Tfw we're going to be left alone against ivan again

>tfw we're going to be left alone against ivan again

You gonna have the EU army bro. No worries.

>tfw the millisiemens conductivity is so low in my soil that groundwave reflection is nearly impossible for long distance communication and I can't disseminate Radio Free Finland during the upcoming invasion.

eu is an enemy just like russia, they just rot the country from within instead of military hostility

What a pussy. My girlfriend is from Stavanger and had to serve. You can still claim to be a faggot conscientious objector though.

>girlfriend served in the army
you are 100% cucked, all women in the army are turbosluts. it is known

I'm telling people, conservatives will not want to fight for the new liberal diverse countries and liberals and non whites just want gibs. On top of that all, both are pampered. If the first world goes to war with China it will only be won through tech. If manpower becomes a significant factor, we lose.

>eu is an enemy just like russia
I know bro.

Germans armed with broomsticks

How can he get to that age and NOT know service is mandatory?

if you believe in something but arent prepared to fight for it, then you dont believe in shit

Why would a swede go in the norwegian army?

>not happy about this


Maybe Norwegians will be alongside Russian troops and not fighting them. That seems more likely. Looks like Norway is about to help cleanse the bad Muzzies from Scandinavia and points south anyway.

Don't worry, The Brits will come to the aid with their trigger trainers.

Like I posted before. You are a pussy and a faggot who hasn’t had pussy since pussy had you.

Because he now lives in norway since his countrymen ruined his nation.

If Euro army women are even 1/10th as bad as American army women user's gf has had 40 dicks in her at least.


Stay mad cuck

Norwegian here.

The conscription process is done in two parts.

First part: You answer questions about your mental and health situation. If you're ok, you move on to part two.

Part two: If your health is alright, you get called in to do physical tests, IQ tests, and a interview with an officer. Here is where "Peter Sweden" failed. He could simply tell him that he wasn't "motivated", and they wouldn't bother interviewing him.

Only approx. 10-15% of every male/female at age 19, gets called in to do conscription. I was one of them, it was a great year after 13 years at school.

Being anti-war means being against imperialistic wars not pacifism.

So? Just do what has usually worked for you, Siege their cities and then appear to retreat so they give chase, and then spread their forces out and pick them off with your superior horse archery.

If you had actually given a fuck about about helping to take Leningrad or Murmansk instead of just getting back what was yours and then doing the absolute minimum in hopes of not making anyone mad then maybe you wouldn't have just put off the Russki rape a few decades.

Say your back hurts. You're out.

Norway has Conscription?
Ohh in preparation for Sweden's collapse

>Fighting for the army which is owned by the filth that is killing us and replacing us in our nations.

Can you seriously tell me with a straight face that you are fighting for your people? You are fighting, or supporting the Americans, which in turn are bitches to the Israelis.

The armed forces are fighting for the enemy. The globalists.

>Every casualty is an only child.
Beijing has human resource problems of their own.
The EU army is a meme, it will never get off the ground outside of fake news set pieces.
I'm sure the bureaucracy side of things will be born pregnant though.

Wish we had conscription

I mean It would teach you how to fight in preparation for when the inevitable Islamic takeover happens in Europe

The army doesnt really teach you how to fight.

Going to a Brazilian Ju-jitzu class and taking some boxing lessons combined with some gun range will make you more experienced than most the guys that are in the conscription-part of the army.