A better society starts at home.

Hitting your child is utterly degenerate and breeds criminality. 90% of black parents hit their kids. You don't want to be black, do you?

>swedish kid with a dildo


Why chad has a black son?

Nobody can afford kids.
Fuck off.

I think hitting your kid has its place as long as you don't overdo it, My mom beat the shit out of me when I was a kid and she overdid it.
Spanking is alright

>My mother beat me
>I think it is okay to hit my children
>I perceive myself as well adjusted so this is a non issue

This. Hitting shouldn't be done in anger, but after you've exhausted all your recourses. When logic fails, one must resort to controlled violence until the child's brain is capable of processing the parents' arguments.

>American more pansy than the French

>hitting kids
you have a warped idea of what makes a good man and leader.
Not using your power on an innocent person even when you could easily crush them into dust is the definition of a master.

Absolutely, you can only be a mindless degenerate child-beater who borderline kills his kids because his football team lost last night or an idiot who quotes Schopenhauer's metaphysics of anger to a tantrum-throwing two year-old.

There's nothing in between. Gotta pick one.

Yes, teach your kids the opposite of how the real world works.. no consequences for misbehavior.

I'm pretty sure the point of spanking your child is to instill a fear of them if they fuck up. So if they plan on fucking up, their brain subconsciously warns them.

Unfortunately for niggers they don't have a brain to begin with, so this shit flies above their head.
They are also naturally animals so they resort to violence anyway.

I can't be black, you fucking idiot, just for that I'm taking my anger and confusion out on my childrem and their pets


Because Chad's are cucks. Only a virgin is afraid of watching another man ploy his woman.

My husbands son.

Mr. Strawman! Give me a break!

>sinking to the level of a child to get its respect
Lol what absolute cuckery. Shit tier meme grow a pair and discipline the thing or itll grow up to be a cocksucking animal like yourself

Oh, look. Yet ANOTHER straw man.
Physical violence is not the only way to teach your kids consequences, you unimaginative cave man.

Physical violence is not the only nor the most effective form of discipline, Mamood.

I dont need to hit my kids for them to do what I say because I'm not a nigger.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a swift smack to the bottom. You sheltered piece of shit. People should be taught to respect physical, emotional and mental consequences.

You sound like a limp wristed faggot.

t. victim of child abuse

>tfw I realize I need to embrace my brother’s half black bastard
I never looked at that way

> Don't hit your kids

Kids have been beaten since the dawn of time to instill a sense of discipline. Niggers got that part right but that only instills a respect for Tyrone's baby mommas. You ever notice how niggers always have the deepest respect for their mom but nobody else? Blacks don't see the need for a father, the need for punishment like hard labor or taking away privileges, the need to be a good role model rather than still hanging out with shady niggers in front of Tyrone Jr., and everything else it takes to be a good parent. Single moms may not even be that bad if they were willing to buck up and teach their sons to be men rather than hoodlums.

ITT: Some faggot that got btfo'd in the earlier tread about spanking and came back to make his own after creating some aberrant chad meme


>implying blacks can do anything right
Back of the hand with a ruler works fine if you arent an undisciplined nigger. Youre a virgin faggot and if you ever do have a child with the hooker youll inevitably hire itll grow up to be an unruly drug addled degenerate scumbag like yourself

>Getting down to the level of a child.

That's the worst idea ever.
Remember every story when God comes down to the level of humanity and we kill him?

YOU ARE ABOVE THE CHILD; the child looks UP to you, that's the entire fucking point!

>sinking to the level of a child to get its respect

translation: oy, m8, ya kids ain't worvy of basic civiwity.

It's not "sinking to the level" like the child is a piece of shit, you sociopath

it's physically lowering yourself so the child perceives you as an equal and not a master, thereby being more receptive to your instruction

slaves are never as dedicated or productive as employees

Yeah I'm the one strawmaning here.

Look, just because your father beat the shit out of you doesn't mean there's no time and place for corporal punishment.

Just like because your father was a degenerate wino doesn't mean the rest of are incapable of enjoying alcohol in moderation.

