Pine Gap

Pine Gap is the most important location in all of modern history.

It is the largest CIA facility outside of mainland USA. It is 5.3 miles deep, has a full-time staff of 1200 Americans, and for the most part Australians are kept in the dark as to what actually goes on here.

If you've ever made a phone call in the southern hemisphere, your data was relayed to Pine Gap.

If you've ever wondered where the 'real' Area 51 was, you've found it.

This is where they do their dirty work. UFOs are most likely housed here, so too all the data transmitted from deep space that is eventually relayed to Pine Gap for analysis. There's also rumors that the US have developed a teleportation device.

Why Australia you ask?

We are the singular barrier to public disclosure of UFO activity and the presence of extraterrestrial life in our galaxy. 'freedom of information' has no bearing here. If they did this in USA, they'd eventually need to disclose everything. The ANZUS treaty is essentially the legal barrier of the eventual disclosure of extraterrestrial activity Pine Gap. If anything is eventually disclosed by a person or group of persons, they would be guilty of war crimes. This is how they keep things off the book, the same way the Manhattan Project was protected during WW2. See Fourth Geneva Convention.

Other urls found in this thread:

1996 Pine Gap Report

> “Some of the following information was derived from an impeccable scientific source who, up to the time of his retirement occupied a key position among the Australian scientific elite.
> Due to his position he was fully informed about all joint government scientific programs and was often asked to advise on technical and intelligence matters relating to them, He agreed to comment on some American activities in Australia providing he was not identified by subsequent use of the information.
> The man has an amazing background involving an association with some of the greatest scientific discoveries of the twentieth century, In his old age he feels that people should be made a little more aware of what is going on around them.

> “There are at least ten top secret American facilities in Australia with the so called 'Joint defense Space Research Facility' at Pine Gap outside Alice Springs being classified as the most important. At the time the agreement to establish Pine Gap was signed by the Australian government it's purpose was to control and act as a downlink for geosynchronous satellites stationed over the Pacific and Asia.
> The American agencies involved with this intelligence gathering are the CIA, NSA and the NRO. However there were other reasons for establishing the base which have never been fully revealed to the Australian government. The agreement clearly stated that it was not a requirement for the U.S.A. to share all information with Australia.
>In fact when the Whitlam government came to power in 1972 what little information that was being shared with the Australian Defense Signals Directorate (DSD) was reduced to a trickle and at one time, prior to 1975, stopped altogether.

>“The main reasons for Pine Gap being situated where it is are proximity to the Pacific and Indian Oceans and Asia, it's Southern hemispheric window to outer space, it's-position on the earth's surface in relation to other important areas situated on the planet, its isolation and the fact it is situated in an area of low electromagnetic radiation.
>Construction of the base was undertaken by American contractors who flew in their own workforce from the U.S.A. on a shift basis. No Australians were involved in the construction work which took around two years before the base became operational.

>"Construction work continued for several years on large underground facilities which are rumored to extend some twelve levels below the base. Long tunnels are laid out in a pattern similar to the spokes of a wheel and extend several miles from the center of the base.

>“In a deep shielded underground chamber a nuclear reactor similar in size to those used to power submarines was installed to drive large AC and DC generators. This fact has been kept secret as it was quite illegal for such equipment to be operated without an act of parliament changing the existing laws relating to the installation of nuclear power stations in Australia.
>But when it's all secret in the first place who needs to get permission?
>The Pine Gap base also has an above ground diesel powered generating station which, it is claimed, is the only power station there. If that is so why is it shut down most of the time? If you need an electromagnetic free area you don't build a power station in the middle of it. Of course it can be used when the base was not operating but then what keeps everything running when it is turned off, batteries? Pine Gap is not connected to an outside electricity supply.

>“Reportedly, extending some twenty thousand feet below the base is a bore hole containing an ultra low frequency antenna which is apparently used for secret experiments supposedly related to Nicola Tesla's resonance theories as well as low frequency communications throughout the world.

>“Pine Gap's communication systems are the most sophisticated available utilizing satellites, micro wave, low frequency and their own dedicated cable to the U.S.A.
>Also they are directly connected to Nurrunga, North West Cape, Geraldton, Australian Defence Signals Directorate in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, all CIA and NSA stations, ASIO, SIS and perhaps one of the most interesting secret departments of all, the Australian Defense Science and Technology Organization which deals with UFO's and crash retrievals.

