So anime is basically a japanese cartoon?

So anime is basically a japanese cartoon?

Other urls found in this thread:カートゥーン


>Anime is ANIMation
Holy shit....!

In Japan they even call spongebob and family guy anime.

What di you yhink it was?

Why cosplay always looks like shit? Her clothes are awful

I'm getting some conflicted opinions here

Anime is the Japanese word for cartoon.

What's conflicting about it? In Japan all cartoons are anime, in the West, anime is a cartoon from Japan.

No, anime is a type of art style. Not all cartoon in japan are anime and in the US there are some anime like the boondocks.


Technically they're just shortening animation to anime. So the term anime just kinda became synonymous with Japanese animation. but in a broad spectrum cartoons are also animation or animated stories. in the west are called cartoons because reasons I cannot remember.

Are you for real?

anime is the Japanese word for cartoon
anime is the English word for Japanese cartoons

Anime is アニメ is short for the entertainment medium of animation/アニメーション. However "western" animation is also referred to as foreign anime/animation, as in 海外アニメ.
Do a Google search for 海外アニメ to get a good illustration of what foreign cartoons, as opposed to domestic cartoons, means to a Japanese.

The sad thing is that that's what most dictionaries will tell you.

They also have an historical term for cartoons, in reference to American and European cartoons: カートゥーン. Kind of interesting.カートゥーン

Why stopping there? Here's another outstanding revelation!

Manga are basically Japanese comics and the word "manga" itself just means "comic" in its original language and it's used for every kind of comics including the americans and french ones.

Here's a question for you faggots.
If "anime" is just short for "animation", where the fuck the word "cartoon" comes from?

A general use dictionary isn't going to be a technical reference so it shouldn't really be an issue of sad nut more like understanding the limitations of generalised descriptions of technical terminology. Most dictionaries provide lack luster descriptions of mostly everything if you aren't looking for a basic description for the layman. It's part of the reason why technical dictionaries for specific fields exist and they aren't designed to general purpose word description lookups.
It's the nature of trying to descriptively catalogue popular usage of evolving languages.

Technically, what you are referring to as "cartoon" is short for animated cartoon.

I thought it was live action...

Anime is the Jap translation for "cartoon". That's it.

Who the fuck knows.

What's more luckluster and simpler and basic than "Japanese cartoon"?

Instead they go on convoluted explanations that are simply wrong like "stylized colorful art" (like that's realle the distinctive factor) or "mostly about science fiction".


"Japanese cartoon" isn't descriptive enough. It's more of a translation than a definition.

But what meaning would you apply besides "animated cartoon from Japan".

Hambagah and Hamburger is not the same thinh.

>basically a japanese cartoon?
More like "literally".

Thanks, I've been waiting to use this

Nope, anime is best korean 2D choreography & acting