Sup Forums do any of you know where I can find the percentage of gen z voters that voted for Trump?

Sup Forums do any of you know where I can find the percentage of gen z voters that voted for Trump?

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GenZ began around 2001. So 0% of them voted at all.

I'm gen z though and I voted. I'm pretty sure it starts at 1997/1998.

This, 2016 was my first election.

Pic is a map based on a poll of 50,000 kids in High School that are considered Gen Z conducted last year by Heritage Hispanic Center.

I know about that poll I was just wondering if there was any actual exit polling done strictly between the ages of 18-20?

>a single blog means anything

actually kill yourself

Only exit polling I saw for that demographic that I distinctly remember was White Males voting for him by almost the same margins as Whites as a whole do in Alabama, and White women voting for him in the mid to high 50s. Don't have a link handy, but I'm sure you can find it by googling exit polling data.

I consider gen z as those that dont remember 9/11

>I'm gen z though and I voted. I'm pretty sure it starts at 1997/1998.

Let me guess, you were born in 1997 or 1998.

Here's a breakdown of the generations of the 20th and 21st centuries for you:
1900-1924 The GI or Greatest Generation
1925-1944 The Silent Generation
1945-1964 The Baby Boomers
1965-1979 Gen X
1980-1999 over 9000 Unique and Special generations (collectively called Millennials)
2000-present Gen Z

Do you remember which website it was on at least?

I was born in '98 and I don't remember it.

>gen z

>having any self-awareness

I have nothing in common with typical millenials. I'm nostalgic about yu-gi-oh cards and spongebob and early youtube smosh. The ps2 is retro to me for christ sake.

Gen Z is considered to be mid nineties so 1993-1995 is considered the start date according to (((Wikipedia)))

>I consider gen z as those that dont remember 9/11

My Grandfather is 92 and he doesn't remember 9/11.
By your standards, he's Gen Z.

But he also can't remember how to tie his own shoes, or that pudding is food and not lube, so I think that makes him more of a Millennial.

I'm so confused.

Sorry my dude, like I said though just some simple google searching should fine it. Be way of the fact they love to throw out 18 to 29 year olds vote as a whole, instead of showing what it was specifically at the 18-20 level (the leading edge of Gen Z).

>I have nothing in common with typical millenials.
t. every fucking Millennial

You're part of the Snowflake Generation.
Maybe your birthday will be declared it's own extra-super special generation soon.

I really can't find anything. I remember seeing something like you described a while back to but now I'm in a internet argument and I can't find it.

hmmm really makes you think why you can't find the voting percentage of gen z.......

I meant that more in that I'm nostalgic of the early to mid 2000s, instead of the 90s like a typical millenial. Clearly that shows a generational divide between me and them.

>really makes you think why you can't find the voting percentage of gen z...

Only if you're a moron or a Millennial.
The oldest of Gen Z is 17. Still too young to legally vote.
>B-But I don't want to be a Millennial
Yeah. You and 86 million other Millennials in the US.

You can be Generation Lollipop. That's for Millennials born between August 23-25 1998.
Because you have absolutely nothing in common with people from Generation Tootsie Roll who were born between August 19-22 1998.

The most defining trait of every Millennial is that they feel too super special to be a Millennial.
No one else from any other generation gives a shit what generation they're part of.

She's fucking a WHITE MALE!
>Are Jew Kidding Me!

Yeah, sure, if a generation is 13 years long and not 20 as is standard.
>Boomers: 45-64
>X: 65-84
>Y/Millennial: 85-04
>Z: 05-24

Gen Z started in 2005.
>2005+18 = 2023
None of the Gen Zs voted.

Your Gen X is short 5 years of being a generation.
So is your Gen Y.
>A generation is 20 years, it's not bloody hard maths.

>Y/Millennial: 85-04
I always consider gen Y and Millenial to be separate. Y born in 80s and early 90s. Millenial born late 90s and early 2000s.

Since people tell us that all Millennials have to think or believe a certain way can you blame us?

>That's because you're retarded.
There the same generation.
>pic not related.

So who do you consider the Millennial X cuspers?

Yes I realize how it looks to call people retarded and type the wrong "there/they're"

I never got a participation trophy. People just want to stop me from being different because I was born in an arbitrary era. No other generation is stopped from being individuals but when a Millennial does it it's the end of the world. If we were all encouraged to be different why did the school system shove meds down kids throats and threaten to deny people education if they were different?

Are you legitimately autistic?

The cross over for any generation is the last/first five years.
For example.
>Be me
>Be born in 1985
>Be Gen Y
>Mum is boomer (1950)
>Dad is war baby (1940)

I'm on the cusp. By my parents I should be Gen X, but by my YOB I am Gen Y.

>Be my older sister
>Born 1982

She's Gen X, but considers herself part of Gen Y.
>She's a cunt - sexually abused me for my entire childhood.
>Have to keep it secret so as not to tear the entire family apart.
>Fortunately she lives in another country.

Boomers were born in 1946-1956. They were the teenagers of the 60s and early 70s. The youngest ones were Kevin Arnold's age in the Wonder Years who was an 8th grader in 1969.

