
I wasn't here the past couple of weeks, but I remember people saying there was a LN about Rukia and Renji's wedding coming out this month. Are the raws available yet? Is anyone translating it?

Other urls found in this thread:瀞霊廷通信ご成婚朽木ルキア嬢

I've only seen the first chapter so far.

No, it's out on 27 Dec.
But they released the first chapter as sample and it's been translated.

Is it safe to assume that this person will translate the rest of the novel when it comes out?

It's quite a long novel so who knows.

Earlier today I went to the mall and I saw this fat black chick wearing a custom "refuse to sink" t-shirt with IchiRuki printed on it.

I wish I could have gotten a picture of it. It was hilarious and cringy.

Are there any pics of that promotional newspaper that was released?



朽木ルキア嬢 阿散井恋次氏

The Seireitei Communication


Miss Kuchiki Rukia (the heart in between) Mr Abarai Renji

The novel will also include the relationship between Ichigo and Orihime.

That's pretty fucking nice. Wonder what the comments from the other captains say.

>Congratulatory words from everyone in Gotei 13 at the shocking news!!

>Byakuya: I see... understood
>this is congratulatory

He's shook that his sister is finally getting hitched.

What did Shunsui say?

Who looks exactly like his late wife, no less. I wonder if he'll remember his own wedding with Hisana during the ceremony.

>Congratulations. Man, this is nice, it's been a while since we had something like this.

This novel is the story about Renji and Rukia’s engagement and SS’s congratulations.

This novel also includes Ichigo and Orihime’s relationship.

This novel is with Kubo Tite’s complete supervision(完全監修).

Full info on Jump Fiesta's RenRuki newspaper here:瀞霊廷通信ご成婚朽木ルキア嬢

Holy shit, Ichihime too? IRfags BTFO once again.

>complete supervision
What this means is that he wearily skimmed through the manuscript and said "looks good" before returning to Dragon Quest X.

>Rangiku: You better have a ceremony!
>Hinamori: I also want you two to have a wedding ceremony...!
>Lisa: Congrats... so Rangiku asked if I could get her a pearl hair accessory from the Human World before the ceremony, anyone else want anything?
>Kensei: Quit shilling at the Commander's Meeting, Lisa! Anyway Shuuhei really wants to do a special feature of your wedding in the Seireitei Communication. If you don't like that, now's the time to tell him.
>Hisagi: Let me do it! Please...!!
Where the fuck is Kira

>no comment from Toshiro
It's like they don't even want this shit to sell.

>What this means is that he wearily skimmed through the manuscript and said "looks good" before returning to Dragon Quest X.
I like to think he was a bit involved. He's done with Bleach, and only has to draw the illustrations for the novel.

Rukia's wedding being written about is more than enough to sell.


I hope we we get to read about Orihime calling Ichigo by his first name.

The second chapter was released apparently. It mentions Yhwach, the SK, and the Zero division.

>the Zero division
Please tell me they all died and got replaced by Urahara, Yoruichi, Isshin and Ryuken.

congrats to the newlyweds

Thanks for the translation.
Is this true?

Not sure if it's even true since there's nothing on the J-book twitter, unless someone got the novel early which I highly doubt.

Does it mention Aizen?

I don't know, I'm OP and simply going off the info posted ITT.

Those lines sound like reactions in the meeting after Rukia & Renji spill the beans.

If my guess above is right, Kira's not there because at the same time he's giving that lecture in the academy.

Nice, but Keigo ruins it a bit.

paste text or gtfo

What is Ichigo saying?





「これが見えないかね? 吉良副隊長」


 二人が近況を語り合っていると、開け放たれた窓の外から、黒髪の女が飛びこんできた。頭の動きに合わせて 、つややかなポニーテールが揺れる。







 三番隊隊長・鳳橋楼ろう十じゆ郎うろうは音楽への造ぞう詣けいが深く、楽曲鑑かん賞しようだけでなく、楽 器を演奏することも愉たのしみとしている。夜一が四楓院家の当主を務つとめていた時分、楼十郎が現世から持 ちこんだ楽器の修理や調整を四楓院家の雅が楽がく隊に依頼していたこともあり、二人は旧知の間あい柄だがら であった。年に一度か二度、夜一は現世の土産みやげをたずさえ三番隊の執しつ務む室を訪れる。その際何度か 言葉を交かわしたため、イヅルとも面識があるのだった。

theres a lot




 三番隊には、隊たい首しゆ室はもちろん執務室にも多くの楽器が並べ置かれ、楼十郎の気分次し第だいで職務 中でもおかまいなしに演奏が始まる。最初こそとがめていたイヅルだったが、演奏後は仕事の効率がぐんと上が ることに気づいて以降、それを黙認しているのだった。

