Was there an actual war on Christmas by the leftists? Why did they find it so hard to say Merry Christmas?

Was there an actual war on Christmas by the leftists? Why did they find it so hard to say Merry Christmas?

Yes, but there needs to be. Christmas season is advancing into mid October. It needs to be taught a lesson and beaten back to where it belongs: after Thanksgiving.

The meaningless Amerilard (((holiday)))?

Why the fuck does melania's signature look weird

dat barron

Why the fuck are you always so jealous of America?

Wonder how many times she practiced.

i'm thankful for the betrayal of natives? lets celebrate by fattening ourselves up even more.

i'm not against conquest, but celebrating it is only something americans could dream up.

To answer the first part of your question, yes.
To answer the second part, american men (both left and right) should either fuck or beat their women. They are hysterical and are overblowing every little shit.

I don't understand why it's acceptable for people to draw a line in their signature and go "yep, this is my last name"

Barron goes to $40k/yr schools all his life and can't even into cursive? What is even American education?

Yes. They're all godless atheists, which by itself isn't bad but they believe that goverment is our god and our creator.


All of the britcucks are angry today b/c the royal family just got BLACKED jej


It's just infotainment creating content to whine about.

I remember seeing "Happy Holidays" all over the place in the 70's in the USA and Canada and nobody ever had a bitchfit about it.

Unironically this.

I mean, it wouldn't be so much of a problem if we were all still christians/catholics, instead of this devoid hallmark mess of a holiday. The morales of Christmas have been dragged along in the chains of time, grasping onto the traditions drudged through the ages, only to slowly be forgotten.

Keep Christ in Christmas, lads, its the only way.

We celebrate everything and anything.

this just isn't true.


That's bullshit and you know it
all the Christmas vomit that spewed on November first, and even stores selling the shit before October even ended
You can't bullshit me

No it's being thankful to the Indians who helped the original pilgrims survive.

Whatever happened after had nothing to do with those pilgrims and they were genuinely grateful, the Indians didn't just feed them when they were starving, they taught them how to farm land that was new to them.

Also its a traditional harvest feast which many cultures from Europe have always had, that's why there is a thanksgiving in Canada too even though our history with our Indians is way different.

Why do people call them Indians anyway? America is not India.

Call me PC but I don't see myself saying "Merry Christmas" until the other holidays end or halfway into December. Its not that I wouldn't, its just way to fucking early. Maybe if it was like a store or someone's house that's decked out, or they're wearing Christmas attire, but other than that it just feels off.

Only to my good religious friends and family do I say Merry Christmas all the time, and usually if thats if I don't see them a lot

Indiana is.

Barron’s signature looks like he’s 6 years old. Do kids even use pens these days?

>learned cursive in gradeschool
>was told cursive was the future, so get used to it
>now we just type and print everything
>signature is more of a garbled squiggle than real cursive

Because saying Christ's name for a member of the tribe is like a vampire chewing garlic.

They're going to have such a cute 75% child. A ginger and a black, what could go wrong?

It's the "Christ" part in Christmas they are avoiding.

It comes from Columbus' mistaken assumption that the Island of Hispaniola was an eastern Island of India. His dumb ass was trying to find a shorter nautical route and he convinced the Spaniards to fund his trip by recalculating the Earth to have a much smaller circumference. If it hadn't been for accidentally discovering the Americas he and his crew would have all died at sea. Apparently, when it was realized the American Indians weren't actual Indians, people began to speculate that they might be a lost tribe of Israel and some early explorers attempted to communicate with the natives in Hebrew. John Smith would later coopt this idea for his Book of Mormon biblical fanfic.

>one day, you will hold a Jew down the end of the gun and force him to say "Praise Christ".

Obama's Christmas letter is so bland and impersonal. A manufactured crowd pleaser.

Exactly like his presidency.

Yes. Christmas is considered insensitive to the pagans and the Muslims that live in USA. All 3% of them.

I don't think those are the dogs' real paw prints

Savages dude. Their called Savages. Maybe Godless Savages for additional accuracy.

Wishing another person good luck, when they hate everybody else
(Supposedly) heartwarming event to spend with FAMILY where you just have a good time
They're just too jealous of that.


>mfw I'm 21 and my signature looks like Barrons (also I can't keep it consistent, changes every time)