I Don't Know What's Real Anymore

>be me, an atheistic, "rational-minded" liberal edgelord in my mid-teens
>had a spiritual experience alongside my girlfriend that slapped me in the face
>couldn't deny that there was a God, at least some divine aspect of reality
>still viewed all conspiracy theories as absurd, wanted to take the rational position
>started delving into 9/11 conspiracies, saw how many potential whistleblowers were suicided
>"Fuck, maybe there's something to this..."
>bought a David Icke book (never trusted him, just to see the other side)
>still wanted to deny the overwhelming evidence presented, but intuitively knew otherwise
>started to lurk Sup Forums for months
>the Jews really do control everything; the media, the government, the economy
>there really is secular and compelling viewpoints against homosexuality, diversity, and the Jews
>everything I've been taught my entire life is a lie

This isn't what I signed up for, goddamnit. But I can't look away now. I've been desperately looking for any evidence to reaffirm my previous biases but I can't find any. These ideas goes against everything I was taught to believe and I've never felt so alone and lost. Where do I go from here?

Other urls found in this thread:


What was your spiritual experience? Just curious.

Probably realized 2D > 3D

I feel your pain on all fronts there. There are many of us out here. I spent 3 decades as an atheist even after being red pilled on the Jews. Then it hit me that Jesus was /our guy/ and he was right - Jews are the Synagogue of Satan, the personification of evil. Stay strong dude. We all need to get out from under the covers and fight the good fight IRL. Spoiler alert: Jesus wins in the end but we have to still do our part to gas the kikes.

There is no going back into Plato's cave. What you do now is disseminate this wisdom with your own methods, keeping in mind pic related.

Girlfriend and I were about to break up after the initial "honeymoon phase." I just wasn't feeling the spark anymore and felt like this was the fate of every relationship I'd ever have in life, where I'd just lose all interest but stick through it and try to ignore the void.

I finally opened up to her about this and it was disastrous at first. "You don't love me anymore?!" she said, which only made the situation worse and made me feel further isolated, like no one would understand me. I kept trying to explain and finally, it "clicked" for her. She understood completely, I understood, we were completely on the same page, in a mental union of sorts. I hadn't felt that connection since the first months of our relationship.

"Wait, what was that? That's what I was missing." Everything felt fine and I struggled to understand what just happened. The timeline is blurry at this point, but eventually, we gazed into each other's eyes and looked THROUGH each other. I wasn't looking at her physical body anymore, I was looking at her soul and hers into mine. My heart exploded with a soul-clenching bliss, everything I've ever chased for in a woman. This was it, this was pure and unconditional love. God's Love, that transcends the physical. We weren't even talking at this point, we shared the same mind and same perspective. We were pouring our hearts out and declaring our utmost love for each other but hardly spoke a word. This is what shattered my "rationality", the fact that we were basically engaging in a sort of telepathy and were both able to later recall the ideas being transferred.

This lasted for a few minutes and eventually dissipated, but in those moments, we vowed to never forget this feeling, to always try and be on the same page. To remember that true love never fades, but merely becomes obscured when we're attached to our expectations for how the other person should be.

We're still together and attribute this experience as to how we've made it.

It helps to realize that much of the content presented by Sup Forums, by conspiracy theorists, and revisionists like Icke are deliberately curated and exaggerated to be as intuition-pumping as possible, so that you become easily manipulable to think a certain way.

I think the important things to take away are that you realized despite being a rationally-minded person you were only looking at a narrow range of perspectives, hence your only recent exposure to new perspectives on homosexuality, diversity, and Judaism.

It's also great that you realize that the divine is a real thing - hold onto that spiritual awareness and develop it, it's a great boon.

As for Jews, well, I know I'll get flak for this, but the full extent of their influence is a teensy bit exaggerated and not quite as oppressive as Sup Forums makes it out to be. I think Jews would certainly like people to think that they have more power than they actually do, but whether they actually have that power is another thing entirely. They certainly do not have the nigh omniscient reach that Sup Forums generally ascribes to them.

My advice would be to just keep broadening your perspective and don't be lured into a pit of ideology. You've started down the path of true learning, so keep learning instead of reaching premature conclusions about the nature of things

Thats beautiful man, if your looking for meaning and truth past the corruption of this world pick up a bible. I went down a similar path as you find the truth from 9/11 to libya, syria ext you feel hopeless. Jesus tells us that he is the truth the way and the life. His love gives meaning to the evil in this world and limits it until he returns to defeat the forces of evil. Godbless man and marry your gf dont listen to the mgtow fags all women want to get married and follow a man.

