Why is it #1 in cable news?

Why is it #1 in cable news?


Because they get more viewers.

because theyre the only right wing cable news?


I guess Americans have brains

Because all other cable "news" outlets are hostile to anyone not Liberal. Their leftie globalist bias is blatantly obvious.

Even though Fox news has bias, it's not anywhere near the level of intentional social engineering cnn and MSNBC are

Because America is becoming increasingly right leaning and it's the only right leaning thing to watch on the entire programming block

depp if big

Literally the only cable news network that isn't screeching autism leftist.

Even then, they're still Zionist RINO cucks.

1 major conservative news outlet
4 major liberal news outlets

Basic market share logic


Liberal media jumped the shark with hilldog.

because their competition is cancer in an isis fighter fucking a goat in the hot desert sun.

The brain of government is governed by two halves of the brain the left hemisphere of the right hemisphere cable news is simply a scam to brainwash more Americans the left and right are both control propositions against one another.

It's simply an attempt to keep you idiots from thinking for yourselves you're either right or your left that is what they want you to think they never ever ever want you to ever think that you can be neither let alone research outside of the two Spectrum

#1 in cable news is like being #1 in trap porn. It’s niche and deranged. Even retard cable like Spike gets better numbers than cable news. YouTube unboxing videos get better numbers. What the fuck is there to brag about?

Because only 80 year old white people watch TV.


baby boomers

50% of the country is conservative.

50% of the country is liberal.

Literally a dozen mainstream liberal news stations. Only 1 conservative news station.

Fox #1 due to high concentration, liberal stations not #1 due to dilution.

The blacks would've blamed something else. Look at countries abroad; blacks demand reparations in all parts of the globe.

or they could have castrated them like the arabs did

you fool, every new station on american television is conservative.

They’re the most accurate channel
Not too much bullshit
Just watch Hannity, Tucker, and Ingram Angle if you want the truth