>“The number of staff at Pine Gap varies between four hundred to five hundred at any one time and all except a liaison officer and his small staff are Americans. Although Alice Springs is only fourteen miles from the front gate few of the Pine Gap's occupants ever visit there. They stay in their self contained theme park enjoying all the luxuries of home.
>So stringent is the security that even personal shopping is undertaken in the U.S.A. and everything ordered on a weekly basis, including the groceries, is delivered on the Thursday C5 flight from California (there are usually three or four per week).

>"Pine Gap is a multi billion dollar operation of great importance to the American government. It is said that to be selected for a tour of duty there is like being elevated to the priesthood, a comment which may not be as silly as it sounds. The vast empty territory of central and South Australia has always been an area of high UFO activity.
> The Woomers rocket -range and the nuclear test site at Maralinga seemed to be their focal points during the 1950's and early 1960's. However this changed somewhat when construction started at Pine Gap and later at Nurrunga. From the time the earth moving equipment moved in there was a rapid rise in UFO sightings in Alice Springs and the surrounding area.
> The regular sightings have continued to this day and some of them could only be described as bizarre.

> “Pine Gap can be observed from the distant surrounding hills which overlook the entire secure base area. All that can be seen are eight white radomes placed in close proximity to groups of long low buildings. A few miles from the base a double security fence winds its way around through the grass and light scrub and cuts it's way through the lower levels of the nearby hills. The fence is patrolled continuously by American guards and members of the Australian Federal Police Force.
> The American guards live at the base and the Federal Police at Alice Springs.”

Extraterrestrial/UFO sightings around Pine Gap

> “One case which received some limited publicity in 1989 involved three hunters who were on an all night shooting trip in the hills near Pine Gap. At around 4.30a.m. they observed a large camouflaged door open on the side of a low hill inside the security compound and a metallic, circular disc appear from the gaping black hole, tip on it's edge and disappear vertically at tremendous speed.
>The door then slowly shut and everything returned to normal. The camouflage was so good that from their vantage point they were unable to observe anything unusual about the area after the door closed.

>“There are several other incidents of a similar nature which were reported by visitors to the area and in one case in 1975 the occupants of a passenger plane which was passing some eighteen miles to the east of the base observed a large white object, similar in size to one of the white radomes, suddenly leapt into the air and disappeared rapidly towards the north west.
>As everyone on the plane was interested in seeing what Pine Gap looked like most of the passengers and crew witnessed the event. When the pilots reported the incident everyone on the plane was interested in seeing what Pine Gap looked like most of the passengers and drew witnessed the event. When the pilots reported the incident everyone on the plane was interviewed and told not to talk about it.

>"A camouflaged door case occurred in 1980 when two members of the Northern Territory Police, who were taking part in a search for a missing Alice Springs child, watched as three 'bath tub' shaped objects flew slowly over the base and then one by one disappeared in to an oblong black hole in a hillside. This also occurred during the early hours of the morning and as the two police officers had arranged to meet other members of the search party they left without seeing the door close.

>“Another type of sighting involves, blue, red and gold pencil like beams. In 1973 a government cartographer was camped in an area near Pine Gap. Some time after midnight he saw a vertical shaft of very bright blue light emanating from the area of the base. He decided to take a closer look. He drove his four wheel drive to the top of a low hill from which the Pine Gap base could be seen some eight miles to the east.
>There was a full moon so the white radomes could be seen quite clearly with the naked eye. Taking a closer look through his twelve power binoculars he could see most of the base as well as a strange looking object apparently hovering above it at a height he estimated to be around one thousand feet.
>Firstly he thought it was a cigar shaped balloon or blimp but this idea quickly evaporated when the object slowly tipped to a 45° angle exposing what appeared to be it's top surface to the now somewhat surprised observer. It was clear that the object was perfectly circular with a central dome. As the bottom edge was still about it.
>One thousand feet above the base the cartographer estimated the diameter of the disc to be a little more than half the distance between the Pine Gap base and the disc's bottom edge, making it between five to six hundred feet in diameter, In the moonlight the disc appeared to be a dull grey color with a slight yellow fuzz around it's edge.

