Dr. Peterson laughs at white pride

>Honors the Jew
>Lectures white nationalists
>Takes shekels
Is he still /ourgoy/?
>Hard level, post only in memes
>bonus points, post with new Dr. Peterson meme pics

Other urls found in this thread:


>Toronto cuck
>Surprised when he goes full cuck

Toronto corrupts all

Stop making 50 anti-peterson threads per day Mister Metokur and or leftypol. You're both retards compared to this man. He's a good man, that's all that matters. Let him do what he's great at. And he is great at it.

He was contacted and told to change the narrative.
They put pressure on him one way or another or just paid him or he was always a fag and he just wanted money from attention.

Fuck him.

You only noticed this now? He's useful for bringing centrist libtards on our side though

He was always a zionist cuck

He's just the chosen good goy to bring the message that Israel is good and we
should abandon all our sovereignty to the eternal wisdom and governing skills of the jews.

Not noticed his focus on "JUDEO-christian"?

Shoo shoo leftypol

He was never /ourguy/, he was always just an anti SJW, just like Sargon

Imagine being so nihilistic and messed up to the point that making a character assassination considered a proper response to someone that doesn't agree with you.

You're An idiot for shilling here. When Peterson announced his disdain for white nationalists, his patreon numbers only went up and have been growing steadily since. Pol is NOT Peterson's base dipshit. Academics and new intellectuals are his base ( including some on pol), not stormweenies. Hahaha, but keep wasting your time i think it's funny, personally.

leaf, fuck off



Just kidding leaf fag
Is Peterson proud of his parents or his children? In that case, he is also a white nationalist in the same sense as us Nazis



anytime someone becomes wealthy they swing to the left. rich boomers are a cancer. they live in gated communities and think they need to carry on the white man's burden.

So fucking accurate. European civilization has always been collective with some degree of individualism. Absolute individualism is a complete meme and retards who advocate for it like Dr. Jordan Peterstein should be laughed at for it.

very fucking nice my friend

>brainlets realize he has an entire body of work decrying Nazism as well as Marxism

Stop posting that dumb faggot, only thing he does is steals money by spreading lies how his mafia capitalists are innocent. He's literally destroying your race, stealing you money, since you will take responsibility for their mistakes.


Does he laugh at all prides equally?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dr. Jordan Bernt Peterson. The intellectualism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of psychological philosophy most of the insights will go over a typical normie's head. There's also Dr. Jordan Bernt Peterson's deeply christian outlook, which is deftly woven into his personal philosophy that draws heavily from Nietzschean literature, for instance. The patreons understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these insights, to realise that they're not just intellectual- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Dr. Jordan Bernt Peterson truly ARE collectivist idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the profoundness of Bernts "radical Individualism", which itself is a cryptic reference to CG Jung. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Peterson's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DID do Dr. Jordan Bernt Peterson's Personality Test. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 15 IQ points of my own (the standard deviation between a chosen one and a shiksa) beforehand.


>i learned these cool words from my dad, er well i wish he was my dad, my dad wasn't really around, but anyway, yeah fuck you for criticizing my hero.

Oh look another person doesn't like white nationalism, it's almost as if anyone outside of richard spencer thinks it's retarded and will never be mainstream.

He must become ourguy.
Let's send him a ton of these.

t. an enlightened individual who cleaned his cuckshed, travelled to the underworld and saved his wife's son from the dragon of white supremacy

>no stamp, just a sticker

How to JUST your career and respectability in 1 night

>Just your career
>by disagreeing with richard spencer

lol that's not how it works

he is a shittier philosopher (and that's giving him too much credit) always telling impressionable young alt-kikers with daddy issues to "sort themselves out" and "clean their room" as if you needed some Patreon gibs taker to tell you that in order to realize cleaning up your room and not being a loser is a good idea. Fuck this hack.

>let's turn the general pol user against this man
>character assassination fails, let's use D&C

Fuck off kike

It should be something like
> We need to fall back and spend a lot of time cleaning our Togas, I mean what do we know about defending our lands? Do we really have our lives in order?

>Lectures white nationalists
Did he actually have a coherent argument against racial pride that didnt take the form of cant platitudes about minuscule individual accomplishments being all the more important?

lel fpbp, toronto leaves no prisoners intact

Very nice


Well, to be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand Processor Peterson. Race is an archetypal social contstruct similar to Plato's cave analogy, or that enteral struggle against one's fate that can be found in the Oedipus myth. I think it might be helpful to look at Jung's theories on dreams to fully analyze "race" and how Jews are perceived with a culture.

Why do you faggots keep falling for this shit

you guys are onto something. honestly I think soros or shariablue bought that meteorcuck to make hit pieces against influential Sup Forums intellectuals. This is clearly a coordinated attack against us.
An attack against one of us is an attack against all of us, we must circle the wagons and defend Dr. Peterson from those character assassination attempts.