I don't know what's real either

Let me take a wild guess. In that moment you felt a white hot radiance burning in the center of your chest, above the solar plex. It almost felt like it extended beyond your body, no?

this is so gay

/r/relationships --->

A lot of what you'll read here will have some merit, but just remember to take it with a grain of salt and draw your own conclusions from what you read.

What does that have to do with it?

Read the Bible front to back, then jump into philosophy and political theory. I recommend History of the Peloppenesian War.


Yeah there is a divine realm,and it really does help to,ask it for help. We need to heal these satanic pedophiles, who are under control of ets who are controlled by dark spirits. We need to heal ourselves, heal the perps and then well be exploring the galaxy via spiritual light ships or some cool shit like that.

Yes, exactly this. Why do you ask? Has it happened to you as well? Because I've been looking everywhere for similar experiences to no avail.

>where do you go?

Thank you for this, seriously. Very illuminating and rational take on this kind of stuff.

What does the Bible, philosophy, and all those things have in common? Like what do you think about this and how does it relate?

Alright user, I want you to try these things.
1) Close your eyes. Think of her, but do not think of anything in specific. Not the name, not any details, the idea of her without mental words, so to speak. Pay attention to your chest.
2) Do it again in her presence, but try to focus on the feeling 1 evoked.
3) When looking at her, look directly into her pupils and then fixate your gaze beyond her. As if you're focusing on a patch of wall directly behind her. Then try to move your mental, not ocular, focus back to her.
Thank me some other time. Also congrats, you've cultivated a genuine bond with her. These sort of bonds aren't as common as you think. You should trust your instincts more when you interacting with her.
Suffice to say I've had the same experience, but shall we say under different circumstances.


Stop being a pussy and face the world. It's massively complex whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. Face it with a smile on your face and a song on your lips; you will eventually find untold potential and incredible opportunity.
Godspeed user

Saving this, thank you. Last place I thought I'd find spiritual advice.

>under different circumstances
What do you mean by this? Though I think I've caught your drift, circumstances may not be so different after all.

It's my current belief that the Bible isn't the sole doctrine of Truth, but another interpretation of the Truth.

God is the Collective Consciousness of the Multi-Universe. This includes the conscious spark of every person, along with every creature and non-creature, each one celebrating its allotment of Divinity. As conscious beings, or rather emanations of the single conscious Being, we project an agreed upon reality before us. We, through our own Natures and individual vices and virtues, manifest all that was, is, and shall be -- good and bad. Is this to say we are God? No, because "you" can never be God, as God is wholly one and you are many believing you're one. God is a state of consciousness (all being is a state of awareness) and is called One because in this state there are no others; there is nothing else but the God.

Ahh, but you see yours was natural. These bonds are something we naturally form. They are not always to the strength as you experienced and I do find it interested it just came in a burst like that.
Now if one takes the time to study the body, figure out its structure, so to speak, you can forge them yourself. It's not a wise thing to do willy-nilly though. They're tough to remove, leave scars, and can sometimes transmit feelings and information you never wanted to. I encourage you to study those subtle, feelings. They have messages for you, but they don't come in words.
If you have any further questions I can answer one or two before we part ways.

You should look into what Brahman is
Fuckin faggot, and remember you are here forever

Mdma dude

>to study the body,
Should be to "study the feeling and 'body' " of it. I'm sure you noticed it had a somewhat well defined core and that border extended beyond you.

What is your perspective on the Brahman, user?

Well said

Come to Jesus, user. The Bible is all about Him - everything in the Old Testament points to Him. There is nothing in this world that is more important than the Logos.

> (You)
>What is your perspective on the Brahman, user?
It is the cosmic conciseness whose dream we are living in, I strive towards my dharma waiting one day to be one with him

This is a long read, but you may find it valuable or at least interesting. I was bluepilled AF and my redpilling happened quickly enough to cause serious distress. This book helped me mull over some strange concepts I felt in my spiritual awakening, yet didn't have words to describe it with.

I hope you achieve your goal in this very life.

I doubt the ride ends this easily

With everything you've experienced (which I assume is at least a bit extensive, since you immediately knew what I was talking about and are aware of the mind/body potential to harness these energies), what brings you to Sup Forums? And having this knowledge, what's your take on the Jewish conspiracies and racial differences that pop up so often?

If it were easy would it be so precious?

