Should Canada become a republic?

Should Canada become a republic?

I can't think of something more cucked than have your head of state live in another country and barely visits it. Monarchy is an outdated concept incompatible with modern times.

>I can't think of something more cucked than have your head of state live in another country and barely visits it.
Because you're a disingenuous kike.
>Monarchy is an outdated concept incompatible with modern times.

wait, it isn't?


Queen is for soy boys

Maybe you should just join the republic to your southern and western boarder. That way we can deport all illegals in north America completely. Tim Horton and IHOP for all. You guys keep your healthcare infrastructure and Canadian stuff as state level taxes/spending and if anyone else that moves into prior canadian territory they will also have to contribute to the system or once moving out of those areas to the sun soaked south you no longer have to pay and get another form of healthcare.

That's not a bad idea, it's not like Canada has a culture different from the US, all we're concerned aboot is our healthcare and foreign policy. We will rename to Republic of America. Still sittin on the fence about what to do with frenchies, tho. They could be a protectorate with their own laws and sheit.

It's true, monarchy is incompatible with democratic and individualistic culture and values of le current year and deeply rooted in christfag concepts like divine right to rule.

>Geography determines national feelings
What separates Canada from being America? It's historical attachment to Britain. Get rid of that and you are nothing more than a country that everyone thinks should be part of the USA anyway.
I bet you're French

>become a republic?

God save the Queen!

canada isn't a country it's a company.

Absolutely not.

God save the Queen!

>monarchy is incompatible with democratic and individualistic culture and values of le current year
Which is a good thing. Only one (((group of people))) benefit from "democracy".
>and deeply rooted in christfag concepts like divine right to rule.
This might be a shock to you, but ALL cultures, before, after, and adjacent to Christianity have had monarchy.
Divine Right is actually a lousy form of legitimacy for monarchy. Mandate of Heaven is better.

Maybe it's the current year that's wrong?

America has no culture, Canada has no culture, we speak the same language, we are both are of similar racial stock, we are both run by globalists, so it's not like Austria-Hungary. Better merge than cling on to a distant past in history in a pathetic attempt to have a semblance of identity.

Canada is an SJW drama class, not a country.

Oh fuck bud that coat of arms is giving me a half chubb

>Which is a good thing. Only one (((group of people))) benefit from "democracy"

I know but nevertheless it is innate to the Anglo soul. What I really want to discuss in this thread is not republicanism or monarchy itself, rather the relevance of still being in a political union with the UK when clearly we have no need for it.

We have more important shit to focus on right now.

CANZUK, dude. We'd form a massive trading alliance.
Why throw that away just to drown yourself in American propaganda?

Just wait until the old hag dies and whatever the fuck THIS is ascends the throne
It'll practically destroy itself

>Complains about a man wearing a sword and bandolier
Typical Canada.

>Photo from a Saudi Islamic Sword Dance
>Praises Islam for it's "Sacred Spirituality"
>Regularly wears Islamic clothing over his raging hard-on for Lawrence of Arabia
Typical Australia, being utterly oblivious to Sufism infecting their politicians. You guys rooted out all the paedophiles in your parliment yet?

>Typical Australia, being utterly oblivious to Sufism infecting their politicians.
Not oblivious. Sufiism is alright. Like Freemasonry for Muslims.
>You guys rooted out all the paedophiles in your parliment yet?
Doubt it. There's quite a few who should hand over their harddrives. But really, all (((elected))) politicians are despicable.

If Canada will become republic, it will be absolute state of cuckoldry.

Monarchy will always be more relevant than Canada.

Fuck no. Canada is for the loyalist anglo man.

>Anglos worship the Jesuit controlled nobility

Canada should be nuked into a glass

This is a soyboy cuck.