How to determine if you are a soyboy

Is your Ring Finger larger than your index finger when you spread your fingers out and close them? Then you have high testosterone

The opposite? Then you have low testosterone

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So does that mean you're fucked? It's not like my fingers are going to grow.

It's the 2D:4D theory. It determines to how much testosterone you were exposed to in the womb.

Sorry bud; looks like you are going to be a soyboy until you die
In all seriousness, it just determines if you were born with more or less testosterone. Obviously puberty changes that; even if you have low testosterone as a child you might not right now

my ring finger is almost as big as my ring finger

t.hairless manlet with a huge dick

i meant middle finger

Obviously, but thats irrelevant. How does it compare with your index finger

I have one of both. Makes sense.
I don't grow facial or body hair, but I grow muscle mass easily and I fuck hard.

Either that or I've broken my fingers too many times to tell.

Soja fan


Well, my ring finger is much smaller than my index finger, kind of expected.

>Is your Ring Finger larger than your index finger when you spread your fingers out and close them? Then you have high testosterone
You retard, who DOESN'T have that?


awww yeah lad we high test now, cant wait to hold my starbucks frappucino with my newly certified manly hands

Low t soyboys

You'd be surprised. Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it. ring and index fingers are basically the same size. Just the right amount of T!

>when you spread your fingers out and close them?

That’s low T, fag

gay men have bigger penises because of androgenic levels. wreck yourself. God made a way to have them come from extra fertile women so they could breed or help you breed more. so most people shit on it

Mine is noticeably longer, good.

Post rare Frankus

I guess i have high t

>index longer than ring when resting
>ring longer than index when stretched
>when measured ring is bigger

I've fucked a twink before. Does that make me gay?

that study is a common spook and has failed to produce any meaningful results when repeated
some repeats even said it meant the reverse instead

>t. soyboy

only if you believe cigars are dicks and pussies have teeth in them

what if they are aproximatgely equal length along with a full beard/excessive body hair?

hung to knees confirmed

can someone with longer index finger post theirs?


Seriously though you cannot escape the soy lechitin. It's in fucking everything, even in whole foods and shiet.

I very rarely consume soy product. I enjoy occasional miso soup. That's it. And fuck you miso soup is delicious and a great hangover cure.

i take the grail of seed. the variety of dick memes have been working out very well lately. why arent you smoking cigarettes and restoring penis skin

Soja fag

yeah. needs more estrogen

I do smoke cigarettes, faggot.

good. it's hilarious they put that it kills your boners on the package when it does the exact opposite

High test. dude here. Soyim BTFO

Nothing better than a smoke break in between COLONIZING negresses.

Why do americans depend so much on processed food? I buy everything fresh in my city market without any food company touch my supplies

Mine are the same length down to the millimeter. What do op?

One word.


No local farmer you can buy your food directly?

We have Trader Joes and Co Ops here in Oregon. Plenty of places to get local food from. But - most people are jewtube brainwashed into muh fluoride muh soy muh walmurt

What if they're the exact same size? Medium test?

Daily reminder that PJW is a soyboy

convenience was a mistake

Average test, yes.

>tfw when alpha master chaddington hightestbro

Like Michael Obama

Is Franku dead or what?

what is the 2d:4d theory?

Let me google that for you

I think the Filthy Frank show is over. He novelized it and decided to pursue his career as a rapper.