Told myself I would stop having coffee or junk food today

>told myself I would stop having coffee or junk food today
>lying in bed at the start of the day wondering where the fuck any pleasure will come from

Oh my God, fucking REEE

Its like noon there

Withdrawal syndrom

Why quit coffee

>being a coffee cuck

Why was he drinking coffee in the first place?

I work in a low effort public sector job. I will go in at two, check my email, then go for a coffee while browsing Sup Forums, then check my email and go home. This is the closest I get to socialising srs

It harms my sleep and gym strength

Because it's fucking delicious

Coffee interfering with gym strength? How?

If you abstain for a really long time from this shit (and other things, like sugar), you will find pleasure in simple everyday activities.

Nigel what the fuck. I was lying in bed this morning trying to force myself to get out of bed and it was 6 am here. It’s like noon over there

Maybe your problem is Sup Forums?

Coffee consumption is inversely or non correlated to every type of cancer along your GI tract. Particularly strong is the case that it's good for your liver.
Enjoy your bro science.

Start by switching to decaf. Snack on fruit.

Why stop coffee? Just drink it without sugar or cream.

Just stop eating sugar.

Ween yourself off of it with chocolate powder. Takes about a week, but the headaches are reduced to a mild boredom (in my case, anyway. YMMV).

the sooner you realize there are no such things as pleasure, but addictions you will become a happier man.

The only time to drink decaf is if you are a fat ass who is eating coffee cake before bedtime. In other words, never.

Coffee and tea should be taken without additives.

It raises cortisol. Cortisol destroys muscle mass.

Fun fact: Progesterone contributes to hormone-driven sexual dimorphism by converting cortisone to cortisol, which contributes to overall lower muscle mass observed in women.

i thought coffee was good for you because of the antioxidants. switch to decaf if you want to quit caffeine. you still get the health benefits.

Sugar is what you should be avoiding, sugar and salt. Coffee is fine, even with milk. You can make hamburgers or whatever other junk food you like from raw ingredients without adding sugar and salt and that would be fine to eat, too. Being healthy does not mean giving up food you like, it just means giving up overly processed junk and learning how to cook.

Fuck off jew, drink coffe to increase metabolism, so you can quickly absorb Your Food and not get fat. Drinking coffe helped me a shitton With gains

Whenever I drink coffee my stomach starts to feel weird, my farts smell like something died and I get diarrhea and have to pee like crazy.

I think my stomach goes "what the fuck is this, why you drinking this shit" and decides to empty out everything.

Coffee is for turks.

how should i apply this information???
should i get more addictions or less???
please don't get labor camped before you respond i need to know

I just stopped drinking coffee to weeks ago. The first few days I would drink about 3 cups of earl grey, Irish breakfast, or Barry’s tea everyday. Then I cut down to 2 now I’m at one in the morning

drink decaf?

when i was a teenager id have to shit after one coffee but i built up a resistance and can now drink three large ice long blacks with three shots of espresso each without needing to shit or even getting jittery. you build up a tolerance. your genes also effect you coffee consumption.

>not drinking Tea

I'm starting to hate people who don't drink coffee. Always think they're better than me for drinking coffee.