Retarded faggot

I will look into Brahman if you will look into Kukai and his Esoteric Buddhism. I believe you'll see the crossover.

Soooo blackpill? Or is there one truth?

John 14:6-12 (NIV)
>[6] Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [7] If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

>[8] Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

>[9] Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? [10] Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. [11] Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. [12] Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."

I don't know user, it's not precious to me but to my suffering self, I don't know If i would want it to end if the answer world was a better place or I had a better life

Find God. Repent.

That's the short cut.

Ignore the above advice and study philospohy for 30 years then come to the same conclusion as above. Your perspective controls your future. Be happy.

I'll look into it user, but esoteric Buddism is Hinduism for babies from my past experiences with it

> what brings you to Sup Forums?
I am human and live in this realm. I find geopolitics fascinating. It helps you form a bigger view of the world. I am also seeking my life task. There's something I have to get done, but I still need to figure out exactly what it is.
Also you'll come to find the supernatural or spiritual and political aren't so divorced at the darkest cores.
> what's your take on the Jewish conspiracies
I have not taken the whole Jew pill, but I see their subversion and grubby hands all over. Hiding behind normal Judaism is something esoteric and it doesn't seem very 'bright' if you get my drift.
> racial differences that pop up so often
Racial differences are real. As a rational person you cannot deny that peoples were isolated in the past. They had environmental pressure and cultural pressure on them. The most fit survived and the most successful got resources to bear children. This brought about traits that are common to each race.
Does it matter on a "soul"-energy level? Not really, from what I've seen. There are different folks out there, yes, but they don't feel different because of their race.

Just keep an open mind user. Skepticism is healthy and useful, but the world is deeper and darker than you think. That little bond flare you felt was your break into this world. Some say that it's a gift from God to have such experiences, if it is, then you should ask yourself why and what role you have to play in the future.


This version is called Shingon and is more closely aligned with Vedism than some others. You'll find it interesting for sure.

Your suffering self is you though. Pain and misery are perfectly normal and healthy for your spirit.
Would you love the taste of water if not for the ability to thirst? Would you love the sun on your skin so dearly if not for the clouds that hide it from you periodically?

>different circumstances


You must now choose which route you will walk upon OP. This is the fate of those with the forbidden (not really) knowledge. If you don't like any, then you will have to forge your own path in the maze of physical reality.

Congratulations, you've presented the exact verses every Christian presents when someone suggests that the Bible isn't a book to be interpreted literally, an archetypal guidebook for how to live virtuously. And the funny thing is that it doesn't even shut the idea down to begin with. If I'm telling you that I believe the Bible is a book of elaborate metaphors written to help humans swallow the ultimate red-pill, it's logically fallacious to produce said metaphors, a lofty form of appeal to authority.

Not a blackpill at all, one truth. (Mostly) all religions point to it. There's stark differences between Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy for obvious reasons, there was a massive disparity in how we viewed the world. That doesn't mean only one of those views is right.

>Ahh, but you see yours was natural. ...
> figure out its structure, so to speak, you can forge them yourself.
I was a different person back then. Perhaps not as considerate as I should have been. Everything has a price though.


this was beautiful user

I feel the same way you do about jews. However for that group of jews that do have their hands on things like media, what do you think their intentions are? I've heard about how they are imposing cultural marxism on people, but for what gain?

I understand the importance of suffering, but today's world is different i dont see any end to it, I don't see any reason for my actions, my belief is what keeps be going but i understand beliefs don't reflect the true nature of reality

>Also you'll come to find the supernatural or spiritual and political aren't so divorced at the darkest cores.
This is true. People tend to look at matters of the spirit as whimsical or 'mystical', like some Hollywood bullshit, when in reality the spiritual realm is far more fundamental and 'normal' than the materialist reality that modern society is infatuated with. Consider Plato's Allegory of the Cave.
My father used to say, "There is a kingdom of light and a kingdom of darkness, and everything that's not in the kingdom of light is in the kingdom of darkness. Once you truly understand this, the world won't be so confusing." As I grew older and learned more about the way the world works and what goes on behind the scenes, I realized he was absolutely right. Suddenly the pieces all fell into place and I understood why certain forces that should be enemies seemed to be teeming up against those who are in the kingdom of light.

You've been redpilled.

Enjoy your stay.