>pol is literally condoning child abuse

None of you retarded was cunts who think we should talk and explain to children when they fuck up instead of physical punishment, have ever even spoken to a fucking child, nor do you remember how retarded you were as a kid. Kids don't understand things. You can explain as long and as much as you want to a toddler, he isn't going to fucking comprehend what you are saying. It will go in one ear and out the other. Children's brains cannot comprehend ideas and words as detrimental. They hear an idea or words and they do not process them. They cannot consider what their actions will result in before they act. They simply act, get a reaction, and move from there. You can tell your kids not to jump on their beds, or touch the stove, or climb on the back of the sofa. They are going to ignore your words and do that shit anyway, until they fall off the bed and bash their skull. Or until they burn themselves on the stove, or fall off the sofa and hurt a limb. Children do not comprehend bad results from their bad actions UNTIL IT BECOMES PHYSICAL. They have to burn themselves to know not to touch hot stuff, they have to break their arm climbing the tree in the backyard to know not to climb trees like an idiot, despite the 50 warnings mom gave.

You cannot educate children without them HAVING to experience the NEGATIVE results of their poor choices. Words are fucking useless.

employees are slaves

>You cannot educate children without them HAVING to experience the NEGATIVE results of their poor choices

how many times are you fucking retards going to repeat this?

Violence. Is. Not. The. Only. Form. Of. Consequence.

You're a fucking chimpanzee incapable of using your prefrontal cortex to devise non-violent punishments.

fuck off faggot

>tfw dad was an asshole
>think i would be a good dad, always in good mood treat kids nice
>tfw when i get home from work i literally can't help being an asshole to everybody
>snap if kids say one word to me when im trying to relax
>just like my dad was

its killing me inside but i don't know how to change. at least i never hit them ever.

see a shrink

I mean my dad would beat the shit out of me an I attempted twice. Wouldn't beat my kids unless absolutely necessary.

>an idiot who quotes Schopenhauer's metaphysics of anger to a tantrum-throwing two year-old.

I heard that 'baby talk' is actually detrimental to a child's learning of language and that speaking to a young child like an adult is a good idea. So that makes me think that talking to your baby about philosophy and other complex things wouldn't be a bad idea. They might turn out marginally smarter than the other babies because of that.

I'd rather just be angry than angry and poor. I just don't get it, I'm fine at work all day but once I get home the grouch switch turns on.

Bullshit. The child is a malleable canvas not a well rounded individual and if you dont shape it the media and its degenerate friends raised by mindless drone lefties like yourself will and it will inevitably turn to nihilism and then mindless hedonism because thats the path of least resistance. The child needs to respect you as a mature well developed hard working individual who they aspire to become like and to make this so it must understand that you make huge sacrifices and provide everything for it. Its not your equal but some day it should aspire to be. How the fuck could you even fool it into believing its equal when you tell it when to get up and when to sleep and what to wear and basically dictate its entire life schedule for the first 10 years

you do realize your grandparents were probably smacked as kids did they turn out as criminals

And when the child understands your argument and chooses to not give a fuck, you'll do what? Continue raising them to be a softcock that thinks the world owes them an explanation for every inconvenience and sleight?

Beat your kids while they're kids and you have control of it, otherwise they grow up to be like entitled millennials who can only be fixed by rope.

You goddamn faggot it's not about manliness It's not even about you its aboutr your child you soy boy

Stefan, pls leave

Physical discipline should be left to the Mother.

Shill thread! World is overpopulated stop having kids. Support minority genocide.

I think from a psychological standpoint I'd rather be beat by a man than a woman. If your mother is the one dishing out the beatings I could see it leading to some weird complexes regarding women.

Respect is earned.
Your child does not respect you if you hit them. It fears and resents you. Respect is earned when dominance is asserted without violence. Corporal punishment does not correct behavior. This has been scientifically proven. All it teaches the kid is to hide their actions and view you as a a prison guard.