「大目に見てやれ! 彼奴きやつから楽器を取り上げたら、なーんにも残らんからの!」


 夜一は涼しい顔で、厳兒のたしなめるような視線を無視する。この二人もうまくやっているらしい、とイヅル は内心でほほ笑えんだ。

「ところで……講師の仕事はいかがですか? 四楓院先生」

「はっ! 若造がからかいよって……」





「ああ、其そ奴やつは九番隊に入れてやれ。白はく打だの才は乏とぼしいが、利発じゃし、書き物をするのが趣 味なんじゃと」







「そんな滅めつ相そうもない……! ただ、お引き受けになる際に四楓院さんが心底面倒そうな顔をしていた、 と隊長から聞いていたので……」


「四楓院先生……学院生の前では言わないでくださいよ? そういうこと」


「儂は天才じゃから凡人への指導法なぞわからんと言ったんじゃがのぅ……半月に一度の特別講師を引き受ける か、復隊して八番隊の隊長になるかと言われては、此方こちらを引き受けるほかなかろう」

 復隊を拒否するのであれば、隔週で五、六回生に白打・歩法の講義を行うこと。それが京きよ楽うらく総隊長 から夜一へのお達しだった。

「四楓院さんほどの人材を遊ばせておくわけにはいかなかったんでしょう……各隊最低一名は霊術院講師を選出 するように、と全隊に指令が下ったくらいですから」



 霊れい圧あつが多く集まっていたせいか、寮には見えざる帝国ヴアンデンライヒの雑ぞうひ兵よう・聖ゾルダ 兵ートの攻撃が集中し、学院生たちの眼前で講師陣による決死の防衛戦が繰くり広ひろげられた。講師は皆席せ き官かん経験者で手て練だれぞろいだったが、それでも数的優位をくつがえすのは難しく、一人また一人とその 命を散らせていった。



 踏み倒した聖兵ゾルダートの上でビシッとポーズを決めたのは、九番隊〝スーパー〟副隊長・久ク南ナ白まし ろだった。
 九番隊隊長・六むぐ車るま拳けん西せいは、星十字騎士団シユテルンリツターを迎え撃つべく出陣する際、白 の随ずい行こうを許さなかった。

「やーだー! あたしも行く! しゅーへーだけ連れてくなんてズルっこじゃん! ズルズルズルズル~~~! 」

 当然、白は地面を転げ回って反発した。普段であればうるせえと一いつ喝かつする場面だったが、拳西は膝を 折り、白と視線を合わせて言った。





【SUPER 9】の刻印が日没間ま際ぎわの光を受け、赤くきらめいた。

 虚ホロウ化かした白の働きで学院生は護られたが、講師の数は三分の一以下にまで減ってしまい、死神の育成 が急務の今、その補充は最重要課題と言っても過か言ごんではなかった。




 黒くろ崎さき一いち護ごがユーハバッハに勝利した後のち、その亡なき骸がらは零ゼロ番ばん隊たい隊士の手 で霊れい王おう宮きゆうへと運ばれた。死してなお莫ばく大だいな霊力の宿る遺い骸がいに何百もの結けつ界か いを張はり巡めぐらせ、それを新あらたな楔くさびとして霊王大だい内だい裏りへ納めることで、世界は崩ほう 壊かいを免まぬがれた。

 霊王の崩ほう御ぎよも、今この世界を繋つなぎ留とめているのが大戦の首しゆ謀ぼう者しやであることも伏ふ せられ、見えざる帝国ヴアンデンライヒによる一連の侵攻戦争には〝霊王護神大戦〟という名が付 けられた。

「霊王宮は守護され、霊王は弑しいされなかった……学院生にそう教えているとさ、俺たちが学んだ歴史の中に もこんな風ふうに改かい竄ざんされたものがあったんだろうなぁ、と思うよ」



そうつぶやいた夜一の瞳ひとみが、わずかに憂うれいを帯おびた。彼女がかつて反逆者と見なされ尸魂ソウル ・ソサ界エテイを追われた身であることに思い至り、二人は黙りこむ。

「揃そろって辛しん気き臭くさい顔をするな! 別に儂はなんとも……」


「学院長先生ー! 終わった書類をもらってこいって言われて来ましたー!」


「自分で持っていくから大丈夫だ! ……ちょっと行ってくるよ。正式入隊の件も話さなきゃなら ないし」












 死鬼術式直後は、穴を覆おおわず体内の熱を逃がすよう言いつけられていたため、片肌脱ぎの状態で生活しな ければならなかった。しかし大戦後のバージョンアップを経へて放熱問題が解消され、穴をさらす必要がなくな り、イヅルは元通り死覇装をまとえるようになったのだった。

