Killing whites

It's nice when Westerners die

regards, Slavs

show flag

SLavs are white you dumb fuck

Slavs are Eurasian people. Whites are our enemies,

>Not showing his own flag.

Bring it bitch. Get some shoes first though. It’s gonna be a long walk to the camps. No train ride for you!

>considered subhumans for centuries
>Westerners attempt to conquer and genocide us multiple times

are you retarded?
We do hate you
We do not forgive, we do not forget
Especially Western shit like WWII when you killed millions of our Slavic people

Well, here it is. The saddest attempt at a divide and conquer thread today.

Every single islamic attack is like a delight to us. Like bombing in England when fans of Western whore Araina Grande died. Your tragedies make us happy. Niggers and muslims dominating and humiliating you make us happy. And some of you are so stupid to consider us saviours of Europe or the white race.

Slavs are not your friends, not friends of the West. We belong to different civilisations. We don't owe you anything. We don't like you and you always looked down on us. We are the largest linguistic, cultural and territorial group in Europe.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


Doesn't care if you are trump voter or not. If you are leftist, nigger or other shit. Do you know how NKVD shot people? Bullet to the back of head. Without mercy, just with us smiling. We will kill Westerners like this.

Slavs didn't make their language up out of nowhere, guy. We're closer than you think. Also, this bullshit from
sounds like a butthurt Chechen. Russians, for example, don't actually like it when crazy muzzies attack them.

There should be an option to have people vote to show a particular posters flag.

>regards slav
Anybody with half a brain would know this is a divide and conquer tactic, so fuck off.

Germans killed tens of thousands innocent people in Belarus. Why do you Westerners think we should forgive you for suffering you brought to our people?


Anyone got the one with the refugees welcome thots on the bottom of the image?

Either this is a divide and conquer tactic or just some Russian fan of Dugin's Eurasianism.

Niggers are closer to us than you. You are scum. You think you are highest civilisation but you are just psychopaths. We Slavs suffered because of you and we will gladly see you destroyed. We have same skin colour as you but it doesn't mean we like you or support you.

That was the Soviets, dumbshit. Enjoy getting slaughtered by the same people we liberated you from. lol

Why did you killed thousands of innocent Belarussians? Out of all Slavs, they did nothing wrong. They are simple and honest agrarian people.

Ukrainian diaspora reporting in, Slav/Western European White Alliances are still a go. East/West Europe must unite to save the white race.
Nice try, schlomo, but we dont fall for your jewish tricks any longer.

Slavs act have to act like chads because they are insecure about their low iq, so they come on this board and act like hotshit.
They are nothing but worthless subhumans


OP is just an attention whore spamming shitty bait