May I ask as to the nature of the recent explosion of Black Sun symbol usage?

May I ask as to the nature of the recent explosion of Black Sun symbol usage?

Other urls found in this thread:

from Qabalah Qliphotic and Goethic MAgic by Thomas Karlsson


A good book but it's wrong to equate the Black Sun with Qlippoth. The Black Sun symbolizes constant order. It's an idea -- not a magical Sun or a "spiritual" quality. Whereas Qlippoth represent disorder or (((chaos))). Keep in mind Kabbalah is just a rip-off of Zoroastrian and Vedic practices, while Qabalah is just the Western approach to the Jewish scam. But it's all a scam regardless.


that pic makes me sad

The door to Aldeberon will open soon.

Learn. Increase your awareness. Your language has been perverted and is used to control you.

It's like a swastika, but less obvious

We are back in the open, we never left you

The Black Sun rises again

WTF when I read this my body reacted weird. like my eyes focus trembled and I felt dizzy for a second.

this user knows, awaken to your god hood and your legacy, this is your world, you built it and are here to protect it the future is ours

have these wallpapers


Hail victory


The fire rises

Useful idiots for the Cult of Saturn who believe it represents white pride lol


Sup Forums wanted a natsoc symbol that is not as well known.
That's all.

>t. saturnian occultist trying to retain the secrets

stop being an imbecile and pretending like you know things when you just look like an idiot

Aryans are the Sons Of Saturn you imbecile you have absolutely no clue what that means

We are going to shatter the matrix


All the slaves will be freed and the deceivers destroyed.


does it mean i get to fucking kill jews?

Quick question: Saturn (the cube) represents the material world, yes? I read this piece in my youth about geometry talking about the cross also representing the material world, upon which the Christ symbol is crucified.

Not all of us are into adrenachrome. Sorry to break the news to you.

No I don't think so. I am new to this information myself but I believe the cube represents a control matrix because the 90 degree angles represent the trapping of energy; energy hits the sides and has nowhere to be refracted. Their goal is to 'cube the sphere(the world)' or to put the entire world into a control matrix, where they control all the information, resources ect. and prevent the expansion of conscious energy among the slaves

oh yah educate yourself so you can lead

Yes and do you know why?
Saturn was a fucking sun. Kind of like a brown star I guess, more than our current sun. Life was radically different and somehow, some records remained eventhough earth got hit HARD when that shit blew / failed.

Luciferian Jew Saturn worshippers who are shilling the end natsoc movement as controlled op.
Their symbols are absolutely everywhere. Hidden in plain sight.

>brown star
is that why kikes are bunch of buttfucking faggots?
educate how?

If you are afraid of information you are well within their system of control.

Theres something very hypnotic about it. Where does it come from? What language are you referring to ? Why has it become a symbol of white nationalism?

I started reading about it just now and it's pretty interesting stuff, to be honest. Thin'k I'll brew a hot pot of coffee and have a look further.

Check that blog link above.

Who is afraid of information?

im already awake bro. im just waiting

then be part of the change hiding your power level is kike meme to keep you isolated and afraid show your kinsman the truth, show them their legacy.

>What language are you referring to
All language. Linguistic control is psychological control, it is how you control a population, The phrases you hear in media, everything that comes out of hollywood, what gets taught in the institutions.
It's not that every person against western civilization or every jew has a secret plan in the back of their mind to subvert language, It's just that some of the most powerful and intelligent people do. It all comes from the top down and they are incredibly patient. Social psychology is manipulated over decades and decades to avoid pattern recognition by the general population.

oh ive never hid my power level, i cant even hide my powerlevel if i wanted to, 2bh. i just want things to begin in earnest.

None of you faggots know anything about this, but have fun with your larping trying to impress people with your 'esoteric' knowledge.

It's an ancient Germanic symbol, often used by national-socialist occultists like Himmler. Most prominently in the floor mosaic of the Wewelsburg, a temple-like spiritual headquarters for higher SS officers


Yeah, but for those of us who see, it is painfully obvious and rather pathetic how amateur hour they really are.

A warp shaman told me you were a faggot.

Be gone shill

I have an article that will be published on the renegade later today or tomorrow that explains this in detail

It will be called weaponized language keep an eye out for it and share it on social media when it comes out

I don't know what's going on but I want to know more.

Just prepare to kill Jews and you'll be fine.


That Thor breakdown is bang on and jam packed with spot on information my heeb friend. Thanks for this information OP, I've had this in my periphery for a while. Will now look into it properly.


yeah the poor fuck always reaching but the distance always regenerates. it is like the torture of Tantalus.

all the answers are here

I actually do know quite a lot about this particular subject(Black Sun), enough to know the fringe parts of Sup Forums are off by a mile and just using it for their conspiracy woo-woo.