>“As he watched a thin bright blue beam, like a rod, slowly extended from the disc to the base. The strange thing about it was that unlike a flash light it did not just turn on, it slowly moved in a telescopic fashion from the disc and gradually extended behind the radomes. A few minutes later the light beam retracted only to be followed by a similar blue beam slowly extending from the base to the disc.
>This was followed by a gold colored beam which appeared very close to the blue one. After about thirty seconds both retracted back into the base.

> This process continued for about forty minutes and ended when the disc made some rapid oscillations 'lit up like a neon sign' and ascended vertically at very high speed, disappearing in a few seconds.

>“The cartographer reported the incident to his superior officer in Alice Springs. This resulted in what he later described as a 'grilling' by some very officious people who warned him to keep silent about his experience otherwise he would be in for some very real trouble. He was also told that he had not seen anything and to remember that. A more complex sighting involved five witnesses in 1984.
>The leader of this group was a technical expert with a Western Australian government department who had received persistent reports from colleagues of intensive UFO activity around Alice Springs and Pine Gap. He was told that between certain dates something big was going to happen.
>The information was so intriguing that he decided to mount a clandestine expedition to Central Australia and to approach Pine Gap from the west through the Gibson Desert and MacDonnell Ranges.
>They used two specially prepared four wheel drives and once in the area of the Macdonnell Ranges traveled only at night in an effort to reduce the chances of detection. After reaching the Pine Gap area they concealed the vehicles and positioned themselves in an elevated area which overlooked the base at a distance of about ten miles.
>As they had several small size astronomical telescopes with them they had no difficulty in gaining a good view of most of the base area.

>“For the first two days and nights very little happened. Apart from the occasional movement of small vehicles and a few people everything was quiet. The group was becoming a little impatient but decided to .sit it out for at least a week in the hope they would see something interesting.

> This was not a pencil ' like beam but seemed to be several meters in width and extremely intense. The width of the beam appeared to remain the same as far as it could be seen extending vertically into the sky. When observed through the telescope it looked almost solid. As they watched long uneven clouds developed in the clear air surrounding the beam which despite a breeze blowing at the time remained stationary.
>The beam suddenly cut off and the tubular cloud started to drift to the east like a vertical vapor trail. The beam pulsed several times and each time it did so the cloud effect returned even forming what looked like a series of smoke rings.

>"No one in the group could explain why but they all felt extremely disturbed by what they had just seen even to the point of nausea. But the show had only just started.

>“The gold light beam shot down and once again the dirty looking clouds started drifting away. It was at that point that the group noticed five star like objects approaching from the South. As they drew closer four of the objects were seen to be in a tight diamond shaped formation and the fifth which looked like a cylinder was following at a distance of about two miles.
>The objects slowed as they reached the base area the four smaller objects took up positions north, south, east and west of the base each moving in small circles. The cylindrical shaped object which appeared white in color with a bright while halo around it's center moved towards the base reducing altitude to about five hundred feet in the process.
>It then stopped, rocking up and down like a boat at it's moorings. Once in position blue light beams started flashing between all five objects and the ground. The whole scene was more than bizarre as it appeared that extraterrestrial craft were in direct communication with the human occupants of the base below them.

>"It should be mentioned that the whole episode was recorded on video tape and thirty five millimeters still film. However as this was virtually a case of a government department spying on a foreign friend nothing has been released and it almost certainly never will.

>“This scene continued for about five minutes then one of the small objects rapidly descended towards the base and appeared to land at it's northern end. It remained there for seventeen minutes then returned to it's original position east of the base and approximately one thousand feet from the ground. The gold light beam again emanated from the area of the radomes.
>This time the small objects began to rotate around the beam and ascend vertically as if they were examining it. The cylindrical object remained in it's position bobbing up and down as before. The four objects then returned spiraling down the beam and returning to their previous positions. The cloud was thickening around the light beam and looked like a long thin Ionic column.
>The beam was turned off and once again the greyish cloud broke up and drifted towards the east. In a jerking motion the cylindrical object started to gain altitude stopping in proximity to the smaller objects which had reformed their diamond shaped formation. The group then moved off in a southerly direction and disappeared in a few seconds.

>“The witnesses were shocked by what they had seen as it seemed obvious there was human co-operation with extraterrestrials. It also seemed strange to them that despite the strict security applied at the Pine Gap base they were able to get reasonably close to it without interference.