Once again, I'll say it till I'm blue in the balls: you can mold, you can set boundaries, you can instill values WITHOUT VIOLENCE!

dickshitter you're the one who said pansy
are you actually an inbred goat fucker to not even know your own argument?

American education right here not even able to see who says what.
Didnt daddy beat you hard enough ?

>Respect is earned when dominance is asserted without violence.

Drop and give me 20?

I don't mean beating, a child should never be beaten. Fathers should serve primarily as teacher and guide while Mothers do the more private things like breastfeeding them until they are old enough for mother prepared solid food and of course cleaning them.

Bitch, are you EQUAL to a child? No.

There's a reason we elect presidents and not residents; people need direction. Children need direction.

A boss is NOT equal to an employee, and the employees know it. You are so fucking wrong here you have to be trolling with your goddamn stupid female communal mentality.

Maaaan, Clinton's black son REALLY looks like him and so does Chelsea Hubbell. Folks still deny though.

women already hit kids more than men

If your child is acting up, yes they should be beaten.

Society will beat them if they act up later. Teach them early; stop lying to them like the world isn't going to beat them up if they're wrong.

There's a reason we elect presidents and not residents; people need direction. Children need direction.
there you go again
your island monkey brain is incapable of understanding that violence is not the only form of direction or discipline
no matter how many times I fucking say it, your dumb ass will continue to throw the straw man that I'm advocating for no rules or consequences of any kind.
get fucked.
also, a boss is equal to the employee in terms of basic human rights
that is the notion of equality I was referring to
equality as lefties use it is cancer

and now you're shitposting on Sup Forums. Imagine all that lost potential

woops fucked that up

>the definition of a true master

Holy fuck you sound like an edgy weeb

you wouldn't dare beating your wife's son Sven ,Ahmed would beat your ass


Teaching your kids to fight is much better. Give them independence of opinion as I was, I am more right wing than my mother but she respects my views and vise versa, but at the end of the day your child should have more to fear from society than yourself/

Any notion of equality is cancer. It makes no sense and it's a lie that can't possibly be sustained.

You can't let a child be equal to you, because you're not equal to a child. Well, your mind might be, but it shouldn't be if you're going to raise one.

It's even called RAISE one, you fucking unbelievable retard. Never reproduce.

well you clearly have intimacy and fathering issues because you did not have a good model growing up
you're repeating the same behavior
in your mind kids are a burden because you felt like a burden as a kid
the only way to fix it is to see when you're being a dick, stop yourself, apologize if needed, and try to change your behavior
change starts with mindfulness of the problem
you're already observing yourself
keep doing it, and work to correct the wrongs you see
or be a shitty dad and perpetrate the same abuse and suffering that he did to you on your own children

>Your position is wrong because your circumstances are the same as that position which I think are wrong.

>if you don't beat up children who have no way of fighting back you are a limp wristed faggot
excellent point user, duly noted

I have had opportunities to cuck dudes and be a bull and it weirds me out.
I don't want to do it but girls don't want to date me because I'm emotionally distant and cruel.

>im the one strawmaning here (!)

>Proceeds to strawman even harder with "because your father"

>I watched good will hunting
:the thread

You seem to have assumed from the onset that i am a nigger and am therefore by default going to solely use corporal punishment to discipline the child for even the most menial offence. This isnt the case but in the scenario of willful and repeated disobedience corporal punishment works and it works well. On the one hand i sort of hope some day you have a son so you can see what a turbocuck he turns into but then we'd have another limp wristed faggot trying his hardest to further demolish what remains of our civilisation in both thought and deed so maybe it would be better if you stayed a self righteous virtue signalling virgin for the rest of your life

what the fuck? he said in the terms of human rights my guy

your position is wrong because it's fucking bad logic. If you make someone feel powerless and imprint that feeling with physical pain, you will reap a fucking rebellious faggot. And if he's too scared to be a rebellious faggot around you because he's scared, he's still a rebellious faggot for society, and the weight of it hangs on us all.

If you think violence is the only effective punishment, you are simply ignorant to the plethora of better strategies that bring about strong individuals who choose to comply and be good under their own free will, and not fear, which manifests in shitty behavior ALWAYS.

