It was getting towards the end of my shift in the emergency room and I struck up a conversation with this qt 3.14 Ethiopian girl who looks like pic related. There had been some chemistry in our interactions so I decided to hang out next to her and chat. She was on the computer and was reading an article about the British royalty and we started talking about all of that. I had thought that she was Indian because I'm a fucking burger and basically look at the world and ethnicities by continent and region rather than by country. She said she wanted to study history, even if just as a hobby and so I started sharing with her my fascination with world history as well, especially how warped American liberalism is when IT talks about history. Started talking about this book on slavery that I had read (Road To Disunion: 1776-1854 about the political make up of "the south" which I put in quotes as the book drives home again and again how there wasn't A south given its intense political diversity) and almost immediately she laughed and said that she thought it was funny how Americans were so obsessed about slavery when literally almost every culture did it (and how some still do). She went on to talk at length about Ethiopian history, especially its slavery and relationship to the colonial powers pre-20th century and I was absolutely floored. She talked about how her family had moved to Kenya and everyone was racist to her and that she just totally accepted it. She talked about how they had servants before they left because her mother was a travelling business woman and her father couldn't cook (he was a math and language teacher). They came to America to get away from the intense political unrest in Kenya which made them (a minority) feel even more at risk. After all of this I was just really stunned. (1/2)

In America, infecting our debate about race and heritage, is a deep ignorance on both sides. We only see color. We only see black, white, latino, arab, or asian. We do not see the countless cultures and countries of people that have a skin color that we simplify into one of the categories above. And learning about and acknowledging this reality - that we aren't different colors, we're different cultures; dozens even hundreds of cultures - is one of the fundamental transformations I've undergone here at Sup Forums. I no longer see myself as just a "white male", because white is not a fucking race. It's a skin color, nothing more. Russians and British people both have white skin, are they the same race? Fuck no! There is no such thing as THE white race. Which I realized is one of the things at the heart of my disgust with SJW's and their vague and meaningless anxieties: their complete ignorance of actual culture. They don't realize that the rest of the world is pretty fucking based and pretty fucking unapologetic about it.

Liberalism is a disease, but it has no greater incubator than America. For where else could you so flatly deny culture, deferring to pathetic broadstrokes about color for the world's peoples? Liberalism is a disease not just for it's countless economic miscalculations, but for it's fundamental misunderstanding of mankind. Are we equal? Yes. In a human value sort of way, where if you see a child beaten from another country you feel something. But are we THE SAME? Abso-fucking-lutely not. And it is that liberals can not accept. They see equality and sameness as one, and this leads them to countless errors.

These were just some thoughts, but I wanted to just end with how grateful I am for this board. They call us nazis when they don't even admit to different cultures, an absolutely genocidal perception. (2/2)



Ethiopians are niggers.
Same hair as niggers.
Same IQ
Same ugly faces.
Same barbarism.
Same number of rapes.
Different skulls.

>a tl;dr blog post

No I don't.

I only see content of character. No one is the same here.


So you see people based on their character? The world is made up of good people and bad people? There aren't different cultures?

>Flirting with niggers
you're either just looking for a root (degenerate) or think of her as potential relationship material (racemixing i.e. degenerate)

you seppo cunts need to sort yourselves out, no wonder your demographics are fucked


Stupidity, ignorance

Lemme guess, you're "white"
Who are your ancestors boomer?

Culture is less important than personality and predisposition, yes.

It's a paradoxical relationship, but the latter influences the former more than vice-versa.

People tend to get stuck in routines (often times negative) though, trying to conform to what they see as normative.

No I was stoked to meet someone who saw the races as fundamentally different. Was amazed to see a nigger talk about the jews irl. Was amazed that ethiopians had more history than just famine.
big word for someone whose founding fathers were fucking human trash and sodomites from england


Yeah, because 90% of your country consists of illiterate rednecks. You're elite is quite smart compared to that of other countries, but the average American barely knows in which state he lives. Like when an American rapper travelled to Africa and wondered why people there don't live the typical nigger culture or when alt righters claim that there is a "European ethnicity".

>latter influences the former more than vice-versa
I think that's a really interesting point. Culture being not the traditions of a people but their behavior.

I know. Oh god how I know. I'm looking into my genealogy and once I have it down solid I'm moving to my blood country (so far as I've seen, Ireland). America is so, so, so, SO fucked. Economically, politically, psychosocially, racially, culturally....fuck!

Haha silly Americans don't know this. Kek you guys truly are stupid. There are genetic differences between races, including skin color. Most of these races come from different parts of the world. These places have their own culture and history which have gone numerous changes and resurrections.
In our current age travel and communication has been easier than ever between cultures. We currently are in a cultural crisis because of all the (im)migration and the digital sphere. Things will change.

