This chink claims he was assaulted by some 'low key nazi'

Pity he didn't get his head caved in

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Who even is this guy? Is he the one from the United Airlines flight? Is that why so many people give a shit about what he has to say about anything?

What does nazi even mean anymore

what did NYT do to "normalize white supremecy"?

Why do you wish harm on this man

Poopoohead is more insulting

Nazis lost WW2

Asians who engage in this shit are right behind white race traitors in line for the rope. At least the niggers are too stupid to know any better...

Everything not Marxist

>Meanwhile, in Berkeley, neither whites or asians are let into class
Choose your side wisely you absolute retard

>signs his tweets MD
fucking doctors always have their heads inside their own asses. self-important retards.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this guy being assaulted. This chink is the biggest virtue signaling faggot I've ever seen on the internet.

More asians are attacked by niggers every day and not a peep from the media.

A white person who isn't marxist.

Video of asian-American being attacked by niggers

>be an asian MD
>see a white guy with an asian girl
>they're happy

Of course this gook makes it about race, he probably cut the guy off in the parking garage and didn't even notice because he was driving something larger than a rickshaw

Whose paying this cunt whore?
Why is he such a shill?
Spends his whole day tweeting the party line for the dems and he's supposed to be a doctor?

Them niggas went to school for like 23-24 years. Niggas tryna get deys street cred.
>In 2017 Gu has been writing opinion editorial contributions to newspapers and magazines; July 2017 he wrote in Fortune magazine, "Why I’m Suing President Trump for Blocking Me on Twitter" while continue to criticize the Trump administration. In August 2017, Gu wrote in The Hill newspaper about the Texas 'rape insurance' bill (House Bill 214).[36][37]

Is "Low-Key Nazi" an actual thing or did he make it up?

You shouldn't be for interracial relationships from square one. But I suppose that's only their business.

wheres the proofs ching ching?

It's all fake and gay.

Imagine the political quadrant

Now place mao on it

Now draw lines along the area to the right of mao and south of him

There's your nazi

>a low-key nazi attacked me
he probably got cucked by a white guy and hasn't gotten over it since.

"white person"

Being a doctor has to be the most over rated profession in terms of intelligence required. It is all memorization, and even after all those years of training they still fuck up all the time.

> be doctor leaving late night shift out of a hospital in a shithole somehwere
> get jumped and robbed by “white hispanic” for booze money
> I was attacked by nazis guys

>Low-key nazi
Yeah ok, not just some random retarded kid.

Nah it's more vague

If anything, a doctor being attacked in the parking garage at his own hospital is evidence that we need more so-called "fascist" police to keep bandits like that in check.


>victims of black crime should post about not normalizing black violence

>get assaulted
>don't file police report


do these people not realize that whit people get shit for being white by brown people all the fucking time too?

surprise it's the same bamboo jew

white person


Also isn't he in some fucking Buzzfeed videos and not a real doctor?

Seriously, who in the fuck is he?

is this the same faggot who "took a knee" to virtue signal? he probably misdiagnosed some patient and the guy confronted him about it in the parking lot. these fucking idiot doctors misdiagnose people all the time. in Massachusetts they literally get away with murder ALL THE TIME.

This. My sister went to school with some absolute retards. She's also not too bright. All are in residency right now in competitive programs.

>TFW you're such a faggot that your idea of resistance is bending the knee


I completely agree.

Exactly how does this man's mind work?

>Hey chong watcha doin?

Doctors and not engineers are the worst case illustration of being non-functionally bone ignorant outside your specialization. Upscale grocery stores near neighborhoods with doctors will just repackage and arbitrarily mark up ordinary items as luxury items. I used to work at one. No one with a medical degree ever looked closer at a five dollar potato.

HI Gu!

>words and labeling don't hurt, people that complain about the words "nigger" and "faggot" are retarded
I see Sup Forums still compartmentalizes like children

He's a chink, not a man.

>parking garage
Excellent, let's see the tapes.