What's your favorite pantyshot?

What's your favorite pantyshot?

The one you hate the most.


hanekawa in kizu

Panty is panty

Probably the Teekyuu one and I don't even watch the show

Second best okusama after Rin.

teekyuu has good pantsuu I just started watching it

Does squatting count?

I suppose


What's this from?

Yozakura Quartet


>11 years in the waiting

And it was worth it.

Fanart doesn't count though.

Was she in 1st season? I don't remember her.






Amazing detail. Is there hope yet for Japan and anime?

Was that detail really necessary? Why is this allowed?

Still pure

Too bad the show was terrible

Fucking kyoani ruining the greatest moment of the manga

I never read the manga. How did they ruin it?

The manga showed actual panties.

nah, the show was fine