Zizek: AltRight and BernieBros should Band Together to Fight Global Capitalism


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>The second conclusion is that class struggle is less and less directly transposed into the struggle between political parties, and more and more a struggle which takes place within each big political party.

In the US, class struggle cuts across the Republican Party (the Party establishment versus Bannon-like populists) and across the Democratic Party (the Clinton wing versus the Sanders movement).

We should, of course, never forget that Bannon is the beacon of the alt-right while Clinton supports many progressive causes like fights against racism and sexism. However, at the same time we should never forget that the LGBT+ struggle can also be coopted by the mainstream liberalism against “class essentialism” of the left.

The third conclusion thus concerns the left’s strategy in this complex situation. While any pact between Sanders and Bannon is excluded for obvious reasons, a key element of the left’s strategy should be to ruthlessly exploit division in the enemy camp and fight for Bannon followers.

To cut a long story short, there is no victory of the left without the broad alliance of all anti-establishment forces. One should never forget that our true enemy is the global capitalist establishment and not the new populist right which is merely a reaction to its impasses.

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ah, fucked up the OP. oh well.

Everything past the > should be greentext

left has to drop fag rights. they are diametrically opposed to worker rights

I agree fag rights are bad but it isnt the first demand I'd have...

Also “muh immigrant rights”. You can’t claim to be representing the working class when you are pro-uncontrolled immigration which brings in people from the third world who either live off gibs or decrease the minimum wage for various jobs.

Fuck this nigger communist.

I hope someone puts him out of his filthy misery.

He is correct

Nazbol gang will save humanity

>Trump is anti-capitalist
>three ex-Goldman Sachs were nominated for cabinet positions
>Wilbur Ross is a champion of the people

>the youth aren’t buying communism
>let’s switch to fascism

>thinks capitalism doesn't benefit jews more than any other system
No system has benefited Jews as much as Anglo-American capitalism.


once the Berniebros come over, that's it. We fucking win.

I like Zizek
He might be a dirty fucking commie but he has a certain way of explaining his ideas that I just like, man

Intelligent man.

too bad most commies are brainwashed anti white niggers to fight for neoliberalism

>yes goyim the answer is communism

Where did I say that?

I agree but it will never happen

Are you retarded?

>what is Bolshevism

my man zizek sees the big picture

nobody wants the capitalism of today except for bankers


>fag rights
complete irrelevant, they are like 1% of the population
racial demographics and immigration is what matters

Bolshevism has nowhere near as much benefited the Jews as much as capitalism. Jews supported communism because it was supposed to breakdown collective identities, like religious and ethnic identities, which would be good for Jews (they won't get shoad or kicked out). Capitalism, especially the super individualist American variety, has broken down collective identities better than any other system, making easy for Jews to fit and thrive.

Most Jews in leadership positions were killed by Stalin and Stalin became hostile to Israel because the Jews sided with America. Jews practically rule America without any hostility. No country in the history of the earth has been as good for the Jews as America. America is perfect for Jews. By your own nature you are all individualists and have no collective identities. Beyond being 'American'.

I been saying it for a while



essential zizek kino

And this right here is why intelligent people classify fascism and communism as kissing cousins. The horseshoe theory of the left right spectrum is intesely denied by both commies and fascists but its only because they subconsciously understand that they are not fiametric opposites but rather close competitors.

OP, here is my counteroffer: fuck you and die. Socialism in general and communism in particular are a failure and a cancer to human civilization. I freely bundle fascism in with that statement. Do not appeal to the political right to save your hopeless lost cause. Capitalism is human nature. No, it is a law of biology. Even anarchist ot communist sysytems simply rebrand capitalist principles under different terminology. Capitalism is not the enemy and you could not kill it if every government and political party on Earth joined forces to fight it. The capitalist boogeyman is just a stand in for jealous weak people or power hungry tyrants. The real enemy in both cases is their fellow man. The anti capitalist uses the language of struggle to justify stealing from and opressing humanity en masse.
Rather than demand an end to capitalism, resolve yourself to embracimg a morally guided capitalist society where people place their faith in God and not the state and where free people engage in charity as opposed to confiscatory taxation. This is the only real utopia available to mankind.

He's right. International finance is a common enemy that both sides have been ignoring for far too long.

>not this

Underrated post.

I agree with him. Been thinking about this a lot actually. Essentially this would put a lot of pressure onto the 0.1%. We know the 0.1% is like 75% full of Zionists so I don't mind.

Why would anyone want to end Capitalism? Fucking socialist shits.

Antisemitism in Russia predates Marxism by over a thousand years.

How is marriage equality at all tied to, or opposed to, worker safety, like OSHA, or living wages, or pension security? Pure strawman bullshit.

Because tariffs are pro capitalist

Because most of the elites are kikes.

Leave JRR Tolkien out of this.

It's tariffs or it's taxes. Pick one.