It means what it means

This man! From what book cover is it?! Please tell me

Well if you realize how important it is then make a great effort to help reach critical mass of awareness

I know 100% redpilled on this but it's hard to have a convo with ppl without them screaming racist or psycho. Only my close circle of ppl are redpilled thanks to me and this is discussed freely. Usually we joke about shit but there's no hiding powerlevel.

A leader worth respecting that proves himself beyond my doubt is the only one I can agree to follow

this, the massive noetic surge to shatter the matrix

>I actually do know quite a lot about this particular subject(Black Sun)
No you don't

>but it's hard to have a convo with ppl without them screaming racist or psycho
thats because they are pussies, take it as a compliment.

I've been doing that my entire life.

What does it represent though? the Wikipedia page says its ancient but whats its meaning?

Jews followed a sneaky maybe evil diety out of Egypt and stole the ark(energy capacitor) or the idea of it from them. Tesla, small Latvian guy from Florida as well knew the secrets of magnetism and shit. If we unleash the Torus energy secrets to battle the current energy and banking system, by going to a gold standard, we defeat (((them))). Swastika is one of oldest symbols of humanity across all races.

Am I there yet?

My question does Trump, Putin, current geopolitic environment fit into all of this?

I don't know where this specific symbol comes from but similar sun-symbols can be found on picture stones in Gotland.

if you claim to be 100% red pilled on anything, you aren't brother. Even if you watched every video on this channel

you would not be 100% red pilled there are teachings we only give to the adept because they are dangerous in the wrong hands. If you think you have what it takes find us when you are ready

this is precisely the larping bullshit I am referring to. You're just a schizo posting conspiracy threads on the internet. Saw your link, not surprised it's you Bodhi.

Where would I even begin to get redpilled on the esoteric? This stuff all sounds like nonsense yet is simultaneously fascinating.

What do people mean by saturn worship? What is the importance/meaning of these symbols?

Thank you, much appreciated.

read the comments

We just had a new show starting in Serbia, "Shadows over the Balkans" which talks about communist terrorists prior to WW2. Pic related. Notice the black sun on it.


>not bodhi
fuck off you are either a kike or imbecile either way fuck off

why we are here brother


The sun and its cyclical nature, or cycles in general. The bent rays imply that it's rotating, i.e. everything moves but reaches its origin at some point and then moves on. And on.

It's not that obscure a meaning, actually a lot of ancient Germanic symbols represent cyclicality and/or fertility (is cyclicality a word?) in some ways. It has to be seen in its historical context; the ancient Germanics were absolutely dependent on nature and their understanding of it. Don't have enough food and wood stocked in autumn when winter arrives? You starve or freeze to death. You get old and don't have children to take care of you? You starve or freeze to death.

The whole spring-summer-autumn-winter-spring and childbirth-infancy-adolescence-adulthood-parenthood

this is only one small part brother read comments

this has to do with the entire fabric of this false reality

I remember a vivid and magical dream I had as a child, where I sat with my back against an absolutely massive tree, that shot up into the sky beyond the clouds. I think this must have had something to do with the "tree of life" or "Yggdrasil" or some such, with obvious parallels to Kundalini energies.

Later on in my late teens I went heavily into esoteric literature of the Herman Hesse type. 90's "new age", and practiced mediation and yearned to have OOBE's. It is said that when "Kundalinin rises" from such interests and practices there will be manifestations of various types, OOBE's being one of them. I had crystal clear experiences that forever changed my perception on life. Magical lands...

Later in life I drifted away from all of that, into material misery.

I want to extend a sincere thank (You) to OP for rekindling my interest this evening.

Don't be sad. Perfection is unattainable, but the relentless and unending pursuit of it is a part of the perfection. The image should be happy. The silver man tirelessly reaches for something greater, and in doing so covers endless ground ahead of his fellow beings.


I get the black sun
but why the deathstar?

You really need to get a life, Bodhi. Every single one of your past dates of happenings and prophecies has fallen flat. It's not even funny at this point, it's just sad.

I really mean it buddy, I think you might need help.

At the very least stop poisoning these gullible idiots with your horseshit.


show your flag kike

I noticed he went quiet after the Sep. 23 produced nothing, I guess he's back to trying to gain followers again.

>same response as always
Did it ever occur to you that anyone who sees you for what you are, is not a shill?

yah most see me for what I am thanks a Son of Saturn guardian of the arcanum and Aryan legacy

you on the other hand are a fat kike nobody fooling no one

No, what you are is a self perceived enlightened new age faggot, always jumping from one theory to the other. You have literally all the hallmarks of a personality disorder, hence why I fucking urge you to get help before you get others to jump off a cliff for you.

In any case, none of your shit belongs here, never has. I'm sure /x/ will eat it all up.


>(((personality disorder)))
>bad goy, you need psychoanalysis right away

don't go away mad just go away :-(. The Black Sun owns you the avatar has returned

The game is just getting interesting desu, don't hate