5.3 miles is about 30,000 feet. The mariana trench is about that depth and it is the deepest part of the ocean. Where did you see that? I don't think man-made structures can go that low

>Perhaps what they had seen was a vital experiment and such open exposure was unavoidable from time to time.

>“The group spent the next few days observing the base day and night and apart from helicopters and other small aircraft they observed at least seven other UFO's in the area. One of the witnesses later described the experience as making his skin crawl every time he thought about it.

>“After leaving the area they took a circuitous route around the base and then drove down the main highway to Alice Springs. As it looked like they had traveled from Darwin no-one took any notice of them. After arranging the rail transport of the two four wheel drives back to Perth they left by plane the next day.
>They all agreed that the incident had changed their view of all things in general but had in some way disgusted them as they now knew their government had lied to them from the start and had done so in co-operation with a friend and ally.

>“Does all this mean that there has been a working co-operation between extraterrestrials and earth bound governments for a long period of time? The answer is a simple yes.”

Pine Gap has what is believed to be the deepest and straightest 'water bore' in Australia drilled beneath it. The bore is at least 28,000 feet deep (5.3 miles). This bore can also be used as an underground "antenna" for very low frequency electricity broadcasts. As Pine Gap is supposed to be involved in both upper atmospheric and sub-surface research, it is quite feasible, if for no other reason, that the 'bore antenna' could be used to tune a gigantic 'standing wave' field around the entire planet!

Did you also notice the part where they mentioned UFO's?
UFO's are really big and need to be housed in big areas.

>Burger education.

>UFOs are most likely housed here,
What are you? Fucking stupid
Slid thread saged etc etc

Its bullshit mate. Forget it

Hello NSA contractor. Enjoying your extended holiday in Australia?

What are you? Fucking nuts.
Take this retarded crap to or

Could we bribe the abos at Alice Springs with beer to raid the base and find UFOs?

>Did you also notice the part where they mentioned UFO's?

What does having a 28,000ft bore into the earth have to do with the size of a UFO? Is it a long pencil shape? OP made it sound like this was a hollowed out facility that is 5 miles beneath the surface. I just googled the deepest borehole and it is in the USSR at 40,000 is 9 inches in diameter.

>UFOs are most likely housed here

Hahah you don't house UFO's in our frequency, dummy. You just change their resonance a halftone and store them out of phase until you need them.



deepest mine is half that deep and temperature at 2.4 miles down is 60 °C (140 °F)

We'll send good ol Joanne Voller

A borehole isnt a mine lel

"The deepest, SG-3, reached 12,262 metres (40,230 ft) in 1989 and still is the deepest artificial point on Earth."

From Wikipedia:
>The facility consists of a large computer complex with 14 radomes protecting antennas[7] and has over 800 employees.[8] A long-term NSA employee at Pine Gap, David Rosenberg, indicated that the chief of the facility at the time of his service was a CIA officer.[9]:p 45–46[10]
David Rosenberg. Interesting name.

What is Denver intentional airport

Freemason meme page.

Finally an actually good bread. Okay goys, red pill me on this shit.

They have a lot of UFO's down there the size of pencils. What is there to know?


Okay Tom Delonge. Stop shilling your shit here you washed up, 3 chord playing hack


that's a jewish psyop you mongoloid. UFOs are just the aircraft that have been developed since commercial aviation innovation was suppressed starting some 40, 50 years ago.

Actually UFO's are real, but they're humans. When you realize the past, present, and future are happening simultaneously it opens the possibilities for some crossover from time to time.

Also hidden Nazi's prolly have UFO's.

I am not reading all that crap

>It is the largest CIA facility outside of mainland USA. It is 5.3 miles deep

facility /= hole in the ground, faggot

err, right. I'm just going to stick with thinking that Rockefeller might want to get from Singapore to London a bit quicker than the plebs.


wow, propaganda!

wtf I love Trump now

>He doesn't know Trump has Tesla's papers.

I do know that, I just think that's a bad thing and not a good thing. I hope I'm wrong... I'm not shilling against him in every thread or really ever. I just see him for what he is and don't care anymore.

>What he is.
You clearly don't. You're prolly just an elaborate shill desu.

He also talked about unlocking secrets for everyone that have been kept by the elites.