I think your year range makes the most sense. Strauss and Howe say the Millennials are from 1982-2004 and there's speculation that the years 1982-1988 are the interbellum range.

>a generation is 10 years
Seriously, KYS
>Only in a Muslim country.

>She's fucking a WHITE MALE!
Millennials don't fuck, see?
Sex is ugly, dirty, American hippie bullshit, see?
None of your free love here, slurpee.

During Millennial rutting season, the female rubs her schnizz up against the dirtiest, blackest pole she can find, and then the male comes along and fertilizes the eggs she left behind.
He jiggles his furry beard from side to side, and sullenly cleans his problem glasses on his ironic t-shirt to let the steel jawed female of his species know the ritual is finished.
Child support payments are automatically deducted from his PayPal account monthly for the next 32 years, or until his new video game makes it's first $1,000,000, which is known amongst Millennial cum-catchers as "winning the cuck lottery!"

>I just don't...
>His beard is bigger than my minge!
>And it smells worse!
>To think that I dyed my hair purple for THIS!!

I always thought (I forget where I even read this) Gen Z starts 1996.

You thought wrong.

False. It starts in 2005. Strauss and Howe say this is the case.

(((Strauss))) and (((Howe)))?

>Your Gen X is short 5 years of being a generation.
And The Greatest Generation was 5 years too long.
They used Gen X to fix that.
Thing is, if Gen X suddenly becomes 61-81 tomorrow, I'm not gonna cry about it.
Same as if it became 65-85.
Or 52-72.

No one gives two shits about the accepted dates of a generation, except Millennials.
For some weird reason, 86 million faggots think that Millennial is the worst insult ever created.
These are just panic responses from 4chins:
>I was born in 1990. I can't be a Millennial.
>Millennials are people born after 1995
>I'm not a Millennial, I'm Gen Y.
>My family didn't have an internet connection when I was 12. Definitely not a Millennial.
>I ate cereal for breakfast as a kid. Not a Millennial.
>I thought Millennials were born between 2002 and 2007
>Millennials are people born before 1994
>I like tacos. There's no way I could be a Millennial.
>Generations are about 4 years in length and it's been that way since 1980
>I was born in 1992 and I have absolutely nothing in common with someone born in 1994
>Rule of thumb if you can remember a time before the internet your a millineal, if not your gen Z.
>Oldest millennials right now are 27
>Gen Y is gen Y. millenial is anyone born after 2000. hence the fucking name, millenial.
>I'm pretty sure that millenial is born in 90's and gen z is born in 00's.
>If you did not turn 18 between the years 2000-2010, then you are not a millennial.
>You are only Millennial if born between 1999 - 2017

If people born after 2000 were called Generation AIDS, there would still be Millennials desperately trying to move the date back to 1998 or 1996 or whatever year they were born.


Ok. Then why do you give two shits what generation everyone else thinks you are?

I fall into Gen Y/Millennials so take your straw men and shove them up your dilapidated sphincter and while you're up there see if you can't retrieve your head.

Categorical definitions matter, and a generation is 20 years long.

>I always consider gen Y and Millenial to be separate.
t. Millennial

It's because everyone seems offended when a Millennial is an individual. They get the meme myth that we all got participation trophies and were told we could do anything. So now any Millennial who is different is hated.

>People just want to stop me from being different
Yeah. 'Millennials' are the first time people were EVAR grouped together by their religion, purchasing decisions, or race.

This has nevar happened befoar!!!
We all had a secret meeting, and bought blowtorches so we could melt your snowflake.

You should probably have a parade next year in honor of your extra super special differences.
I know!
You should make a flag that looks like a rainbow to represent your generation!!

It's always funny when (((they))) call us "generation snowflake" yet all the alt-right figures and renewed conservatism has come out of Gen Y/Millennials

>She's Gen X, but considers herself part of Gen Y.
She's a Millennial
>B-But she considers hirself...
Yeah. You can't get much more Millennial than that.

And I'd wear it just to piss off all the people who make fun of my special snowflakedom.

>Boomers were born in 1946-1956
Yeah, nigger.
In the way-back days it only took 10 years to reach maturity.

Wanna know how I know you're a Millennial?

He could just be an arab.

Gen Z is more conservative than millenials. I'm a millenial and my sibling is gen Z. She's pretty trad and conservative while I'm pretty cool with a lot of stuff

>It's because everyone seems offended when a Millennial is an individual

Millennials are ALL individuals.
They're all too special and unique to evar be considered part of any group.
See my first post:
>1980-1999 over 9000 Unique and Special generations (collectively called Millennials)

Millennials are Extra Super Duper Special people.
No two are anything alike, at all.
Every Millennial invented Problem Glasses, and ironic PBR shirts, and huge beards that smell like a sewer, and man-buns, and purple hair all on their own. Uniquely.

You're extra super special. Just like everyone else.

Whatever you say. You won't kill the individuality in me. I will continue to piss off the people who shout that special snowflake meme.

ugh that gut

Yeah. We all know you're special.
Just like everyone else from your generation.