He's never coming back guys. We're destined to live in this doomed world our recent ancestors created...

He's never coming back guys. We're destined to live in this doomed world our recent ancestors created, I feel there is no hope. I constantly feel a dull emptiness when I contemplate what could have been. I've given up.

Swedish """scientists" confirm
>dead people don't come back to life

look bro, i get it, sweden makes you feel hopeless
BUT look on the bright side
Im okay
over in my country Im okay
isn't that good for you?

Then go kys.
The future of the white race doesn't need pedantic and easily depressed faggots like you sullying the genepool.


Go rouge in no-go zones, the police wont follow you there and you can do whatever you like

Be the he you want to see and find the other hes.

Better to die fighting on your feet than on your knees. Grow a pair you fag. You're descended from the Vikings.

Why would wearing a bright red colour help against muzzies and niggers? Are you mistaking them with bulls due to wanting them to pound your wife so much you think they are interchangeable in every other way?

I have arrived at this same position. I have taken a Gandhi position of non-cooperation. Why should I do what the jews want me too? Fuck'em! If I have to live in this shitty situation, I refuse to participate.

>t. Amerimutt

You’re right, but don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened


what do you call this??

Check out the movie "Look who's back" for some catharsis.

It's on Goyflix. Really amazing movie that backfired on leftists. Everyone in Germany loved the guy acting like Hitler in public, and would open up to him and talk about how fearful they are for Germanys future.

Hitler blamed the German people for losing, they didn't want it hard enough and he said they deserve whatever fate they receive

Read everything you can about the weimar republic, then realize history is cyclical and the pendulum is swinging our way.
This time we have the communication structure necessary to end it for good.

hitler is for newfags

people still wank over him though

just move and make a new movement, nat soc is too far gone and you'll never get any support for it time to move one lad ok

I know how that feels, I was in NMR and everything. But then I sort of realized that its all pointless, the dream was lost on April 30 1945. There's no turning back.

Hitler's spirit resides within every single European man, woman, and child. It's time we begin acting like it.