What's Sup Forums view on consciousness?

What's Sup Forums view on consciousness?

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I think that main steam scientists have no clue what consciousness is. If you read Daniel Dennett's stuff it is a total fucking joke. I like Chalmers because he doesn't just make shit up.

I don't think you can box it in with definitions. It's incredibly creative


Consciousness is evidence for God and our salvation. There's no reason we shouldn't be identical in every facet to ourselves with the exception of a soul/consciousness. Nothing in nature would necessitate me having a soul-bound experience with reality. Athiests will try to claim the mind created our consciousness, but there's truly no reason to possess it, so we wouldn't evolve it.

Consciousness is easy. Its simply a unique 'emergence' produced as a response to various biological and chemio-electrical environments and impulses. The consciousness feels because it is meant to feel; if that were not the case it would not feel.

If you doubt me; ask a baby its opine about tax law and see if its consciousness cares enough to respond.

The human mind cannot possibly be material. The human mind is capable of understanding abstract concepts, like triangularity. This concept applies to any specific triangle, and is a universalisation of all triangles. If the human mind is material, the abstract conception of triangularity takes on a material or electric form in the human brain, then the idea of triangularity is just a chemical formula or a voltage in the mind. But if this universal idea is just a particular instance of a chemical compound or a voltage, then it isn't truly universal. We know that the idea of a triangle cannot just be a material response of some sort in the brain, since it would exist whether or not humans existed. The only other alternative is to propose that humans can't truly understand the universal idea of triangularity, but this is false since we clearly can conceive of triangularity without picturing any specific triangle in our heads. Therefore the mind cannot be material

For the last time, stop thinking of yourself as a thing in a big box full of things. That's where most all philosophical problems start. What you are, as a consciousness, IS a box. Each person is a different box mixed up with other boxes. And we're not all in one box, either. It's just boxes guys. Just us. You aren't some platonic soul, you aren't a cartesian mental substance, you aren't your brain, you aren't even your whole body, you're the entire world you experience.

There aren't any aliens. We will never create any strong AI. You will never upload your mind into a computer. The end

Read "The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind".

A bit of tl;dr is that we're nowhere near as conscious as we think.

>The consciousness feels because it is meant to feel; if that were not the case it would not feel.
This is absurd autistic faggot atheist nonsense. "Meant" means intention, and intention means consciousness and agency. Nature didn't intend for consciousness to develop, there's no teleology in the laws of physics. In the naturalist view there's no reason why things are this way, things are this way because that's just how the laws of physics happened to be, and if there were different laws then reality would be different.
There's no evolutionary advantage for a thing to be conscious. Consciousness spends a lot of calories feeling and thinking on things totally irrelevant to survival and reproduction. In the long run evolution would be far more likely to select automated animals over conscious animals.
Humans don't breed much. We're squishy. And we waste loads of energy on stupid things. Yet here we are top of the food chain. That's not thanks to evolution, because evolution would have just made automaton humans who do the same things we do but without thinking and feeling about it. We are here because we were given dominion of the Earth by supernatural powers. The naturalist view that we evolved to be this superior is just incoherent.

Lol this faggot watched Westworld and thinks he's figured it out. No that book is total shit. The theory is shit and no one seriously believes it apart from dude weed ayyy lmao bois.


if you dont understand something, then dont comment about it


top fucking kek. I don't watch (((TV))).

You're a literal fucking Neanderthal if you don't think the book brings up many great points.

Its wrong to begin with dualistic and materialist premises.

David Chalmers is a retard.



"Emergence" from does not explain anything whatsoever about consciousness and neither does mapping out brain activity.

There is no actual consciousness

you aren't feeling anything, you are a zombie

prove me wrong

Most people are "zombies" in a way they really don't invoke consciousness much, if at all.

Actual consciousness kind of leaves you paralyzed in thought. You have to be a "zombie" in many ways to function in the workplace, society, etc...

You have to learn to "catch yourself" when you're aimlessly in thought. Think about the details of your inner voice.

You are retarded. A consciousness without intention or agency is not a consciousness. You cannot be without being.

You did not understand then.

God Consciousness.

let me cut off random parts of your brain user, to see how your mind would react

No, I honestly don't understand emergence.

Obviously it works with the material part of your brain in many ways. Like making sure you fulfill your basic needs (food, sleep) and whatnot. But the mind is not fully material

Do you think knowledge exists to be found? Hyperbolicly floating around some proverbial aether? No. Knowledge exists because it was created; and it was created because there exists[ed] a need for whatever specific information / concept to exist.

Consciousness doesn't exist or very few people truly experience it.

You "enlightened ones" should know what I'm talking about. The average person is a robot/dog acting as they should, not as they want. They all repeat the same bullshit, do the same bullshit as everyone else without thinking about it. Is that truly free will?

I could easily reverse that.

