Is manually relieving a male dog legal where you live? Is it wrong, as the dog obviously exhibits interest...

Is manually relieving a male dog legal where you live? Is it wrong, as the dog obviously exhibits interest? Do animals have sexual autonomy?

>Doing it for money
>Forced breeding

>Allowing a dog to continue to hump you when he jumps on you.

i don't know if it's legal or not, but it's certainly wrong.


If dogs are property, why is it wrong to do what you like with them?

If dogs are autonomous, why is it wrong to allow them to continue their activities?

GTFO back to /soc/ with your degeneracy.

She probably really does this

You don't see the big picture. It's wrong because society doesn't need you to go fucking animals.
It's not good for your mental health, nor society. We need you to get children and raises a strong and stable family. Not fuck animals. This is why we deem it wrong. It's never about the dog, it's about the person.

t.leaf on vacation

I meant to tag >

If you let the dog hump you, he will never respect you as the Alpha.
Let the dog satisfy you, not the other way around.

So is it okay for a dog to give you oral?

because it's if you're not using property right, then it's automatically wrong, duh.

Nah, son. Dog pussy is superior by a country mile.
There's literally nothing better than busting a fat one inside a bitch in heat, and in my state it's still legal somehow. I can invite the cops over to watch if I wanted to.

Whether or not it's moral is for the armchair philosophers to decide. But you try having a dog grind on your dick and lick up your cum and tell me she doesn't want that shit. And even if you hate it, I think has most of the bases covered anyway.

BAD user! BAD!

Fortune cookie user, you are my hero. Does she do that thing where she goes full spin cycle after and flings cum everywhere?

Dogs can't give good head.
They can lick for sure, but they suck at sucking.

Fuckin lmao no, but that sounds hilarious. And also like a mess.

It can be a pain, but it's fun to see her so excited after.

>That fucking edit

You got doubles too. Great post.

Here's another, just for you.

Why would you make this

Top fucking kek

Sarah is looking at you

You have to do it if you're a dog breeder.
It's not beastiality it's a job.

It's amazing how grossed out people whose minds are jewed get about perfectly normal stuff. Hugging your niece at thanksgiving is rape. Keeping animals fresh means you want to fuck them.

This all comes from the hypersexualized perverted jew.

It's no wonder that people don't believe in race anymore because they're so far removed from animal breeding and the realities of nature

Can someone explain the dogfucking connection with this ebin webcartoonist

>not interesting enough to attract an artistic girl

Where do these edits come from?

Celtic kings used to fuck a white mare as part of their coronation. There was a time that it was a beautiful and normal part of culture before we were told to be ashamed.

She'd look cute with a dog knot in her.

Only up the butt.

>Not in all 3 holes like a proper kennel bitch

she looks like gollum before he found the rin-
after he found the ring

>only 3 holes

Your on /pol. we got three kinds of people on this board, the closet dog fuckers, the closet pony fuckers and the mudslimes.
Maybe a few lunatics in between.


That sticker is pretty funny.
Here I dont see many people coming to the right conclusion... I think most would stop at "I heart my dog".
Is it more obvious in the US or do normies dont get that one either?

Post the rest of the sarah edits
>Captcha: Breedlove

Do you have a source for that?

Had it not been posted in this thread I would have assumed it just meant "I heart my dog", I think that's the normal conclusion.

It's part of the worship of Epona. "In the Celtic ritual, the king mates with a white mare thought to embody the goddess of sovereignty."

M.L. West, Indo-European Poetry and Myth (Oxford University Press, 2007), p. 418.

I want to get one of these.
Perhaps with a smaller bone though, or with the bone behind the text.
That style is a little too blatant.

Maybe it's because I'm degenerate but I'm pretty sure when read in sequence it reads "I [bone] my dog" with the heart in the background.
Reading it as "I [heart] my dog" ignores that the bone is in line with the text and in similar style and color to the font.

>Is manually relieving a male dog legal where you live?
>Is it wrong, as the dog obviously exhibits interest?
It is Canada tier degeneracy.
>Do animals have sexual autonomy?
What would constitute sexual autonomy? Dogs run to the street and fuck each other, is that what you mean?

ITT: dogfuckers

He is most likely Canadian.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

I always liked the Netherlands. In an attempt to keep tho political, what's the legal perspective of this in your country?

Of course the Burger would post shit like this


>Dogs run to the street and fuck each other, is that what you mean?

Yes. Dogs show sexual interest and aroursal. They get hard. They hump things. They exhibit different behaviors before and after getting off, same as humans. They can exhibit their own interest in sex. Should we are humans deny that of them because it's gross to think about animals doing what is natural.

I don't get it. Did she accidentally retweet bestiality or something?

do some girls really fuck dogs? how do they even get the dog to put its dick in them?

>I bone my dog
What did they mean by this?

Winner of Sup Forums

>how do they even get the dog to put its dick in them
Is the implication here that dogs don't have a sex drive and are unwilling to fuck someone presenting to them
Because boy are you in for a surprise

>Have male dog
>Be on good terms with said dog
>Get naked
>Get down

He won Sup Forums by telling the thruth? That is a new one.

so the girl just bends over and waits for the dog to penetrate her?

The only wait involved here is the wait for the knot to go down.


how common is this degeneracy?

Fuck, you made me delve into this.
Now the funny part is that zoophilia and its derivatives has been declared illegal since only 2008, coupled with a spike of popularity of the Party for the Animals (no joke). However, the law deems 'fornication' with animals as illegal and subject to a hefty fine, however fornication in the dutch sense of the word means either 'any inchaste action' or 'illicit sex', the latter is covered by consent law.

The more you know I guess

any girl that owns a large dog does it. why do you think pit bulls are so popular right now?

Have you never had a dog hump your leg before?

I've never owned a dog

Well if you ever have a male dog that's unfixed it will try to fuck you.

are (((they))) behind this?