3x3 thread

Hello friends. Tadaima

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Hello my old friend 5/5

that old, this is new


What is middle right in OVA? It looks familiar.

What's the name of the top right anime again?
I've seen it around, but the name escapes me.
Judging from the rest of your chart I think I'll like it.

Sourcefaggin' eh?
Otona Joshi no Anime Time


I made a new one, give me your 0/0's also, I need to watch more ecchi now.

5/5 TV, 1/1 OVA, 2/2 Movie

Hyouge Mono friend

Thanks, bud.

Thanks user. Definitely haven't seen it but it sounds interesting.


I rewatched Escaflowne recently again and I think it does deserve to be on my 3x3 despite its ending being rushed. I have much nostalgic love for it.


-1 Tanuki shit

-1 S;G

-1 Juirui

-0.5 Berserk
-1 S;G



How sad. Which four did you not like?

Glad someone else enjoyed Bokura ga Ita and Chihayfuru


What was the .5 my man? (6.5/7)

What's middle top?

7/7 - great, love Nana

3/4 - meh

6/8 - gay, but ok

2/5 - strange

5/7 + 3/3 + 7/9 - top notch

1/1 - fucking oppai watcher

5/8 - okish

4/6 - not bad

learn to fucking count

12/13 - pretty generic, but still good



What is strange?

Nothing, just gave me a coming out of age/pedo vibe, ignore what I wrote.

>learn to fucking count
I don't get it. It's a 3x3^3

>Shadow of the Colossus
My nigga


Shit taste desu

What do you dislike of nge?

It's pretentious

What about the non-pretentious action mecha fights?

Yay arbitrary numbers!
Actually disgusting
Escaflowne is a good choice
I don't think that's right.
3/8 - Bad

They're so ostentatious

These are decent.

I'll start by say what I did like of nge. It was beautifully choreographed; one of the most visually striking animes of its time (no wonder they ran out of money). I actually shouldn't be hating on anons who put them in their 3x3's cause it's their "favorite" anime and not what they believe is the best. What I dislike most of nge is its fanbase. It was described to me as "the greatest anime ever" so when its short- comings reared their ugly heads it was even more off-putting than it would've been if I was warned of it beforehand.

Is there a compliment more demeaning than "decent"?

I should have said 'at least decent'. Two of those are good.

dont mind that slavic nigger, he just happens to have really shitty opinions

It is pretentious but, you can't say the fight scenes weren't incredible. And Asuka is best girl.

>What I dislike most of nge is its fanbase.
I asked what you disliked of nge itself, not what it's associated. That's like saying you dislike all of anime because it has natutards.

No, thats like saying I dislike naruto because of narutards. The fanbase isn't the only thing wrong with nge, its just what I dislike the most about nge. Honestly, it would be easier to forgive nge's short-comings if Evatards owned up to them and didn't pretend they were intentional and have deep meanings. This is why people say nge is pretentious.

Anyone here able to recommend a good romance anime?

Just like people shouid separate the artist and the art, people should separate the art and its fanbase. I asked you what you disliked about NGE, not all its association. It's like me saying that I hate NGE for its consumerism products.

Yeah, Boku no Pico is a pretty heartwarming romance story.

>they were intentional and have deep meanings.
But thats true.
>Asuka is best girl.
Asuka is the worst girl in anime history.

This is not a good comparison. Separating the artist from their art is just one possible approach. Taking the artist into account when approaching a work of art may yield interesting insight that might not be inferred from the medium alone. Of course, you should never completely disregard either approach.

Fanbases are more tricky since their examination will never lead to any insight into the work.

You're trying to bait me into saying it fails to uphold basic story-telling principles such as an appropriate amount of exposition so you can say "oh, you didn't get that?" "That was intentional and had deep meaning" "2deep4you bro"
After watching it for the first time, I got the basic jist of what happened but, without enough charcter development or straightforward detail I didn't appreciate what happened. I didn't care because an emotional connection to the charcters wasn't established.

>but they WERE intentional and they DID have deep meaning
If you'd like to apply a deeper meaning to them than they really have then thats your prerogative and you're welcome to do that.
This is why nge is so heavily debated. It's an open-ended question.

While a false equivalence, I think that when I ask you what is wrong with X, you don't tell me what's wrong with X that is related to it rather than the X itself.

>I got the basic jist of what happened but, without enough charcter development or straightforward detail I didn't appreciate what happened. I didn't care because an emotional connection to the charcters wasn't established.
Maybe a rewatch is in order? It seems like it was ''too deep for you''? Hue hue.

There's no point in arguing with someone who can't properly state his own thoughts.

You might call my tastes shitty, but they are what they are.

Very true.

Is there a reason why all entry level 3x3 posters always open with a "My taste is shit" message? Like if you're expecting people to call your mosaic trash don't bother saying something in the first place. Just take it.

