Could designer babies save the white race?

If designer babies are allowed, what'd happen to the shitskin populace?

I'm a Mutt, but most of the Amerindian DNA is diluted in me, at 15%. Mostly white, that is, so not enough to send my IQ below 100.

Since most of the best genes are white, they will still exist, but a superhuman caste ruling over the inferior mutts and asians.

Could shit like this happen if rich whites in the Future were genetically-augmented?

It'll be superior to become augmented with robotic parts.

I will design my son to look Amerindian

Like have a link between an AI our brain. Combined with genetic-augmentation, these Humans will be omnipotent and practically present.

And my daughter too


Perfection sadly is unobtainable ideal

You're talking post human, race no longer aplies, let's say you were doing a designer baby, going by the board's memes you'd want to give him East Asian genes for intelligence and African genes for athleticism, so even if it looks white it's not, and this isn't getting into more convoluted matters like resistance to disease.

If you're an Australian you may want to spare your kids skin cancer and give them at the very least a Med's olve skin even if you're keeping light colored eyes more prone to macular degeneration. Let's say you select genes for beauty, there's a reason some mixed peoples have very striking appearances, this is why you see so many Brazilian models, so the elites and proggressive middle classes might opt for that while the bulk of the masses in say Latin America design their kids to look Scandinavian, eventually you might get to the point where unironically looking white might be the sign of a disadvantaged background. And in large areas of the world people will mix and match, it's very likely Asians will want to keep what they perceive as their better features and simply change eye and hair color, eventually there's no reason they should stick to natural occuring traits, you could have violet pibnk eyes using pigments from underwater creatures which eventually leads us into trans species territory.

If you're a hippy who wants to live close to nature why not make kemonomimi? Small framed humans that can actually move like monkeys and have functional tails and directional ears? Why not digitigrade capabilities to move in grassland or tundra? Why not abilities that allow you to spend large amounts of time underwater, or even live there, and open up the larger part of the world for colonization? You could have something like flippers in your legs that allow you to function like a siren on water but still be able to walk on land. Why not angels?

Eventually we might become a "race" that draws traits from most other species on the CONT

If it were my chose, my spawn would definitely be some shade of brown, pale skin is universally unappealing.

CONT planet, no longer bound by Darwinian evolution, and able to adapt for space travel and colonization, a sort of planetary compilation that includes traits like a cat's or an eagle's eyes, that can have iridiscent multi-colored tattoos actually serving any number of functions and even cyborg enhancements such as telepathy via a permanent intra-craneal internet connection.

Race becomes obsolete as a concept once we get there, eventually the snowflakes with their myriad genders and fetishes win and "conservatives" are left to live in small reservations, like the Amish at best.

there is a board for the discussion of identity politics and there is a board for the discussion of science and technology

this is neither

Lets listen to dr gonzales mengele

Thank you my esteemed colleague

I think first we need to find out about senescence and age related diseases.
It still ways to go on genetic manipulation

Your explanation of you being a mutt, but mostly white, but my IQ is more than 100N just screams "im an insecure idiot".

That's an entirely different problem altogether, Imagine a world in which technology exists that allows the wealthy to live significantly longer lives with youthfull vitality. Or one in which government look at this as a solution for ageing populations, would you care to live a couple of centuries in the body of a 20 year old and still spend all of that working a menial office job that barely allows you to live paycheck to paycheck?

What I think is if you had a cosmetic treatemnt that could allow you to change eye color without side effects you'd become insanely wealthy, all moral considerations aside, that's what will likely change the world sooner rather than later when it comes to biotechnology. Patent a way to turn a middle aged slob into an insane hot trap and you'll never have to work a single day in your life again.

>I'm a Mutt, but most of the Amerindian DNA is diluted in me, at 15%. Mostly white, that is, so not enough to send my IQ below 100.
I bet it's enough to make you lower than the average white.

There is not "White" race like there is not a "Black" race
Ethnic difference do exist (some can call this race)

Literally nobody would pick their kid to be brown or anything other than whitr.
They'll also pick inherently white traits such as high IQ, creativity, musical ability, strength, etc. So all the chikdren would be technically white

Very Canadian post

Now I get why people hate us. Worst thread I've seen on Sup Forums

>rich whites
>in the Future
Cristiano Ronaldo got himself a designer baby not so long ago.