>work for wall st
>see poor fags like you whine about being broke
feels good tbqh famalam

>AltRight and BernieBros should Band Together to Fight Global Capitalism

So much this.
I will never see eye to eye with the left because of their retarded view on immigration.

Are you fucking high?
Gates, Buffett, Musk, Waltons, Ellison, Putin, the Sheiks ... Not Jews.

And even if it was true, how does that invalidate the system? Just work hard and achieve.

Why should you be entitled to just get stuff?

Yeah, I can't wait to team up with these people.

What exactly is your point? Russia before early Marxism had strong collective identities, especially religious ones. Obviously that will not end well for Jews.

>retarded faggot doesn't understand what a fucking alliance is.

Do you think the axis powers were globalist as well? Fucking kill yourself.

Fuck off capitalist dog. It's a broken system and needs to be demolished. RIght now duct tape is keeping it together.

>Rather than demand an end to capitalism, resolve yourself to embracimg a morally guided capitalist society where people place their faith in God and not the state and where free people engage in charity as opposed to confiscatory taxation.

Fucking imaginationland talk there. That 'solution' has literally never, ever existed on Earth.

Charity is evil and irrational. Capitalism is about taking all you can by any means short of violence. Get Rand, get red-pilled, get money.

>uhm communism is bayyd mkay? amirite guys?
Why can't people speak about it here rationally? It's like the holohoax of the right

I wonder how many got alexas joke...

My point was that the guy I was quoting grossly oversimplified Jewish persecution by the Bolsheviks.

Blablablablabla bla blalabla
Blablabla blablabla

>left has to drop fag rights. they are diametrically opposed to worker rights

Yeah, Cesar Chavez's group in the 60s worked to put an end to the Braceros Program that gave incentives to foreign farmers and they would patrol the border to catch and turn back illegals. They knew that the end result of importing cheap foreign labor was the fucking over of the American worker and the exploitation of the foreign one.

Strong borders really only became a controversial issue during Dubya's presidency. Why? Pic related. Immigration (that's just legal immigration mind you) has exploded over the last 25 years. The Democrats hand out gibs like candy, these immigrants come in and live off of the gibs thus becoming a drain on society. Because they get money for doing nothing they vote for the party that gives them money: Democrats. California was a reliably red state until the explosion of Mexicans and Central Americans in the last 25 years.

Business wants open borders and lax immigration laws because that way they don't have to pay someone who no haba ingles shit like they would an American. The Democrats want open borders and lax immigration laws so they can turn states permanently blue. You saw this during Obama's Presidency where muslims were dropped into states like Idaho but also the policies that forced states like Idaho who were basically deemd too white to take what amounted to black refugees from Chicago, all done in an effort to make red states purple and purple states blue.

Anyone who advocates for open borders is straight up evil and hates both the United States and its citizens and should be hanged as a traitor.

Back to Sup Forumseddit with you, halfwit. Capitalism gave us the cotton gin, mechanical refrigeration, telegraph, telephone, radio, television, and this here internet. Communism gave us gulags, bread lines, torture, false rewritings of history, genocides, race-purification campaigns, assassinations, human trafficking...

The moral man picks the one with less abject suffering. Capitalism.

Charity these days is just a way to avoid taxes. Look at Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Clinton Foundation etc. for proofs. For every legit charity organisation there are like 50 bad ones. Non-profit doesn't actually mean they don't seek to make money.

Charity is a directive from out God and creator. But charity is voluntary because our Creator gave us free will. Don't invoke Rand. She was collecting medicare and medical when she died.
A morally guided capitalism exists in the hearts of most decent people. It begins with the fundamental law that God helps those who help themselves and that hard work and personal discipline have always been virtues.


This is the most fucking /r/the_donald post I've ever seen on here.

Get the fuck off this board.

This would literally be national socialism


I won't say capitalism hasn't been useful but it is not the right way to go about our future. It's main purpose is to increase capital gain and unsustained growth. Our planet only has limited resources. The only way for capitalism to work is if our technology can progress the same rate as the growth needed to sustain society, and sooner or later science will hit a roadblock. When that happens expect chaos and famine.

t. boomer
go suck some zombie reagan dick elsewhere

They all give away far in excess of their deductibility, to causes like fighting disease in other parts of the world. They're stupid, because all that sickness and death is a ripe market for the pharmaceuticals to make a huge fortune from. They sickeningly undermine capitalism with charity, and they teach those cultures to rely on outside aid instead of finding their own way to earn health and wealth and peace.

It's all terrible when anything but rational self-interest rules. We much crush religion, which teaches false ideals like hope, kindness and love, and work on a purely greed and taking based worldview.

>Charity is a directive from out God and creator.

Religious cuck. Obvious communism monster.

Learn science. Evolution is all there ever was.