「涅が言っておったぞ? 眠ネムリは義ぎ魂こん技術の、吉良は肉体改造技術の傑作じゃとな。……どれ、その 穴ちょっと見せてみい」

「な……っ!? 嫌いやですよ!」

「堅かたいことを言うな、断面がどうなっておるのか見たいだけじゃ。減るもんでもなかろう?  ほれほれ」




「吉良! こいつらがいくつか質問したいと……」






 イヅルは夜一を押しのけ部屋を飛び出した。廊下から、「ごめん!」「違うんだ!」という二人の声が聞こえ てくる。


 ────翌日、〝四楓院先生と吉良副隊長のイケナイ関係〟の噂うわさが霊術院を駆かけ巡めぐった。それか らしばらくの間、イヅルは夜一を敬愛する二番隊隊長・砕ソイ蜂フオンと顔を合わせる度たびに、呪じゆ殺さつ されそうなほど睨みつけられたという。

That's it. Again, I'm not sure if this is real second chapter. The novel won't be officially out for another ten days back in Japan.

I was wondering why this is so shitty to read when I realized that you copy-pasted the furigana above kanji as well.
>Yoruichi molesting Kira

The first chapter also had the furigana plastered on, it got like that when ripped from the app. So based on that the probability this is real goes up.

>still following Kira

Why does worst boy have a heart instead of Aizen?

Sorry for that.

Can you give us a summary when you're done?

Thanks user.

Congratulations are continued from everyone of Gotei 13 to the news of shock!

The captain of the 1st Division, Kyoraku Shunsui san
『 Congrats. That’s a good news.
It’s been a long time since I heard like such a news.』

The captain of the 6st Division, Kuchiki Byakuya san
『 I see………All right.』

The lieutenant of the 10th Division, Matsumoto Rangiku san
『 You have to hold a wedding ceremony!!』

The lieutenant of the 5th Division, Hinaomri Momo san
『 I want two of you to hold a wedding ceremony, too…!』

YDM book sales CEO and the captain of the 8st Division, Yadomaru Lisa
『 congratulations.
I will buy a pearl hair accessory from living world until the ceremony.
That is Rangiku’s request, but is there anyone who needs it, too?』

The captain of the 9st Division, Muguruma Kensei
『 Do not have your business in Captain meeting, Lisa!
Shuhei wants to make your wedding special feature in 「 Seireitei Communication」.
If you do not like it, refuse early?』

The lieutenant of the 9th Division, Hisagi Shuhei
『Let me do it! please….!!』

『You can enjoy the scenes of Gotei who knew Rukia and Renji’s marriage through this novel.』


Someone already translated those except for the bit with Ichigo



Where did you get this, user?


Well, it's 10 days before launch day. Considering the time needed for typesetting and printing, it's very likely that the author has handed over the manuscript to production by now.

Production = many hands = possibility of leak.

Christ, faggot.


What is this?

It was a chore to read that mess while eating ramen and now I'm warm and sleepy.

>fat black chick
And they were calling himefags landwhales.

Go through Deathberry's introduction thread.

Can you give a quick summary?

Could've been peachtiger.

Bromide sold at Jump Festa

Landwhales are fat white chicks.
Fat black chicks are hippos.

>Gengoro Onabara, Director of the Academy, brings Kira a letter from Renji inviting people to a get-together that night, it is also addressed to Hinamori
>Kira asks if he wants to come too but Gengoro has too much work
>while they're talking Yoruichi leaps through the open window and asks how they're doing, hands on her hips and a big grin on her face
>she takes a seat too and remarks it's been half a year since she saw Kira, is he getting along with Ootoribashi (Rose)?
>Yoruichi and Rose are long acquaintances because the latter kept bringing instruments back from the Human World and asked the Shihoin House's band to fix them
>Yoruichi visits Third Division's office once or twice a year with souvenirs (snacks?) from the Human World, and got to know Kira too

>Gengoro Onabara, Director of the Academy, brings Kira a letter from Renji
Wait, I thought last chapter what Kira got was a text message, and Director of the Academy is their classmate Isawa Genji? Gengoro was the principal when Kira was still a student.

>>while they're talking Yoruichi leaps through the open window and asks how they're doing, hands on her hips and a big grin on her face
>>she takes a seat too and remarks it's been half a year since she saw Kira, is he getting along with Ootoribashi (Rose)?
>>Yoruichi and Rose are long acquaintances because the latter kept bringing instruments back from the Human World and asked the Shihoin House's band to fix them
>>Yoruichi visits Third Division's office once or twice a year with souvenirs (snacks?) from the Human World, and got to know Kira too


But what about fucking Urahara?

still the fan favorite

Probably back in the human world. We'll probably see him later in the novel.