Do you think [matter] exists to be found? Hyperbolicly floating around some proverbial [space]?

[Material] exists because it was created; and it was created because there exists[ed] a need for whatever [material] to exist. (I.e. God/Mind to know itself)

Why don't you do your part in trying to wake them up? It's not hard. Just ask them about their inner voice. Ask them to describe it, and then go from there.


/ig/ Idealism General

>Dr. Godehard Bruentrup: What Is Idealism?

>In philosophy, idealism is the group of philosophies which assert that reality, or reality as we can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial.

>Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
>Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

>Eliminating the Physical
>A New Epistemic Argument for Idealism
>How To Avoid Solipsism While Remaining An Idealist

>George Berkeley-Principles of Human Knowledge
>George Berkeley-Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
>John Foster-A World For Us: The Case for Phenomenalistic Idealism

>The Introspective Argument:
>Dr. David Chalmers explains why materialism is false
>Why substance dualism is roundly rejected in contemporary philosophy of mind

That's rather interesting. Post more.

Idealism and the Mind-Body Problem by Chalmers is worth reading.


the jew created consciousness to take our guns away

this is a conjecture with no real evidence to back it up, harming parts of your material brain can have profound personality changes, going over moods, life view and even interests, thus consciousness is a function of your material brain, any damage to it will alter your consciousness, any substances metabolized will alter your consciousness to some extend with specific ones as DMT and LSD would indeed alter it quite a bit, so far our observations are congruent with my view, not yours

We ought to remember who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital, yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.

What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power. (end of part 1)

>“One starts as a materialist, then one becomesa dualist, then a panpsychist, and one ends up as an idealist”

So true. How have I not read this article before? Thanks for the recommendation.

(start of part 2) We are all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction. We ought to embrace nationalist principles to protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction even while REMEMBERING who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. Our TRUE STATE, our TRUE NATURE and our TRUE IDENTITY is Pure Consciousness and Pure Consciousness is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat. What we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. I am another you and you are another me. There is no death, only transference of consciousness. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences. There is no separateness, only oneness. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my message shall NEVER pass away. The message is more important than the messenger. (end of part 2)

(start of part 3) We can make anime 'real', then have sex with our waifus, simply by awakening our siddhis. In the ancient Sanskrit language of India, the word 'siddhi' means 'perfection'. In its most common usage, the word 'siddhi' refers to an ability that is a natural and inherent faculty of our true identities as eternally alive souls. The soul is smaller than an atom and larger than the universe. The soul is infinitely small and infinitely large. The soul is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. The soul is the storehouse of ALL ENERGY, ALL POWER AND ALL STRENGTH. The soul is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. The soul possesses ALL siddhis and there are an INFINITE number of siddhis. Among all of these siddhis, there are considered to be eight major siddhis. Siddhis can be awakened through a variety of methods. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras IV.1, it is stated:

"Siddhis may be attained through birth, the use of herbs, incantations, self-discipline or samadhi."

Here is a list of the eight major siddhis (in no particular order):

Laghima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as light as you want.

Garima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as heavy as you want.

Mahima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as large as you want.

Anima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as small as you want.

Prapti siddhi: Having unrestricted access to any and/or all places.

Prakamya siddhi: Fulfillment of whatever you desire.

Isitva siddhi: Control over any and/or all of the laws of nature.

Vasitva siddhi: Being able to control any and/or all beings.

"A man is a god in ruins. When men are innocent, life shall be longer, and shall pass into the immortal, as gently as we awake from dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (end of part 3)

Behavior isn't consciousness though. That's where you fail to make the distinction. Think, when you typed that reply, where you conscious of how each key on the keyboard felt, your breathing, what was going on in the room you were in, etc.?

(start of part 4) You can awaken your siddhis through samyama, which is a state of consciousness in which one perceives the fundamental level of 'reality' where a perceiving subject (like you, for example) is merged with your perceived object. For example, to achieve laghima siddhi, you have to perform samyama on the lightness of a feather (for example) so that you become as light as that feather (or that you become the lightness of that feather, if you want to look at it that way). (end of part 4)

(start of part 5) Some people sneer at the siddhis because they do not believe in their existence, others because they think it is noble and spiritual to despise them. Both attitudes proceed from ignorance. Like that kike Jesus Christ said truly "Be in the world, but not of the world." If you realise that this world is naught but Maya and are not attached to it, then you can play with it and have fun with it. Siddhis only keep you tied to samsara if you are attached to them. The siddhis in and of themselves are neither good nor evil, but represent the next level of both humanity's physical evolution and humanity's mental evolution. Siddhis are only a spiritual hazard if you are attached to them. Yogis know that the siddhis can be a distraction to the true spiritual goal of moksha if they are not used properly and that is why they NEVER use their siddhis for ego-based reasons, but ONLY to help other people without ANY desire to be rewarded and also as calling cards to make people accept that there is indeed a spiritual component to 'reality' that exists beyond the reach of the five senses. Anime won't ever BECOME 'real' because anime is ALREADY 'real' in an infinite number of universes. Anime is not 'real' here, but it IS 'real'. What we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT FOR PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF (WHICH IS INFINITE AND ETERNAL). I shall use manojava siddhi (the ability to instantly take your body wherever your mind goes) to teleport into a universe where anime is 'real' and make sweet, sweet love to one of my waifus there. Indians can teach us how to enter these other universes to make sweet, sweet love to our waifus through manojava siddhi. (end)

