Serious, war criminal or placated?

Braco hrvati, seriously, no ustase shit, but real talk. I havent read anything about this guy to be honest. But killing yourself after a verdict, where you would be released shortly, is very strange.

He defended himself as karadzic, alone and stood by his word that he is not a war criminal. Was he or not?
Considering how Bullshit the Hague is, and their lies. Might he have been convicted falsely as mladic?

Or did he kill himself for the shame?

He's a hero. Now fuck off

Look at what he did: Kill Moslems in war.

Look at where Europe is now: Cucking whites to take in and feed a hostile, murderous Moslem hoard.

That's why (((they))) had to smear him.


You know you've really made it when your suicide is nationally televised live.


Well, they were mostly forcefully converted. And their radicalism started in ww2 and in this latest war. Otherwise the most secular Muslims of all.

I'm talking about real opinions, not some cucked western European Arab importings opinion.

Who can say for sure? None of us were there with him to judge him as he made his decisions. My impression is that he's a scapegoat for inevitable civilian casualties in a civil conflict, but maybe he really was a murderer. Now he is dead and his guilt or innocence doesn't really matter, his people celebrate his name because he died with dignity.

They are our lost brothers, you can honorably defend your nation and people. And you can do it like a lil bitch.

I’ll drink to this!

There should be some hard evidence though.

The major crime he is specifically accused of with hard evidence is the destruction of a bridge which led to civilian suffering. The fact is bridges get blown up in wars. The gall of the Western powers to grandstand about their concern for civilians while themselves bombing Yugoslavia is so audacious and viciously stupid it makes one sick.

but again maybe I'm wrong, I don't know if he gave fucked up orders targeting women and children, I wasn't there

I do know that no one ever takes Westen powers to court for destroying entire cities

Wait, he got the sentence mostly from evidence from the Mostar bridge? But didn't the Hague deem the destruction of the bridge itself as necessary and not a crime kek?

>But killing yourself after a verdict, where you would be released shortly, is very strange.
an old man who served immense amount of time to show good faith was shit on and told he'd be spending another few years incarcerated despite all indications pointing to his release. How many years did he have left?

6 months to a year, due to have been serving 2/3 already

>didn't the Hague deem the destruction of the bridge itself as necessary
pffft really? wtf

Santa killed himself

This doesn't bode well for Christmas.

Request a rundown on the Bosnian wars and the kikery involved in it.

>Or did he kill himself for the shame?
You do not kill yourself with hemlock after a proud speech in front of an audience. You hang yourself alone in a cell out a rope made by your own underwear.

This was a proud death and a proud man. Now go back to prepping your bull, faggot.

Mr jew, I am asking the opinion of my fellow Slavic brothers from the area, and people knowledgeable, not Mr Kikestein.

i was in Novi Sad in early 2000. all the bridges were blown up by NATO. we had to cross via a pontoon bridge set up by the army.

The kikery was probably the biggest form of kikeness being deployed in any war.

>Might he have been convicted falsely as mladic?
My grandparents who had to leave their house in bosnia and start a new life out of nothing in croatia wouldn't agree with that statement.