I agree. People should not be fearful of their taste. Like what you like and be proud of it. If you didn't like them, you wouldn't have added them to your 3x3. Unless you haven't watched anything and are just adding whatever. Then, well, you're fucked.

Go fuck yourself both of you, I'm just being humble. I would prefer these 9 shows to any pretentious bullshit like SEL, Urusei Yatsura or any Gundam season no matter how old. Sheesh, "entry level"! Go fuck yourself.

Are we talking about the same things here?
Im talking about the three scenes, where there is no movement at all (Elevator scene, Train station scene and Kaworus death). Those scenes were made, while they still had a great budget and they do serve a purpose in the narrative.

Maybe you should reread what we both wrote.

You may elaborate on what exactly I misunderstood in your posts

Did you just call a silly romantic comedy pretentious with goddamn fucking Death Parade in your 3x3?

Silly user, old=pretentious.

Yup, I did. See here:
Also, Death Parade was fun.

Humiblity, what boredom. Be confident. Stand proud! These are your taste, not someone else's. I'm not saying you can't have entrylevel, just be goddamn proud of your taste and if you're not sure, then watch more until you watch something that defines your taste. It's that simple.

No, and please don't lecture me on how I should express my tastes.

>then watch more until you watch something that defines your taste. It's that simple.
I've been eatching animu long enough to know exactly what I like, thank you very much. And that is exactly why I call my tastes shitty. Dumb, over the top and angsty shit is exactly what I enjoy in my animu. So fuxk you and your dumb proundess morals. Goodness, you sound so lofty I want to vomit.

I don't care what you like or how you express your taste, just be proud. Don't misinterpret what I am saying. Enjoy whatever you want to enjoy.

call me a dork, I dont care

S1 Digimon is still comfy as fuck

Go fuck yourself, you pretentious piece of shit, and don't tell me what to be. I enjoy my shitty tastes and I enjoy 'em being shitty. Douche.

I didn't say you can't enjoy whatever you like.
>s-sorry guy, my taste might not be good, b-but, like, what do you think of my inferior plebian taste? Terrible right? But they are what they are.

>I didn't say you can't enjoy whatever you like.
Yeah, you did told me what my attitude should be though, fucker.

>s-sorry guy, my taste might not be good, b-but, like, what do you think of my inferior plebian taste? Terrible right? But they are what they are.
Oh yeah. That's what you hear and that's why you're telling me what to do. Probably, because it's your fucking attitude to your tastes or something like that. Should have simply let me be humble

>you did told me what my attitude should be though, fucker.
Your attitude =/= taste

>Should have simply let me be humble
Be humble then.

>Your attitude =/= taste
Duh, what a discovery. What other unobvious truths will you uncover?

>Be humble then.
Nope, not after your dumb advices on how I should act

>Duh, what a discovery. What other unobvious truths will you uncover?
That you think I'm criticizing your taste instead of your attitude and thinking it's the same.

>not after your dumb advices on how I should act
Good, be more harden then.

>That you think I'm criticizing your taste instead of your attitude and thinking it's the same.
You either can't read or mentaly retarded if that's what you've got out of me continiously pointing out that I'm angry with you telling me what my attitude should be.

Or maybe you shouldn't care what other people tell you about your attitude.

I'm talking less about individual scenes and moreso the non- descript nature of the plot. I did enjoy those scenes and I understand they had a purpose.

>non- descript nature of the plot
What did you mean by this?

Maybe I shouldn't. Or maybe I actually should.

I know I'm an Imaishi fanboy

I really wish Luluco had a second season. It was too short

Maybe if weren't such a humble piece of shit, you would actually take a stance.

I wish for it too.
I'll even take an inferno cop season 2 with a luluco cameo.

Oh' I've already took my stance. My stance is: "you are a pretentious douchebag". Might not be the best stance, of course, but that's the stance I prefer. Probably.

Trigger girl cameo in LWA maybe?

that better happen
Maybe Luluco can snapchat her some justice

>Imaishi fanboy
>doesn't even have Imaishi's best show

I wish they went into greater detail concerning adam/lilith and their relationship to the angels and humans. I understand alot of what I wish they just came out and said could be infered through minor details and what I assumed was later solidified by secondary sources (game archives/ Anno's word) but, while watching it for the first time it's difficult to enjoy it while constantly second-guessing yourself.

its an old image
It should have P&S over log horizon

And I don't believe going a little farther into detail on this subject or human instrumentality would've taken away from the depth of the show

Exactly my point. You don't even know.

You're probably a bit austistic if you can't get any clue from my post that I have a pretty clear position.

Your position is that you're so humble you don't know anything, not even if your taste is good or if you should be proud of it!

You are unbelievably dull

Maybe if I troll you long enough, you'll grow a spine.


Oh god fuck off cancer.

You didn't even quote everyone.

Elaborate on why they're cancer?

Whats the manga on the bottom left?

Middle right anime? Can't remember the name.
