Is this posible?

Can blacks and whites live in harmony? If so, what do both sides need to do to achieve this?

I say it's possible if black people:
-got rid of the victim mentality
-stopped quickly reacting with violence

And if white people
-got rid of their superiority complex
-stopped making assumptions based on skin color

of course we can live in harmony
as good neighbors
separated by really really fucking good fences



Putting a suit on a monkey? Yeah I suppose it's possible, but you'd probably have to custom-fit the suit.

>-got rid of their superiority complex
>-stopped making assumptions based on skin color
1. we literally are superior in every way
2.It's perfectly fine to make well informed decisions and opinions based on averages and statistics

Take the kike out of the equation and either integration or separation happen as it is supposed to naturally. So yes it's possible.

if by side by side you mean countries yes

of course
whites in white countries, blacks in black countries. if all those "smart blacks" somehow got Africa in shape and strong nationalist states popped up there the whole world would benefit and they'd have less reasons to force themselves into white states.

seriously, the sheer amount of resources down there would make a set of strong and modern states valuable for the whole world through trade, and provide something to be proud and patriotic about. actual black nationalism in Africa is objectively a good thing for the entire world

I honestly thought that from the thumbnail, that was a white man in a suit shaking hands with a monkey in a suit at first glance.

This, retards are dooming their countries by coming to London instead of helping more retarded people in their country.

in a majority of the first world they already do, what is this "can"

I agree, the jews are using rap music to corrupt the youth both white and black

>already do

>Can blacks and whites live in harmony?

More important - can blacks live in harmony with other blacks?

Why do we have to live side by side?
It makes no sense, im in the fucking arctic, you niggers need to take medicin just so you dont go crazy during the dark winter, why do would you want to live here? The very nature around you is trying to get you to leave, take a fucking hint


it's not possible. in new orleans, we are about to celebrate this city's 300th anniversary. if 300 years aren't enough to "integrate", then i think the time scale is simply too vast. it's too much greater than the human lifespan. it would take at least 300,000 years to begin to "integrate."

Interesting question. It's possible, but it would take a major culture shift away from self destructive drugs and music

>-got rid of the victim mentality
>stopped quickly reacting with violence

Both signs of subhuman IQ

>got rid of their superiority complex
Not a complex it's true what have blacks given the world. Europeans took us to the modern age
>stopped making assumptions based on skin color

I think you'll find it's the muds doing that

>I say it's possible if black people:
>-got rid of the victim mentality
>-stopped quickly reacting with violence
>And if white people
>-got rid of all jews
There, that's how you do it. Sometimes a gassing is what's needed to have a good community.