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>I push my fingers into my soft brain tissue to give myself a homemade lobotomy, then I make decisions like this
t. Donald J. Trump


eh what

Honestly, I don't care at this point. Trump can fire absolutely everyone it takes to get Hillary up in a rope. That demonic cunt needs an express ticket to hell right fucking now.


>Trump can fire absolutely everyone it takes to get Hillary up in a rope
You think that's what he's doing? You really are retarded, aren't you.


Well Trump told us that in the next few days we'd see who is and isn't part of the swamp

Then who will be CIA?

What a fucking retard lol

So what? You mean to say you would not enjoy seeing the first women ever executed for treason against the United States?

I think and know you are full of shit. You'd get pay per view to witness that.

>don't get anything done
>get fired
Seems legit.

>Bill O'Reilly and Alex Jones told me Hillary is EVIL so I can't wait to see her die!!!
You sound like a gradeschool child.


Fuck yes get Tom Cotton in there STAT

The Deputy Director of the CIA is a presidential appointment and doesn't need to be confirmed.
Current is Gina Haspel. Maybe Trump can fire/hire a new person or fire and not replace?


An hero as quickly as possible.

You sound somewhat buttblasted. How's that ass feel?

Told ya folks chaos president


You sound like a shill. Listening to Hillary's neck get snapped by a noose would be the best thing for America. The bitch is guilty as fuck and everyone knows it.

At best, she's a money launderer. At worst, she's a cannibal witch who will eat your baby. That is not hyperbole. The vile cunt shows all the symptoms of Kuru disease, and there is only one way to contract that.

I can't take the liberal retardation anymore. Pic related.

Itchy. I've had diarrhea for the past 3 days.

>t. Jew York Times

>>Bill O'Reilly and Alex Jones told me Hillary is EVIL so I can't wait to see her die!!!
>You sound like a gradeschool child.

Found the faggot.

tillerson is a fucking faggot anyway


(don't sweat it; it's part of the plan. Keep it to yourself)

Take your meds, conspiritard

Ouch. Try eating a banana, it slows down your digestion and lets you hold on to some of that water instead of just constantly shitting it out.

How about we hang Hillary for treason instead. That seems more fun.

Jesus Christ user, you might be literally mentally ill.

is drudge report credible?

>is drudge report credible?

It came from Jew York Times


it's just a blog but NYT says it's in the works:
see IMO it's less of a sure thing than they made it sound. Is the CIA pushing for this?

>mike pompeo

As if Tom Cotton is about to oust the one politician who cares about illegal immigration as much as he does

The only explanation is that Trump causes chaos to make the deep state quake and force changes. Just like when they put in Kelly and now want to replace Tillerson with Pompeo. IMO they're being baited.

CNN still has not reported on it

newfag detected

And then Trump turns it around on them and lefties crawl away telling themselves it was the Russians. Many such instances.

so is it illegal for us to be discussing this? brb, wiping my harddrive


She is a legitimate sociopath who would steal a hot stove. How can you not desire to destroy such a disgusting combination of DNA?

Hillary fucking sucks. Is legitimately evil. Would have every one of her defenders nuked and laugh about it. And needs to burn in hell for all eternity.

And should hell not exist, we must make one just for her cunty murderess ass.,

or trump is a deep state shill
he is putting fucking mike pompeo as sos and yall are stil defending him

Ohh I get it, you're being satirical. It took me a second to realize, good job.


this is one based user here
i'm in

He doesn't like them in their positions and Tillerson just wants out of this mess asap.
Pompe does a crappy job as CIA chief and it's Cotton's turn to lead the CIA, I don't even expect this even if it's settled to be more than temporary again.

Kek this, Pompeo is pro-NSA/mass surveillance, anti-Assange and CIA. All giant red flags. This isn't 4D chess

Oh look
Another informant

Now is a great time for everyone to revisit Trumps Day 1 speech to the CIA, look at what he says about Pompeo look at what he says about the deep state....