I hope Alex Jones is right

Elaborate shill? He filled his cabinet with bankers and he has more jewish connections than most rabbis. Sorry you live under a rock.

tired of being lied to about UFOs and aliens by the media. whats the answer? what can we do?

>5.3 miles deep

Aliens don't exist user, It's a kike psy op. I think any crafts and potential beings Are from different dimensions. Electric universe. I think there's some crazy technology and hidden historical information that's gonna come out, but it's gonna be after the swamp is drained obviously.

>Steven Hawking says world is fucked, bail
>Trump says ok, sure.
>World mad at trump
>Steven Hawking is clearly using Trump as a puppet to control the US for his own personal research and experimentation
>Steven Hawking is the real enemy here.


You stupid fuck, the land is under US jurisdiction.
The facility is where it is so it can communicate with satellites spying on Asia.


Just looking at that image made me nostalgic for when this television shitposting masterpeice of a show still existed. helicopters when?

Paid shill

Nice job OP

interesting info, never heard of it before.

LOL, knock it off. This crap is retarded at best.
It does not belong here.

>australia is close to antarctica (see: Admiral Byrd)
>pine gap has 5 mile deep elevator underneath it

Hollow Earth is real?

this dude knows whats up

what's that Tesla quote about vibration, frequency and energy

shills accuse people of being shills. like when you were riding on the school bus, the kid who says "who farted?" is usually the one who cut the fart

UFOs are a CIA psyop stupid

Well and the CIA has no right to operate inside the U.S sooooo ok.

Wow, this really made me think.

Nice try cia niggers. Tom delonge is exposing your bullshit

infiltrate and livestream brucey boy

What is this man ultimate plan?
run away with all the investor's money?

k great but what can anybody do with any of this information?

>muh underground super labs
No it's just a bunch of faggots who masturbate to nudes they take off people's phones. Same as in the pentagon. There are 100 leeches for every 1 person who does actual relevant work.

Why don't we have any cool Aussie bases in USA?
Guys in slouch hats with Bren LMGs, talking about ANZAC and Gallipoli and shit while shaving with knives and saying "G'day Sheila!" to all the Americunts who pass by, making them gush their panties like the uptight little whores they are?
>ywn have a Ausfag deep space object recovery base.

>Why Australia you ask?
It's because it gives burgers surveillance of the entire planet, 24-7, bar Greenland and Antarctica. They literally control all their drone attacks from there and -- most importantly -- gives them early ICBM warning.

...Thus, making shit-poster land a first-strike nuclear target, by default, in the event a hot between burgers and whichever state that nuclear powered up since the 60's... China, Russia, Pakistan, Norks...

That shitty missle "infrared" isnt anywhere near alien technology lol. Inolying infrared is good tech

Implying. The cia niggers trying to mess up my jew correct.

I admire the USA as much as the next chap but as a Brit I hate this sort of thing. I really wish we'd never separated the Empire into different dominions. The USA have cucked us all with Five Eyes and all these military bases.



This is also the real reason for the National Firearms Agreement introduced to Australia in 1996 which made firearms heavily restricted in Australia.

>riding on the school bus, the kid who says "who farted?" is usually the one who cut the fart
^ is that so, user.

Tell us more about CIA psyops, user

US base in Central Australia and northwest cape Western Australia.
Yet the day Malaysian 370 goes (((missing)))
NW Cape is down for (((maintenance))) and Pibe Gap catches nothing.
Either these places / base sre a huge waste of time...
Information is being concealed.

I don't believe in the Ayy lmaos, I'm sure Pine Gap is of extreme importance to their international plans and surveillance state though. I'm pretty certain Australia is like a testing ground for some of their more nefarious plans also.

Geez you think that's why there is a city called Investigation Point on the southern coast???

How about Pineville?

Any significance?

Read maybe a year ago in one of these threads some spooky stories which maybe larps involving altercations with nt cops chasing people and being denied entry to the base, americans kidnapping people etc.

I went there once and proclaimed my 1/64th part heritage and they had to let me in when I said the password 'native title'. Wasn't 5.3 miles deep, just a big basement with this round saucer thing down there.
Siphoned a bit from the tank, put it in my huffing bag and spent the next two years in the dreamtime.

Shit thread, belongs in Real version of what OP describes is in britian and there are no "UFO"s present besides the ones they want to be present.

Top jej m8