If nationalism is the true way why isn’t it catching on?

If nationalism or social nationalism is the truth and best ideology why is it still only a fringe group of believers?

Because people with a lot of money and power have a lot to gain from keeping it as a fringe ideology. So they push propaganda demonizing it and constantly linking it to hitler

99% of all humans who have lived on this planet have been nationalists.

We let our guard down for a few decades but nationalism is already coming back strong.

The Hebrews are responsible.

Nationalism isn't fringe, over 50% of white people are black nationalists

Because white people, both right wing and left wing already fight to live in white areas and worry if the see too many black people at the mall. Everyone gravitates to live among their own clan groups, they just don’t call it anything.

Jews own the media
They demonize what they can't control

I'd probably say there are more people who are patriotic compared to people who say they are globalists, the rest are just waiting to be red pilled.

researchers were simulating groups of people and whether they favour humanitarianism or nationalism.

The results were that when there's abundancy, the humanitarianism takes over almost everything else.
As soon as resources become sparse, the nationalism takes over almost everything else.
Traitors were always low.

So, at the moment most people believe in humanitarianism because they do not feel any sacrfice in giving it out. The altruist feel thus trumps over the self-conservation since there's enough anyway. You can see this in cities: People are super tolerant, they don't care about the worst subversion because they feel safe in their bubble.

For most of our time we weren't really mining resources from the ground, now we have tapped into it and are in the highest excess. When the newly opened reserves are getting exhausted, we will probably revert back to normalcy and then, giving everything away is no longer logical.

>If nationalism or social nationalism is the truth and best ideology why is it still only a fringe group of believers?
Because 90% of the population is brainwashed
plebs drip fed collectivist propaganda by all
of the largest media companies. This is not
a hard concept to understand. Psychologists
figured this shit out in the 30's and 40's, get um
while they are young and they will never question
the version of reality they are being conditioned
to believe. Most nationalists are people who were
either immune to the conditioning process (older
generations) or somehow broke the conditioning
process later on through deconditioning.

Isn't it obvious, you nigger?


Kids are taught about the Holocaust before they even learn to count. Let me ask you this, outside of the Holocaust, what did Nazi Germany did wrong? Start WWII? Bullshit. Even Woodrow Wilson said that enacting the treaty of Versailles would lead to another war because of the abhorrent conditions of that treaty.

Furthermore, I keep hearing about how Germany started WWII by invading Poland, but I have heard nothing about the time that France openly invaded Germany in 1923 by invading the Ruhr, all of this done just to secure Germany's coal.

Depends what you mean.

Tribalists? Yeah
“Nationalist” Not really

Nations are a very late concept. Sure there were empires every now and then but they were the exception. Tribes were the rule.

1) it's an uphill battle against the prominent liberal ideology

2)the messengers are extreme flawed: when Trump acts erratic, Nigel Farage quits after winning, Brexit doesnt go as planned etc., it scares off normies.

Because jews censor history

Oldfag here, this is simply not true. In 2017, you can legitimately call yourself pro-White or a nationalist even. This was definitely not possible in 2007 or 1997 without shooting yourself in the foot socially.

People in the west believe in multi-ethnic globalism based upon principles ingrained into them since childhood. Eventually they will all sorely realize that their principles don't conform to the reality of human nature.

ten years ago none of what we witness today would have been possible we were on the march towards one great big liberal empire where race and culture were not bounds.

>Tribalists? Yeah
>“Nationalist” Not really

What do you think tribes evolved into you literal fucking retard?

A pleasant lie is almost always picked over a hurtful truth.

Why do shills always out themselves?

Because the marketplace of ideas is not and never will be free, especially in a liberal democracy. You should read Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky.

But it is catching on, and that's why you're (((afraid)))

And I bet you really hear nothing about International Jewery's Front page headline new declaring war with Germany...long before and official war was declared.

I concur

youre a stupid motherfucker of course these nihilist materialist fags aren't going to have good political solutions

>fringe group of believers
>50% of country is nationalists just for voting Trump
The only people denouncing it are the subhuman Democrats who are just being obstructionists just because they don't like Trump and the people who blindly support them.

He seemed like controlled opposition. Not even German. He made Germany socialist and sided with commie Russia in the Axis. Don't forget the zimmerman telegraph where Hitler tried to persude Mexico to war with us and keep us out etc. He was a pagan darwinist, hinduism type. If you think about the camps, the swastika and the vegetarianism that is very hindu btw. Hindus believe in a cast system, treating animals better than humans etc. He probably decided "karma is a bitch" and outcast the jews. Those are not oranizing Christian princples. The starved polish, etc in the camps while the SS was wel fed etc. is not excused by sanctions. Why didn't hitler figure out how to abunantly feed his own people before going to war btw? Also, hitler was a darwinist and sided with islam etc. Was probably a sodomite.

Don't be a reactionary or fall for a false dichotemy of he was the worse person ever or he was actually really great.

He also was propably a homofacist.

nigger we won the fucking white house last year

Why do I keep hearing about the "rise of nationalism" again? It's growing.

Has to be more than a fringe to get trump elected

It's neither the easiest nor the mot convenient.
Most people would rather a moment of immediate pleasure than a life time of accomplishment.

>What do you think tribes evolved into you literal fucking retard?

Amerilards can't understand the notion af a racially homogeneous nation state

Tribalism and nationalism is the same thing friendo

Here is one reason.

It is a foreign concept, yeah.