Left needs to drop, gay rights, ~80% of feminism, immigrant rights, criminal rights (except due process). Then I could see us coming to an agreement with them on economics, environment, and healthcare

Capitalism has also made you a 56% white soulless shopping mall with degeneracy surpassing Sodom and Gomorrah.

And Atheism as an advocated policy as well

Suck my dick.

/r/The_Donald IS Sup Forums. You fucking leftist cucks are who does not belong.

When Donald is Emperor, all will be well and you will be exiled.

>Atheism as an advocated policy as well
where the fuck are you living?

The left is literally THE new religious partya and not just because they are Islamophiles.

And yet you cant give me an alternative. You cant claim socialism has been a success in your countey because if that were true you would be a self contained sysytem and you would not need to import immigrants to prop the system up.

Putting them through a 4-week boot camp seems like fun.

I believe in both God and evolution.

>Capitalism is human nature.

Its basicaly not true. ppl live in COMMUNITIES for thousands years. Your fucking family is communism model.

>plebbit spacing
>is a mentally ill (((fedora)))
go kys kike faggot

Resources are infinite, don't be daft. We can dig deeper, melt more ice, and have clean water and new resources for millenia. And if you can't pay for it, you'll die. Work harder or perish. It's the only way forward.

What you offer is destructive to human will, progress and futures, because you remove all motivation to make things better. Why do anything if it's all handed to you? I have no reason to work then. Teachers won't teach. Doctors won't heal. Entertainers won't entertain. We will all have protein bars made of reconstituted shit and mold or algae, issued in calorie amounts we are told to accept, and we all sit on benches staring at walls. Fuck that bleak future of being alive but not living.

Communism is pure destruction of the human being.

fuck bernouts
you think bernouts are going to do anything other than letting niggers steal the stage

How did they exchange goods and services in those communities? Each from their means, each to their needs? Or did they trade for what they needed? Think, nigger, think.

Reagan made peace with commies, he was pure evil. That mistake let others think that when their communism fails, others will save them, bail them out.

>We much crush religion, which teaches false ideals like hope, kindness and love, and work on a purely greed and taking based worldview.
I feel only good education and information can do that too people. By learning the future generations about self-critical thinking and being rational to question authorithy can we bring about a better future. Only then will the last religions and greedy corporations fall.


this is actually my main critique, but they do have institutional and cultural pull (for some reason) and we can use some of that, as good as Sup Forums is

you misspelled immigration there user

Then you're mentally ill. Back to plebbit you go.

We already knew Kantbot is just a sockpuppet of Zizek.

Do you trade in your family? Or its "Each from their means, each to their needs"?

Donald Trump is a kind of last chance for capitalism in America to prove it can work. They already laid strong, multi-decades marxist revolutionary foundations in media, entertainment, education, etc during their long march. It can sink or swim. Which is why its so disheartening to see the biggest corporatists push to tear down Trump, by any means, legitimate or fantastical, in order to almost cement the coming american mass starvation and purge.

i did

At least it has enough reddit spacing in it so it's readable

You wish, faggot. kys, obvious russian plant.

He made peace with commies and then destroyed them. You suck at this.

We are not socialists more like social democracy. I don't know in detail Bernie Sanders politics but maybe he would be closest to it if you compare it to other US politicians.

>Rather than demand an end to capitalism, resolve yourself to embracimg a morally guided capitalist society where people place their faith in God and not the state and where free people engage in charity as opposed to confiscatory taxation.
You're a delusional idealist. You fail to realise that morality is a reflection of the economic system and power structure of society. Christianity is a dying religion in the West precisely because it's useless for capitalism and useless for our rulers. There are far better ways to keep the plebs in line now than religion. Basically, you don't understand how the world works.

Slavoj is once again revealing his power level

labeled mostly completely incorrectly

I have literally never had a plebbit account yet I have been here since 2006. My way of thinking is the future. Either embrace it through enlightened Christianity or brutish Islam. Your only other option is extinction.

>hurr fag rights

This is why it will never happen.

You have the tards on the right who want to beat up fags and ethnically cleanse entire nations; and the people on the left who complain that there need to be 106 official genders and the people who do not use your preferred pronouns at any given moment need to be gassed.

Politics is not about getting everything you want, it as about making small compromises to accomplish the most important things.

>I feel only good education and information can do that too people.
You advocate for Communism, which cannot allow for good education and free flow of information or it perishes.

But the commie famines were the ones that affected white people

I dont understand your question. The each from his means quote is from Marx. I would think an anti capitalist would know that. My statement points out how even ancient prehistoric communities uses capitalism as their fundamental basis of society.

Ending Jewish credit-debt slavery system =/= ending capitalism
everything that is currently handled by the private sector should remain in the private sector EXCEPT for banking of any kind which should be nationalized post haste and all stockholders and senior officials shot for treason
>inb4 six gorrilion shills call me a communist

how about they just donate all their money to us and then fuck off
that's the only thing I would ever agree to
bernouts are leader is a civil rights activities that hates whites