America's crisis is that is HAS no culture that is inherent in the blood. The only "Americans" in this land are natives. The rest are European mutts and mongrels. Our crisis is one of identity because we live in a place that does not feel as home in our blood, the same goes for our culture. We have all of this infighting and turbulence because we fundamentally are not brothers and sisters by blood and culture.

You have a culture, a culture of big cars, guns, fast food, Hollywood, capitalism, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, rednecks, big shopping malls, tv, American football, NASCAR, monster trucks, etc.

For sure, but are we a people by blood?

No not yet, if you keep mixing it up you will be. So close your borders and start breeding.

>It's almost as if there's a strong correlation between how dark and how violent/low IQ you are.

Wew Lad

Are you saying we should racemix?

Yes become the mutt your destined to be. Mutt isn't just a meme it's a prediction.


You can't have an enormous nation of drone slaves to the pharmaceutical industry that created a homogenous standard of beauty if the people have a culture to look back on

>Pharmaceutical & cosmetic*

i work with a lot of Ethiopians and they hate US blacks more than i do

Too long to read. Did you give her your BWC?

I had a nigger beast woman strike up a conversation with me on british royalty a few years ago when prince george was shat out. I didn't give a single damn, I was in the same location to use the printer as I didn't have one in my apartment.

I bought a printer later that day. Who cares and fuck niggers.

No, and honestly didn't really want to. I just wanted to talk to her a bunch and share all my views that have been growing since coming on Sup Forums. the tldr is she was pretty based and gave me faith that the world is based and culturally and historically intelligent. All except for liberals, especially the American breed

This is what was supposed to happen, but not racemix between races, but between european ethnicities. We were well onto our way before the 1965 immigration bill. Slowly but surely independant european identities were being erased in favor of a common "american" ethnicity that was still 100% european (or nearly). The term for this is called ethnogenisis, or the beginning of a new ethnicity.

This has happened thousands of times in the past. Europeans, as much as they like to larp of their purity are no different. Take the so-called "germans" for example. I love them, don't get me wrong, but a "german" is about as definable as an "american" was in 1965. The germans are an ethnogensis of many tribes of europe, some even slavic, other celtic, other nordic, latin, central and southern germanic, etc others a mix. In the end they blanda upp and made "german", that is their ethnogensis.

Inter-european ethnogensisis are fine and happened all the time. The problem is, when you actually mix beyond races, then you create 56% faces. Or like 70% faces in case of southern meds

You sound like a liberal faggot from Tel Aviv. She is just a statistical outlier on the bell curve, destined to rule over her inferior nigger countrymen.

>"german" is about as definable as an "american" was in 1965. The germans are an ethnogensis of many tribes of europe, some slavic, other celtic, other nordic, latin,

This guy gets it!!
im actually surprised there is American with real knowledge instead of regular WE WUZ KANGS or Germania Empire kind of guy.
Tho the map you presented is inaccurate.
at the map attached you will see the lausitz culture area. * it doesn't mean there was no nordic influence because there was. an example is tollensee river battle.

niggers > the jew

Children often inherit their father's features more so than the mother.

If you are an aesthetically handsome looking dad, your children will come out looking similar even if you impregnate the ugliest woman on earth.

>Was amazed that ethiopians had more history than just famine.
you're going to criticize other people's understandings of history when you didn't know something as basic as that? fuck off filthy oil digger

It's true, and yeah I'm pretty ashamed of it. But honestly see it as not only my personal shortcoming but of these country's conditioning in general. In America, Africa = American slavery victims, child soldiers, diamonds, famine, and disease. Haven't you been to the movies or out in this society at all?


>americans only see skin color
we are a rainbow


stay mad fatty.

>stay mad fatty

The same could be said of americans.

You have spread your nigger culture all over the world.

How do obese nerds compete?

>How do obese nerds compete?

Also, what OP is saying is complete true.

When an America claims he's 'White,' he is speaking only of skin color. He hasn't in mind anything regarding his English roots or Germans roots of Greek roots. He does not think of Europe. He does not think of the greatest of Western civilization. For the most part, America is a rootless, liberal, individualistic, profiteering cesspool. Thus, being 'White' is just a matter of color -- nothing substantial. Couple that with the America's narrow understanding of history, according to which America is the focal point of things that have ever happened and will happen, and you have the most formless, disordered, disconnected, chaotic view of the world and all that came before us at any time in history.

The America is dangerous.

no thanks