>t. special education for students who've experienced trauma

>gets down to level of child (respect)
Wrong. Fucking way wrong. This is the kind of hippy, lost parenting style that yields failure citizens.
The parent should never lower himself to the same level (leaning down, kneeling to talk) in instances of discipline.
Discipline comes from the above authority. I agree that discipline shouldn't come in the form of an impulsive punishing fist or open handed slap from an emotionally reactionary, insecure beta dad. But orders come from the top down and obedience only understands this dynamic. Family is not a democracy.

The central flaw in parenting philosophy today is falling into the 'child-centered' style rather than the 'parent-centered' style. The child should not dictate what happens and the decisions should not be primarily catered to the feelings and wants of the child. The kid will end up disrespecting authority and feeling entitled to receiving what they want either in material or situation.

>has a child to beat
Wife’s son or did he steal it?

>weakling mentality

>pea brain
you might think you're "OBVIOUSLY RIGHT" but you're fucking wrong, m8. There is a large continuum between authoritarian and hippy faggot. The fact that you think in binary belies your ignorance.

to be fair, this is Sup Forums
also checked

Probably 100% of asian parents hit their children too, and they have the lowest crime rate of anyone. White parents stopped hitting their kids around the boomer period, and that's when the degeneracy started, so fuck off.

>He said something to deflect his argument from parenting.

Yeah, I didn't fall for that red herring.

>Duality bad, non-duality good.

You're a fucking retard.

>no one disciplined me
>no one disciplined my parents
>you should not discipline your children either, spanking = beating you cave men
>How did we end up in the current state of affairs where no one has any self discipline?


So things to add to the list of stuff that immediately gets shilled against:
-proper child rearing
-not mutilating a child's penis
-self improvement
-organizing (lol everyone who organizes is cia controlled op)

If only there was some sort of connection...

Spot on. Great post brother

You don't know what your talking about, and your meme is stupid LADY.

Go back to lebbit, or whatever place accepts your carebear feminist antics.

Hitting your child has zero effect on their adult life. Beating is wrong and can scar them but not hitting. The real problem with kids today is that our society is run by cucks who think it's ok to be a victim. Victims are weak and pathetic, and a good father will raise his children to never be victims. By nature women have victim mentality, but a strong father can counter this if he raises his daughter properly.

Props to this poster for seeing everything wrong with millennial parents AKA and single mothers.

Solidarity in strength

No more brother wars

Real patricians kill/destroy whatever the child values the most or wants.

Nothing quite like acting like a shit, you dad buying you something you wanted and then taking it home and smashing it in front of your face.

R.I.P Fido

>Don't hit your kids. Let them run around and misbehave so they do not respect the parent.

Literal pussy and cuck. If you can not discipline your kid, you should not be a parent.

Remember, tho, if you think your kids a nazi its ok to punch them.

I've seen plenty of white dudes with black sons

It's normal

>you should not discipline your children
there it is again
the same fucking straw man repeated ad nauseum
you shit hills are unbelievably stupid

My parents never beat me, and I agree with
What now auti?

>Let them run around and misbehave
there it is again
how many times are the brainlets going to say it before it gets archived? i bet over 50.

"don't hit your kids" does not mean "don't discipline your kids"

If you don't smack your children they will most likely turn out really soft and entitled
happened to everyone I know that wasn't hit as a child
it's been done since forever
only now it's changing

>hey guys, I said straw man!
>hey guys i used latin!
>I must be correct!

Interesting how you accuse me of "straw manning" you (IE mis representing your argument) when that is exactly what not disciplining your child looks like.

Starting in the 1950-60's, people stopped spanking as a rule, and the trend has only be towards less and less discipline for children, and adults.

How is that working out for you?

Did trying to avoid any, and all pain, somehow magically fix things?

Or did society get much fucking worse?

Maybe ancient, time tested, proven wisdom "spare the rod, spoil the child" was right?

Does it not seem to you like we have a lot of spoiled children posing as adults walking around?

People who feel the need to beat their kids have failed as parents