuff it back up the holder

I am a virgin yet I caught herpes. Type II at that.

Chlamydia requires exchange of fluids not just skin contact.

Damn user. sucks. ive had the oral kind since elementary school dont remember when i got it. probably shared a drink with another kid or something.

Dick fluids leak onto paper, person wipes a little too hard with the paper

Is the BD's already complete?

how the fuck does that happen tho? hsv2 in genetal area without sexual intercourse>?

same, altho i havent had a sore in years

The doctor also had a expression of disbelief when I said that. The problem is I don't know. My best guess is that I sat on the floor of the gym's bathroom at my university after some quads workouts.