What class do you pick for your War campaign


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google.hu/search?client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&biw=1143&bih=663&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=t8wfWsOFFIXCwQLGqabYCA&q=austro-hungarian soldier uniform&oq=austro-hungarian soldier uniform&gs_l=psy-ab.3...49081.56879.0.57374.

Our boys wore capes back then?

>there aren't Patriotism/Morale stats

I think it was only formal dress uniforms

wheres serbia?

>high intelligence

This was back in the early 1900s, when the US was 98% white.

The American military likes to focus on battlefield awareness



Not really. The russian army was legendarily under equipped. Sometimes they literally had 2 man for 1 gun and when the first died the second picked it up. All that gear and ammo on that soldier is bullshit.

And lower the US Int stat.

there weapon technology was very advanced at that time.

Do you get Aussies and Canadians with the U.K.? If so, you’re vastly under-ranking them

>high intelligence

I gave US and Ger high int for there weapon technology.

Germany in the years leading up to WWI had the highest scientific and technological output compared to other western nations. If you picked any Nobel Prize winner in any science field, chances are he was a German.

I think this is ww1 not 2

Boxer Rebellion I think

The Austrian-Hungarian manlet of enormous strengthen, my foes will tremble before my dwarfish powers.


>he thinks wars can be magically won with comically large tanks and other unreliable and expensive junk

>Germans and Americans more intelligent than the British


had to throw in a wild card, for shits and gigs

And it's a marine
At least i can't see anything like that uniform here
google.hu/search?client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&biw=1143&bih=663&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=t8wfWsOFFIXCwQLGqabYCA&q=austro-hungarian soldier uniform&oq=austro-hungarian soldier uniform&gs_l=psy-ab.3...49081.56879.0.57374.

Britain is a 2/4/2
America is a 1/1/1 in 1900
(notice how both anglo countries had to send their tallest chad, perhaps are they trying to compensate for something ?.. makes you think)
Russia fits well
India could use some 2/2/2 at that time (britain's dog)
Germany post unification is a 3/4/4
France is a 3/3/3
AH is 2/2/3
Italy is a 1/2/3 perhaps 2/2/3
Japan fits


No, not even slightly

we have wine

Fuck dexterity

should have mentioned, I was going for "int" to represent weapon tech and pure military power, seeing how its usually the high damage class. sort of messed up on italy in that regard. lol

>I pick my knowledge from Call of Duty

You're correct

Russia should be 2 int at best. They literally banned truth for almost a century
We are, dindus don't count