Why do so many people think this shit is bad?

Why do so many people think this shit is bad?

Drugs are bad

Because they have shit taste, KMB is a masterpiece for all intensive purposes.

Like who? KMB is the best thing ever.

Any other series kind of like KMB?


>for all intensive purposes

It's a doggy-dog world out there.

Cocaine is a helluva drug

alyosha did it better

You'll probably find a substantial hate base for each and every comedy show.
As we all know, everyone other than ourselves has terrible taste in comedy.

can't wait to see this one on /r/Sup Forums!

>smoke turtles everyday

Some people, as shocking as it is, have shit taste.

My boy!

Kill Me Baby is objectively the best anime ever made.

KMB and Teekyuu are the magnum opus of the medium

I love Kill Me Baby, but its mostly the voices that keep it from being generic. It has other charms, like its awkward, cheap presentation and weird music, but that's something you enjoy after getting settled in. In fact that's the best advice I can give to someone who doesn't like KMB, let it grow on you. Worked for me.

You forgot Milky Holmes

There are only too jokes throughout the whole series; Yasuna acting like a dumbass then getting punched in the face by Sonya, then Agiri showing up with a "ninja technique" which actually does absolutely nothing then just leaves. The ED is the best ever though.

Sonya is cutest.

>Implying Yasuna isn't the cutest

I found it fun but to a point it was just repeating the same formula each episode and by episode 8 or 9 it was just so samey I dropped it. There was a lot of over lap on the jokes used too. Slap stick can only go so far sometimes.

>this show is so fun LOL
>can't get past 10 minutes of ep1 because it's literally just animated 4komas slapped together, also not funny at all

God doesn't approve of lesbianism.

>this shit is bad
>this shit
glad we can agree


Yasuna being great did help the series.

You're talking shit. No one thinks KMB is bad.

I really identify with this show's title, but it should be "Please kill me peacefully in my sleep, baby"

Masterpieces are often misunderstood.

Why can't Yasuna be real? Life would just be better with her

Reminder that Alyosha has huge areola.

Let's walk through the beach and pretend we're lovers

It's not good, but that doesn't mean its bad.