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Nepadodies kremļa D&C propagandai.



East Latgale is finnished m8



Still butthurt about Coronians burning down sigtuna?


>tibetean budaism

wtf? wasn´t that a well know place for khazar jews?


A bit, but you guys are still better than People from Norgay and Poland

Tu nemaz nesajēdz par ko tu runā, Rīdziniek. Tu esi gatavs pamest daļu no Latvijas tikai dēļ minimālas Krievu ietekmes? Daudzi Latgaļi ir lojālāki nekā dažs labs "īsts" Latvietis.

Kalmyks. They're leftover Mongols, and not in the jokey "LOL Finland is Mongolian" way either.

Thanks, whats wrong with norwegians though?

the empire shall rise again

when the fuck was this?
place is riddle with 100s of diff ethnicities nowdays... probably because that is what happens to places where jews dwell

Neesmu gatavs man vienkārši ir žēl par daugavpili un to ka austrumlatgale ir russificējusies, bet latgale ir Latvija, un nekas to nemainīs.

forgot pic

>viena Daugavpils
>visa Latgale




Just kys.

>like catalonia but not scotland
you have autism


Go die for dombass dumbass