Next step is to start lifting and read deeper. It's a rough transition to make because at first the further you delve into the redpill the easier it is to fall into a rut and lose all motivation.
Begin the process of crafting an ubermensch from the clay of your body, mind, and soul then find a suitable woman to marry and with her raise a family.
You've been through the hardest part, the realisation, now build upon the knowledge and do something with it.

You may feel that you want to contribute to the effort in some way, to really push back as best you can. Nobody can tell you how to do that without knowing you and what you can bring to the table but it isn't going to be anything if you aren't working to make yourself the greatest version of yourself that you can. Good luck lad.

>Hiding behind normal Judaism is something esoteric and it doesn't seem very 'bright' if you get my drift.
Very well said.

>Does it matter on a "soul"-energy level? Not really, from what I've seen.
I've come to the same conclusion, though I can't help but think that racial differences obviously present problems that must be addressed. What those problems are exactly and how to solve them, I'm not so sure. But like you said, at the spiritual core, we we're all apart of that oneness. I think we're here to learn how to overcome the social obstacles that this physical reality produces.

>Skepticism is healthy and useful, but the world is deeper and darker than you think.
This has been my number one rule thus far. The reason I made this post is not because I necessarily believe all of these outlandish ideas, but because the information is there and even much evidence to support it and I'm not sure how I can wade through this effectively after having been taught completely opposite my entire life.

>If it is, then you should ask yourself why and what role you have to play in the future.
Thank you for this. Looks like we're in a similar position, trying to figure out where we fit into all of this spiritually, what role we may play. For now, I'm working on sorting myself out. Thank your input, it has really helped my peace of mind. Perhaps we shall encounter one another later down the road (not to sound too cliche).

The Jews as I understand them.
They are a shallow, ego-driven people. The media Jews are just another part of the Jewish propaganda machine. The idea is to disarm those that wronged them in the past, to exact some revenge, and to subjugate them. If folks will not acknowledge them as the chosen tribe, then their livelihoods and free will will be robbed from them as to increase the difference between Goyim and Jew.
I think it's possible that the Jews are being used by demons, the archons, or whatever force you want to call it. But that is pure speculation. I have no real evidence and I have not scanned a Jew in that way in depth. Sometimes you get baggage for poking around someone else's room.

Today's world is sickly. This is true.
Would it be so terrible to just live for your beliefs then? What could be more noble than the eternal path of spiritual refinement?
You may believe yourself to be isolated; yet from my perspective, for what it's worth, you appear to be a competent individual. This should naturally leave you with at least a few potentialities for gratification in the future. Whether it be in your esoteric or exoteric spheres of existence.
I truly wish you the best user.

The Georgia Guide Stones have your answer.

It seems to me that you interpreted my post in a way that I didn't intend, which I truly can't blame you for considering the kinds of interactions you most likely had with ignorant Christians in the past. I'm not suggesting that the Bible should be taken completely literally, nor am I suggesting that no other philosophy can lead you to the Truth. I am, however, suggesting that Christ is fundamentally the most important figure in the Bible for many, many reasons. The most important truths that you find in other philosophies will be the same truths that Christ spoke of. You seem smart - I honestly suggest that, if nothing else, you read his words for yourself and see what you find.
Take it or leave it, that's not my concern. Don't let your path be stunted by the ignorance of others. Perhaps God saw fit to make salvation simple enough to be attainable by even the most ignorant among us.

Heh. Would you believe me if I told you I was a moral relativist? Studying, meditation, and reflection changed that. There is objective good and evil in this world and the Kingdoms you speak of manifest here and in each one of us. Earth is a battleground and we're the soldiers and the booty.

Some of us were lucky, I suppose. I was set apart from the masses at a young age when it comes to this stuff. Its existance and the truths I learned in my active studying days has guided me through today's information landscape. I really do feel for those lost in the intel sea. It maddening enough with a few guiding beacons.
You'll see me again when the time is right. I'm just here to pass on information to the willing.

It's isn't terrible i just question myself from time to time, I want divulge in henotheistic activities but i understand i'm probably an important part to the universal machinery and if everyone thought like me we would just die out, and thanks for the wishes i wish you the same

>had a spiritual experience alongside my girlfriend that slapped me in the face
>couldn't deny that there was a God, at least some divine aspect of reality
Spiritual experiences are just a figment of your neurology
Watch Through the Wormhole

We're you on any substances or completely sober? Also, to add to the thread and my current existential awareness: I took shrooms recently and when I peaked, I suddenly felt as though I was on a plane that I did not understand. It made my existence feel incredibly minuscule. It was such a hard hitting moment of enlightenment that I felt extremely uneasy with the realization of this consciousness meaning almost nothing in the overall scheme of the universe. I've tripped several other times on psilocybin mushrooms, but I had never experienced anything like this. I got the same feeling I experienced on DMT, like I could sense the presence of higher dimensional beings. I also heard a distinct whirring/buzzing noise similar to DMT. I understand I could have just been tripping, but you can't even begin to understand or even fathom these feelings until you've been there.

