What do you guys think about this as a bugout bag????? I dont care how much it costs...

What do you guys think about this as a bugout bag????? I dont care how much it costs. I'm thinking I'd be able to stuff it into a larger backpack with clothes and shelter if SHTF


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At the risk of sounding like an internet meme, your greatest asset is knowledge. Not a bag filled a shit.

When I took survival, my bug out bag was what they said I could scrap together out of the POW camp or the airplane wreckage.

With the exception of the fishing hook... they allowed us one fishing hook because we weren't allowed to make fish traps.

You're really gonna carry all that shit?

Nobody ever puts a few lighters in these things.


put a solar-charging power bank in every vehicle you own, plus the bag

Tactical Tomahawk is all you need.

Also, load a survival guide and a copy of wikipedia on your phone
wrap each power bank in a cable compatible with your phone

All I need is this and it's my bug out bag ....

>copy of wikipedia on your phone
Is this a thing? If so, this. Plus probably a solar charger or something.

That's a post-apocalypse limitless credit card.

because the kits always have flint+steels

Until you run out of bullets and encounter someone who knows that and calls your bluff and/or instigates a gun fight

mentioned the solar charger

see also openzim.org/wiki/OpenZIM

That is ok for a car, or your workplace. Actual ones to carry should be under 6OZ total weight

I get that but I’m all about convenience. How long would you ever need to bug out? A few lighters would last you months. They’re small and light.

First thing you buy with your limitless credit card is a bigger gun and more bullets. Then you get to join one of the many gangs of marauders and fuck lots of bitches.
Cool, I might buy a usb drive and put it on there.

>spend a bunch of money on useless shit
>nigger with hi-point sees big target
>can't run because extra "bug out bag" weight
>get shot and looted

Why do people with zero experience who have probably never been camping think a bag will save them?

>What do you guys think about this as a bugout bag?????
It's trash. Build your own, take your time and consider how much weight you want to carry. Water, fire, and shelter are your top three priorities. You can get a backpacking filter for 70 bucks that can filter practically anything. For starting fire you want 3 different ways to do it with emergency tinder. I usually go with a few cheap bic lighters, waterproof matches, and a metal match. Shelter can be a tarp that you can use as the basis.

If you're worried about food you can rat fuck some MREs to cut down on weight so you have some quick calories at your disposal. If you're really anal about weight, those freeze dried meals you can find at almost any camping store are not bad. Pack some hard candy for a morale boost and quick sugar as well.

Three things you never go cheap on. Your pack, your feet, and your primary knife. Don't forget you're going to want some kind of firearm, preferably a rifle, and enough ammo so you can get yourself out of trouble with it. Preferably you will be with friends, all of whom also have rifles.

You should see me screaming at the TV when watching the movie where they kill people in just walk past their bodies that doesn't happen in real life

>joing any group that accepts new members after shit started
theyll only take new members if theyre already realizing theyre fucked and hope you can save them or if they want to rob you when you go to sleep.

With some recent life experiences I can honestly say fuck all the fan boy bug out shit. All you need is food water and a gun. All the rest is just shit you'd never use.

Theres literally nothing in that picture that will provide any benefit. Go ahead and pick an item you think is worth shit and I'll tell you why its not.