You know that their cognitive dissonance works in that way where they'll say now that Tillerson didn't want to do Trumps bidding for Putin so that's why he plans to fire him.

These people are sick in the head. I wouldn't mind seeing Cotton replace Pompeo at CIA but I would want to see Pompeo as SoS either. Trump should fire Tillerson and Pompeo.

how come you people make up completely fabricated stories in your heads and use them to justify your gay obsession with trump
I think there is a phrase for when people need to completely make up things in their heads to not lose hope in something

>put in your own people
>fire your own people
>deep state BTFO
this isn't adding up

You can type absolutely any objection you want. Hillary Clinton is absolutely indefensible, and you'd either be a fool or a co-conspirator to ever do so.

Please put another neutral white male in this position, President Trump, and not an ideological neocon-tied female or numale. This is about the worst position you can put an (((ideologue))) into if your goal is to put America first.


Enjoy our new pro mass surveillance, anti-Assange, CIA agent SOS


He should've been fired a long time ago. Next should be Sessions.

what the fuck

Didn’t have the stomach to purge all the state dept child trafficking, Pompeo will not have that issue


He's always BTFO by his old tweets kek

They hate T. Rex because T. Rex is actually good at his job even if he moves a little slowly.

fucking pompeo will "purge the deep state"???
are you fucking delusional or retarded

Sessions should have been fired months ago tbqh

Ignore 4D chess fags

It's coming soon or he's actually doing something behind the scenes.

>isn’t a politician, wants to drain the swamp.
>gets elected president, has to fill the cabinets.
>fires whoever the fuck he wants when we wants because he can make changes whenever the fuck he wants.

Fuck off.


Donald Trumpmatches this description exactly.

Aren't James Mattis and H.R. McMaster (also known as the "adults in the room") supposed to have this special pact with Rex Tillerson that when one of them leaves, they all go?

>libtards like me can only think one step ahead
>therefore other's can't do it

>doesn't understand the importance of stability and clear messaging in a bureaucracy

You don't have to be a CEO or a 8d chessmaster to know you can't do shit in a chaotic system.

so does this officially mark the point where Trump has no chance of doing anything anymore due to all the chaos and is going to spend the rest of his time in office bitching about it?

Yes but hes different because he says I should trust him and critical thought is hard

>fires whoever the fuck he wants when we wants because he can make changes whenever the fuck he wants.
ok sure
>fires fellow non-politician, replaces him with king CIA nigger
get the fuck out

My meds are the sound of Hillary's neck snapping in a noose.
Gib now plox

>m-my trumpfag blogs told me so

One unqualified faggot replacing another unqualified faggot

>replaces him with king CIA nigger
That he appointed.

what exactly are the qualifications for being secretary of state, brainlet?

He's not a fucking god-king or master strategist. He ran on a good, pro-American message and has done some good things in office. Yes, he's good for rustling liberal retards but he has made many shitty mistakes. His cabinet is trash, his Syria attack, his stance on Iran, keeping our troops in Afghanistan, appointing someone like Pompeo as SOS, etc. I mean I'll vote for him in 2020 but he's not some 4D chess super-genius

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I'm talking about cia, retard

We knew the Clintons were corrupt back in the 90's. This isn't some sudden epiphany you absolute mongoloid.

the CEO of Exxon was not conservative enough for Trump amazing

Uhm, g-guys... I think we've been cucked.

what exactly are the qualifications for being head of the biggest criminal organization on earth, brainlet?

Look I’m usually down with assange but the president could go to war with Iran if he wants he doesn’t need to get agreement from his cabinet

It's not like Tillerson wasn't an oil war shill.

Pretty sure we have executed a woman for treason before.

Hopefully more than being a tea party faggot that got 1 single thing turned into law in 6 years as a congressman lol

Moment of Truth...either the trap is ready to be activated or we've another conman in the whitehouse

Jesus Christ, Brock actually paid you 4 cents to reply to the same user twice?

You really should lurk more. There's a board culture here and you clearly do not get it.

I guess $18 million doesn't go as far as I imagined when there's shitposters on deck.