>Yoruichi visits Third Division's office once or twice a year with souvenirs (snacks?) from the Human World, and got to know Kira too
This sounds suspect because by the time Kira joined the 3rd Division, both Rose and Yoruichi have already been cast out of SS. Sure, Yoruichi can sneak in, but would she really reveal herself in Gin's division?

>Kira says yeah, they get along, he has gotten used to Rose's performances while working
>there are a lot of instruments in Third Division's offices and Rose spontaneously plays them on a whim etc etc
>they ask Yoruichi how her work is going as a teacher
>she produces a sheet of paper and says the ones listed can officially join the Gotei
>one name is circled and Yoruichi says he can go to 9th Division, he's poor at Hakuda but intelligent and writing is his hobby

>Kira is surprised that Yoruichi is taking her teacher role seriously
>she thought it would be a pain (still thinks it is) but it was either become a special instructor or rejoin the Gotei and be the Captain of 8th Division
>Kyoraku ordered her to train the 5th and 6th level students in Hakuda and Shunpo
>each division was told to nominate at least one person to be an Academy instructor because most of the original teachers died in the Soul King War
>during the battle, most of the students had evacuated to the dorms

>Isawa Genji
That's probably him then, my mistake. I didn't recognize the name in kanji and went with an educated guess.

Oh, unless they're talking about AFTER Deicide.

Fuck my TL is all over the place,


Bride Rukia fanart is starting.

I'd rather not.

You sure know a lot about overweighted girls.

Brave Souls display at Jump Festa

Live action Rukia has been cast?

She looks like a child?

>since so much reiatsu was gathered in one place, the Vandenreich soldiers concentrated their attacks on the students and the instructors engaged them in a defensive battle
>the instructors were all skilled seated officers but vastly outnumbered and killed one by one
>just when all hope seemed lost, a masked shinigami appeared
>"Super Hero is here!" Obviously Mashiro, the autistic cunt no one likes
>Kensei had taken Hisagi to fight the Sternritters and Mashiro had thrown a tantrum but he told her to go to the Academy and protect the future shinigami

>she Hollowified and saved the students but only a third of the instructors survived and replenishing the shingami's numbers became the highest priority
>"Soul King War... revolting name," spat Yoruichi, and Kira agrees
>after Ichigo defeated Bach, the corpse was carried to the palace by the Zero Division
>it held a lot of spiritual energy and was therefore surrounded by hundreds of barriers to become a new linchpin, so the world did not crumble etc etc
>they named the Vandenreich invasion "Soul King War" and taught the students that the Soul King Palace was saved, the Soul King wasn't killed
>Kira thinks the history HE learned may have been rewritten like that

>they didn't cast Horikita Maki
Who the hell is that?


>>"Soul King War... revolting name," spat Yoruichi, and Kira agrees
>>after Ichigo defeated Bach, the corpse was carried to the palace by the Zero Division
>>it held a lot of spiritual energy and was therefore surrounded by hundreds of barriers to become a new linchpin, so the world did not crumble etc etc
>>they named the Vandenreich invasion "Soul King War" and taught the students that the Soul King Palace was saved, the Soul King wasn't killed
>>Kira thinks the history HE learned may have been rewritten like that

So she's on model

>Kira thinks the history HE learned may have been rewritten like that
Hi, Ichibee.


>Kira thinks the history HE learned may have been rewritten like that
What did he mean by this?

The rest of the text posted above is super interesting too. The director leaves and Yoruichi decides she wants to see the big hole in Kira's chest, Kira tries to push her away, director comes back in with a couple of students and sees her riding a half stripped Kira. Rumors spread and Sui Feng starts glaring at Kira.

When in the academy, he was taught history. Now that he's seen how history is (not) written he wondered if what he learned has been altered as well.

>expecting them to cast Horikita Maki
I don't know if that girl is really Rukia but they're more likely to get some semi-popular young actress like the actor they got for Ichigo.

Besides, Maki is too old. She no longer looks like the Rukia fags shoop her pics into.

She looked like a child in the anime and manga too idiot

I need fanart of this

No she didn't, especially when we saw her in the FB arc.

>FB arc
Wrong choice.

That was one scene user.

Holy shit, I just realized that Renji didn't ask Byakuya permission to marry Rukia.


>I see………All right.

Is this an "I see, that is all right as I expected it to happen and is even almost happy about it as you can derive from me not senbonzakura-ing you on sight, Renji"?

Or an "Bastard, you did this without asking me first, I see that being cut by Senkei once is not enough for you. All right, start counting the days you still have to live in this world."

Tell me Nii-sama!!

Apparently Seiko has a line of watches called Seiko Rukia (セイコー ルキア).