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You'll notice that they let people leave.


Amish aren't communist.
At all.

I hate communism. And capitalism is working well in Japan.
74% of Japanese say that they are satisfied with life.
Thanks Abe.

Those are Amish people, you moron.

So you're saying communism works in a religious setting where we generally reject modern tech?

not to meniton homogenuos

The argument calling the Amish anything like communistic is bad but even if valid it's outlining a small group that is only successful within the context of the United States tolerating and protecting them.

Communism has been shown to only work at small scale in homogeneous societies, this doesn't change that argument.

You confuse communism with community.

It doesn't work in the scope of an entire country.

So what you are saying is that amish are national socialist?

That's not communism, you twat.
They own property and believe in God.
What you are wrongly calling communism is ORTHODOXY.

That is a commune. Communism is attempting to apply that social structure to millions of people. This is a bit like trying to build a giant ant, it would just collapse because of its thin legs, which is why elephants have massive tree trunk legs.

Not real communism

In Amish country they are our version of Mexicans. As a contractor I have to constantly bidwar with the Amish. They also sell cheese, pickled foods and furniture. They are far from communist.

They also sell pies and brownies you fucking dolt.

It works in small communities and small communities only

>United States tolerating and protecting them
This exactly. Who pays for the U.S. military? Move these people next to ISIS controlled territory and see how well they make out on their own.

Reading your post reminds me. Of we can call the Amish commies. Communism works in a capitalist country while capitalism is punished in a commumist society. So go start your little commie Utopia and, leave the rest of the west alone.

they also expel degenerates from society

He who does not work does not eat.

>Muh cultural Marxism
Neocohen boomer, pls go

See a giraffe, you fucking retard. Terrible analogy.

It actually can work in small scales.
Check out Kibbutzim.

You're fucking delusional if you think they tolerated lazy cunts in any communist regime that ever existed.

I live in the midwest and I see alot of Amish. They still buy trucks to go to Home Depot and have no problem using our hospitals.

White people could survive in any economic system you put them in.

Oh, it's been working since the middle ages. Just two conditions have to be satisfies ... which are also responsible for communism failing miserably as a state ideology.

1) It must be voluntary for all members. Amish can leave their community once they are 17 or 18, so that makes it voluntary. Impose communism on a city or a state and it loses that property.
2) It works only if everybody knows what's best for all. If the group gets so big that not everybody knows everybody, that property is lost. Scientists say a group of up to but not exceeding 130 - 150 people is as big as it can get.

Then why where there so many bureaucrats?

breaking news: facebook owned by alt-right socialist

The Amish sell goods and services to each other and to the general public

Pretty sure those are quakers user.

Iiinteresting. Well played, spaghetti bro.

A giraffe weighs much less than an elephant and has proportionally much thicker legs than a scaled up ant would. This is because mass increases as the cube of height.

Or Mennonites. On the trade communities the bishop decides the rules. So some communities are allowed to use Western tech in the Western territory. I'm not trying to argue just adding to your post.

are you fucking stupid? There's almost no Quakers left, I can assure you that if you don't live in PA or NJ you've probably never met a Quaker in your life. There's probably two "Quaker" contractors in the whole country

>74% of Japanese say that they are satisfied with life.
*commits suicide*

Giraffes face a silent extinction... They suck. There are 7 to 10 times as many elephants as giraffes. Great point retard.

Don't forgot it only works if you give a shit. Apathy is the down fall of collectives

>American education

japan's suicide rate isn't even that high

The amount of brainlets ITT who think all communalism/collectivism = communism, and that communism and capitalism are the only two systems.

>Recognizing and praising a higher power and celebrating community vs. a godless political system

There's a significant difference. Communism really can never work btw

national socialism is literally a meme

>says the meme snake flag

Bolsheviks also did


Communists don't know what free market capitalism is.
Turns out most of them don't even know what communism is

Is there is any doubt left that anyone who calls themselves a communist is a grade A potato.

They are communal but they aren't marxist.

I think OP kinda has a point.
>communist but they don't force it on people
>don't go around preaching at people either
>have no issue with capitalism
>despite being vastly different, they love their American brethren
If all "Communists" were like this, no one would have a problem with it.

they aren't actual communists retard, they trade amongst themselves just like any other group

communism doesn't mean you can't trade with each other, you absolute retard. Stop listening to neocond.


yes it does you fucking idiot

actual marxists want to abolish all markets

>Extreme right wing, limited collectivism

Pick one.

I think the Amish argument could actually work in capitalism's favor. Small, racially homogeneous groups, in fact, can support a communist system. A leftist will squirm while their circuits overload trying to reconcile their anti-racist and communist views.

>Communism allowed space flight

>Communism has never been tried

yeah that's my point. Let the commies build their shithole communities, as long as it's small and not forced.

You're referring to modern Marxism, which did start the communist movement but it's not the only form of communism. Communist societies would still, in theory, trade with each other.

Yes, user. In specific conditions, namely an ethnically homogenous, all-White society where degenerates are swiftly removed, communism can indeed work. Join the right side and help bring about those conditions.

Communism only works with White people or at least that's what most Alt-Right people think.

This, which is why the Amish utilize the strong religion aspect. They also are very homogeneous.

>buy trucks
That's a mennonite, not the amish. Mennonites are fence riders between amish and modern day baptists.

>if you think they tolerated lazy cunts

This. To all those who are hoping for a UBI, you will be handed a broom and a dustpan and assigned your section of sidewalk to keep clean.

have an actual opinion nigger

There's people who honestly believe welfare niggers would be allowed to live under state enforced communism?

The amish expel you if you're a lazy shit, who refuses to work in the son 12 hours a day.


>Impose communism on a city or a state

We had communes. Voluntary organizations. Everyone works and shares equally the fruits of their collective labors. Religions, secular, whatever. You pick the flavor that appeals to you.

Why don't we see more of these popping up all over?



american wild west era before civil war was more communalist than capitalist. communalism allows small property.

amish aren't communists nigger, they actually do work

>1 post by this ID
>bait of massive proof
>Sup Forums eternally BTFO
>how will they ever recover

You're an ignorant faggot

Tribalism is not communism.

they are national socialists.

For Communism to actually WORK, requires a moral and ethical people (Christians) to give selflessly for the greater good.

The Hutterites, who arguably model their community on Communism and utilize Capitalism as a tool, bleed off their undesirable children the same way the Amish & Mennonite do.

Maybe people have to be inspired for a commitment as big as that.
I hear even the Israeli kibbutzim have introduced private property and a system were everybody earns and pays for his meals. There the commune idea seems to have been lost with the founding generations of the land.