That makes sense, I was thinking about the general idea of demons. But what you say makes sense, I've heard about jews in israel and how they always talk about how they have been wronged and etc. I feel like it could certainly be a mix.

You were once a moral relativist or currently are one? I'd be surprised if you meant the latter. What you say here is certainly true.

>take the blue pill goy

White genocide. Making a new race of 90 IQ's and thus destroying Europe, the only diplomatic force besides Murica.

What are they all about?

If this experience happened with two men it would be less faggy than this post

Anybody experienced with psychedelics care to share some insight?

I was, in my youth, and for a time as I studied. I took a very different approach to it than I did now. It was all just energy and resources. There was little consideration beyond that. I now understand there is good and evil, a non-relative stance on it. I have also gone back and reconsidered how I saw the energies around me.

Look into what heroic dosage is and read more, the first place psychedelic should lead you towards is the library

repent and accept Jesus Christ as your savior. nothing else will be as satisfying and maybe ultimately could be just as life changing if you do realize Jesus was the Way, the Truth, and the Life the whole time

>You'll see me again when the time is right
I feel like most people feel deep down that something "big" is coming. Whether it's a mass awakening, the apocalypse, the collapse of civilization. Maybe we really are on the brink of something groundbreaking for human existence. And I think interactions like these are all ushering this change forward, one tiny step at a time.

Also, We really aren't so different then. The experience was so strong that it didn't matter what I was on, it was impossible to rationalize. Though it's safe to say that it was the only way I could've ever woken up given where I was in life.

I'm glad it resonated with someone. I expected nothing less than people ridiculing me for it, but I wrote it regardless to those who would listen.

Just don't become socio-politically obsessed. That's a path to withering away in bitter solitude

Learn some things. Put them into perspective. Continue to focus on improving yourself and the lives of people around you, in practical day to day life. If you have time, read some good books too.

Time doesn't exist, we invented it to help us organize. Everything that is and will ever be is Now. The Now is contained in The One. Everything implies the One, even our cells are aware of the oneness (actually scientific).

I thought David Icke believed that we're ruled by space lizards.

Something big is coming. Experiences like ours and things like it are becoming less uncommon. As AI, Robots, and especially cyborg technology continues to progress we will see more folks like ourselves. In my heart I feel we have a choice to make, as a species, and it is between accepting our birthright or to tether ourselves to this world for materialistic gains.

I'm glad you woke up. Talk to your partner about this. You don't know how invaluable it is to have someone so close to you share these experiences. And FYI, that little trick I taught you works even with the most minimal of information. Even, say, a Sup Forums post. More information = easier to pinpoint. You'll understand better if you practice. Don't be a stranger, but be polite.
And last warning before I go. Knowledge is connection. If you are aware of something it will be aware of you. Keep that in mind when you're using that little trick.

What you experienced was completely real. You know it was, user, you know it felt realer than anything you've ever felt. I've felt it too, the loud, buzzing, vibratory sound of the Universe. That was you.

Look up ego death. Many will tell you that it was just the drugz man. The drugs are just a catalyst to show you the real nature of reality and it's a very spontaneous experience.

Look up Ram Dass/Maharaji LSD. He was a Hindu sage that was given a huge amount of acid and wasn't affected.

"It would allow you to come into the room and pranam to Christ.” (Meaning, you could come into the presence of Spirit.) “But you can only stay two hours,” he said, “and then you have to leave again. It would be better to become Christ than just to pranam to him, but your medicine won’t do that for you. It’s not the ultimate samadhi.”

Best of luck to you going forward, user. If you're feeling lost, listen to the lectures of Alan Watts, he understood better than most.

kill jews man

Good luck on your journey, OP. You may have gotten the wrong idea about me from the brevity of my other posts, but I'm happy for you and I wish you the best.
One thing I hope you've learned from your awakening is the fact that there are forces that seek to deceive you, and they will probably succeed if you're not aware of it. Many people have accepted the deception, some to the point where they are unconsciously hungry for more of it.
God is calling you.