>Why don't you do your part in trying to wake them up?
You cannot wake up one who wishes not to be awake. Sometimes sleeping in a dream is better than waking up to reality

Consciousness tends to arise in a lengthy process. It's not a fast transition at all. Many of us started this process in late childhood/early adolescence, only to fully realize the extent of what being conscious entails much later on. Many have simply never asked themselves the right questions to start their own process, and many certainly have the potential to be conscious. Especially if they are a moral person.

Christ was trying to help people escape the Samsara. He was nothing but a force of good.
Evil can only exist on the scraps of a Light so bright. And a light that bright will have many scavengers feeding off it for their gains.

We're all trapped by the demiurge and only the gnosis can we be saved.

lmao this cunt flap thinks he's an intellectual because he doesn't watch TV.

Christ was trying to keep people trapped in Samsara and Christ was trying to make people be seduced by Maya. And Mary was not a virgin if you count anal.

Everything about Christ is anti-material. Compared to the older Jewish doctrines he was a radical mystic.Your willing ignorance towards the Word of God will be a constant thorn.
And frankly the virgin conception and even his death and suffering is all besides the points and teachings he made. Catholics obsess over those two points because everything else Christ taught is against their general doctrines.

Also the fact that a real triangle cannot exist in material world. You can only approximate a triangle. Yet we can understand the ideal triangle that can only exist outside of material.

>Your willing ignorance towards the Word of God will be a constant thorn.

Small histories of only 6,000 years, small universes where everything revolves around Earth and small minds for blindly worshipping a small god. Fuck off, faggot.

consciousness is what was gained when Adam at the apple from the tree of knowledge. Prior we lived blissfully. With the ability to think and form language, we acquired the serpents tongue. As years went by, our mind developed. Almost everything we think and say comes from Satan. Only those special few that meditate and pray to silence their minds can hear God and his will. Everyone else, including most on this board, are just acting out Satans play.

Yahweh was an Archon. It's no wonder so many people laugh at the old testiment.

If there are sapient beings on other planets in the universe, are they doomed to spend eternity in Hell for not knowing about the existence of Jesus Christ or did Jesus Christ visit their planets too?

Consciousness is just a sixth sense, a sense organ like the others but directed toward internal instead of external sense data.
It is the sense that perceives the data from other senses. Likely location: thalamus.

All have the chance to hear the Word. In one life or another. Even I who is still in this cycle has heard the cry of the Word and ignored it. And I'll probably have to see The Judgement as a result.
I don't believe the world is that old. God has been using this world for a long long time. And I have come to the conclusion that God helped the early Jews because they'd gone over to a Monolithic religion.
I used to be a Gnostic until I grew up and read the bible.

lol you're full of shit. the thalimus is not where it is located. its in the aether around your soul. the soul is energized by the golden pathway, naval to solar plexus to brain.

remove the thalimus and you still have cognitive functions

Conciousness is a collectively shared experience obviously..
If you break down all the religious thought to its basic tenets there is a remarkable likeness in all of them..

Where they all fall short is the ability to perceive this reality as a common trait to mankind...

Religious people consider it settled, this is far from the truth...
Like spoiled little brats with minds straining at the leash of their understanding they ruin the world for people with open minds

>remove the thalimus and you still have cognitive functions

Perhaps (I don't think so) but cognition /=consciousness.

Consciousness is the ability to perceive sense data. A secondary sense organ if you like. Nothing mysterious and definitely not a 'soul'.
The thalamus integrates sense data. Clearly a function you'd expect from an organ producing consciousness.

If God can do anything, can she create a rock so heavy that even she cannot lift it? Also, you people believe that people who do not accept Jesus Christ as their saviour are doomed to spend eternity in Hell, but how can a finite cause have an infinite effect?

That image sounds retarded but I have no idea what direction they're taking it so maybe I'm just angry because I'm too kind to women so they won't suck my dick

God isn't physical so no. I suppose yes also since we are that rock so to speak.
I don't believe in """hell""" only the Samsara if you will. And at many points in the Cycle man has the chance to meet the Word of God in one of his many Incarnations. As the Buddha Christ Zoroaster it's the same in the end.

Fuck off with your kike God you tumor.
God's the original thread derailer and you are a minion.