Is this accurate? Do racial realists have a hard time and get really defensive over well-proven Jewish IQ?

Is this accurate? Do racial realists have a hard time and get really defensive over well-proven Jewish IQ?

stop posting this strawman argument

Not Accurate. Whites accept that Jews have high intelligence.

No, because there's more to brain chemistry than just booksmart IQ. Asians have higher IQ than whites, but we invented more shit. Ashkenazi jews have high IQ's but they only use it for law, finance and entertainment. They leave the honest work to other races, then leach off our civilizations

No, it's a straw man fallacy.

For example... the Average IQ in Israel is 95. Subtract out the Moslems, and you still get a Jewish IQ of 98. Respectable, but puts the lie to the 115 narrative.

Anyone with a normal IQ can figure that one out.


No, you dumbass. Everyone here agrees Jews are smarter than whites, it's just Jews are in it for themselves and see whites as cattle.

Daily kike slide thread. Sage goes in all fields

Jews have a high verbal IQ but they're shit at just about everything else which is why they're good lawyers but have virtually no other worth while achievements other than destroying civilizations.

Or maybe there are way more factors than those that lie within your skull?

Jews are the true master race.

Hi Jew
There are a greater number of high IQ whites than kikes

>trying to generalize an unorganized group of people with widely varying views

You're dumb. Genuinely.

Asians have the highest IQ. Europeans next. Usually they lump in white with middle easterners which drops the average.

The mods never fucking delete these duplicate shill threads.

No, no one says it’s all about IQ, no show your real flag you kike

>Asians have the highest IQ.
Not really. Asians take the results of kids in their richest cities and pretend those are typical of all their people. If we did the same, we would mop the fucking floor with them.
Remember which race invented everything. That's the best measurement of IQ, and we know who came out on top.

exactly. it's jewish nepotism that's the problem.

can anycunt point to where they got the 120 average from?

No we don't kike. Jews cheat on IQ tests and SATs, and the distribution is still very lopsided.

We'd be smarter than them if we weren't subverted into believing eugenics is evil.

I am a race realist and white nationalist and accept the accuracy of the tests. It doesn't bother me at all. What bothers me is that Jews are in my country actively subverting it. Their IQ's just make them more formidable an enemy. But no mistake, they are an enemy.

Jewish superiority is based on having no roots in the society they parasite. This allows them to act without the moral imperatives that hold others back from excessive greed and manipulation of their fellow citizens.

>looking out for your tribe is a problem
but that's exactly what you want to do, no? honestly it seems logical to my tbqh

so you're mad that superior beings migrated to where you live. that's the main problem you're facing?

Since when has the argument for hating Jews or getting rid of them been their IQ? The most common argument I see is that they are deceitful and work to undermine and destabilize the societies that they live in for their own gains. That's why they are often described as parasites or rats.

Yeah which means no country should want Jews to live in it. It's an argument for either deporting them or eradicating them.

>black vs white difference is like 50 points
>white vs jewish is 10 max

Aryan is found world wide.

It's called having a negative blood type.

We have been pursecuted for eons, beyond the capacity of positive types.

I see beyond two poles. The world got a lot bigger, but Im not finished. Time...time...

I know Jews have high IQ, I just acknowledge that they push their luck trying to fuck everyone over. Whites and Asians catch on easily, blacks and Latinos take more time.

Nepotism isn't the problem. It's anti-social whites that's the problem.