Alright user, i can give you the easy answer or the hard one.
For fun I’ll do the hard one, as it’s probably what you want to hear.

I’m well above 50 years old. I worked as a broadcaster in television for over 15 years. I’ve literally broke my back and tore my retinas trying to discover the truth. Ive done investigative inquiries into every single religion.

, Ive been to Mecca, ive been to jerusalem, Ive been in the roman catholic church, and im a worse off man for it.
Ive been used and abused by thise around me. Dabbled in scientology, mormonism, buddhism.
Studied all sorts of philosophy. Ive laid in bed at night screaming at the ceiling for answers to why im here.

When you study philosophy and religion, various inconsistencies are made wildly apparent to honest eyes. No ideology is logically consistent.
Science has no answers. Ive studied darwinism, ive engineered handmade simulations of the origin of life. Nothing makes sense.
Seemed everything was for naught. So i jumped headfirst into nihilism and ended up spending two years of my life in prison.
Then I read the book of “Ecclesiastes” from this nig nog who handed me a bible in prison.
I went through that whole thing like five times and then i just broke down. Everything clicked. The answer was right under my nose the whole time.
I looked around myself and it was like everybody around me wasnt a person. They all looked like weird glowing insects or something.

I screamed, i broke down, i pounded my head on the walls, because everything clicked in that moment.
Then I screamed to God to save me. My knuckles bled from punching the ground so hard.
Just a total mental breakdown. Looking back on the whole ordeal its comical, but thats my story.

Today im living life to its fullest though. Every problem i had has been vaporized through Jesus Christ. Its that childlike mindset Jesus talks about.

So you want an easy answer on where to go from here? Read the books of ecclesiastes and job.

You return to The One when you die. It is, however possible to achieve the oneness/unity here on earth (Gnosis). Search Alex Grey - Progress of the soul. Yes, mass awakening is already happening and Gen Z are the chosen ones.

cool story bro

no seriously it was cool

Ecclesiastes is a damn good book. That's the one I read in my agnostic/nihilist years that got the gears turning. Within a year I came back to my faith, but this time it was real and tangible instead of just what I'd been raised with.

Oh yeah absolutely.
The problem with people who used to be christians and arent anymore is so so so simple. 99.99999% of the time they arent reading the Bible, and think they see contrafictions or errors where there arent any. These are the fruitless christians Jesus talks about in the parable about the sower sowing the word.
They hear the word orginally and then just get comfy and forget all about it.
Thats where id wager 80% of the church is today.
For fun i like to ask christians how many times theyve read the Bible cover to cover. Ive literally only seen one who told me he read it once.

He went full-Reptilian later on. I read his book "And The Truth Shall Set You Free" which made no mention of Reptilians. Though I heard that Icke uses Reptilians as a codeword for Jews.

this is a good thread to remind you that God himself is the only one that can be truly trusted for information on the future

God has said (2 Thessalonians) that Messiah will not return until an antichrist appears, that the entire world worships, that even the very elect (that know these things intimately) could have been deceived

How? How can antichrist succeed when every faithful person is aware of him, and is watching for him? One very simple possibility is that he has his own antichrist.

In other words, a monster is created, some kind of transhuman superman, or artificial intelligence, or other false god is presented to the world, impressive in power. This false god will then be destroyed by the actual Antichrist, with all the power of Satan, 'with the brightness of his coming' performing miracles in the sight of the whole world. And as always, with Satan, these things are lies and perversions of God's words and actions.

Don't be deceived. So long as you remain in a flesh body, Messiah has not returned, and the age of grace has not yet ended. There is a real possibility of multiple false christs, and indeed the bible says this very thing.

I misinterpreted your earlier posts quoting the Bible and for that, I apologize. Your assessment was correct, I'm used to dealing with far different Christian thinkers (live in the South).

I definitely feel the deceptive forces everyday. I'm currently battling one that has been greatly holding me back from my full potential and hurting my relationships. Thank you for your kind words throughout this entire thread, I wish you the best going forward.

Watts got my through some of my harsher acid trips, that's for sure. I've heard some speeches from Ram Dass but haven't heard about the sage, I'll check that out. I long for a better understanding of existence and although I feel I'm closer to understanding it through my trips, I feel as though I'm too attached to my ego to just let go and really understand. Just because that feeling is so intense when I am actually tripping.

I found the kike

One of us. One of us. Gooble gobble. Gooble gobble.

Put on some loud music and don't focus on anything. That's how you lose the ego