>guy spends 40 years to become an expert in his field
>gets compared to an obese, opinionated NEET


>40 years as an idle academic who cant counter an argument wihtout severely distorting it
>can't articulate his own argument without devolving into what is essentially postmodernist psychobabble.

He should be compared to worse.

I paid for his personality tests ten times!


>idle academic
>spend 10 years teaching at Harvard
u wot m8

>can't articulate his own argument without devolving into what is essentially postmodernist psychobabble.
>I can't keep up, thus it must be nonsense
Ameritard education, everyone.

Peterson still can't see the full picture.
We need all four aspects.
Yes Religion is important and so is the free market and strong imperial defense. But without racial awareness it will simply not work. Sorry Peterson.

Looks like he's /(((our)))goy/

>an achievement

>>idle academic
>>spend 10 years teaching at Harvard
Why did you type the same thing twice?

>>I can't keep up, thus it must be nonsense
>Ameritard education, everyone.
You cant refute so you resort to projection, then insults? Can't say I'm surprised, you're obviously a vapid fangirl.


You can have your section of that pie if you want but can you use a different symbol than the dumb snake? It looks retarded

>tfw you just wanted them to clean there rooms

Hehehe you desperate stormfags. nobody will take you seriously.

>knows that the jews have higher iq and that races tend to have different characteristics
>10$ personality quiz
>didn't stand up for Faith Goldie even through she was in his same situation
>acts dumb when people ask him about it
He's good on religion and commies through.

he is cool triggers in canada why not?
He was right about the bill (duh) and the left hates him. Good dude.

>"there are two genders. clean your room"
>"oh btw BUCKO, white identity is invalid and you're literally a genocidal nazi if you care about your own group"
>whoa, clearly this man is truly the savior of western civilization

false prophet confirmed

You forgot to equip your memeflag, shlomo

>ha ha ha, Har-ward eez fore stoopid peepol

>You cant refute
Refuting made up shit of the scientifically illiterate is pointless.

I'm no the one with the pink ID, faggot.

None of those are either good or bad. You´re just talking about stuff you don´t understand against people with decades of experience on it.

Prove you're not a commie Jew.

>white identity
>mfw he's never been in a "is X white" thread

>muh Harvard
then bow before your new god, Senator Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren, she literally taught at harvard for over 15 years even so she's a native american.
Can't wait for you to white knight pocahontas, finnknight.

btw both she and Peterstein belive that race is a social construct.
Post-Modern. Racists. BTFO.

Everyone but leafs tbqh

>m no the one with the pink ID
Yet you're the one running to the defense of a pseudo intellectual e-celeb and all-around meaningless academic with no real-world accomplishments.

I see that you take after him in thinking that your opinion determines reality.

Autistic as fuck

>race is a social constr-

It says "Postage to politicians is free". What don't you understand about that dipshit?

Hi Jim


did you wash your balls today?

Why is fandom such a cancerous force? I though star wars fandom was bad, but this e-celeb shit is insane.

The reality is: enough collectivism is necessary for western civilization and it's individualistic values to survive.

Of course it is. Anyone who suggests otherwise is either ignorant, or malevolent.

No Gods, No Masters...
Only Peterson remains.

wew lad, imagine being this butthurt

And constant spam of the same thread with the same replies shitting on him is not insane?

No more insane than spouting your opinion as fact, without a viable argument, online, and not expecting people to retort.
Seems to me that if this is representative of the quality of his output, his celebrity status is the most insane thing here.

>And constant spam of the same thread with the same replies shitting on him is not insane?


power corrupts and toronto corrupts absolutely


How are people retorting what he is saying here? These threads have been a circlejerk calling him pseudo intellectual and spamming memes, how is that a retort?

Go figure, a man who thinks rationally thinks white pride is fucking stupid, who would of guessed.

You know there were Greeks fighting against the Spartans at that battle, right? You are not an American illiterate in History, are you?

He is using the movie as reference, what do you think?

fangays get mockery and not enabling here you assblasted spic, go smell reddit's farts if you don't like it.

keep blowing that snake oil salesman
hows those daddy issues treating you

I always understood before other bandwagoners did that Peterson is not a closet white nationalist nor would he be willing to consider be one because he is a pacifist first who wishes to preserve the more honorable parts of western culture. He's willing to exalt western culture but not willing to do what's necessary to preserve it. Knowing this, I try not to limit my intellectual exploration based purely on who is Sup Forums meme compatible. Think about all of the thinkers and authors throughout history who had something to offer and some of us probably even read. Now think, how many of them would survive the Sup Forums meme purity test? I agree with many of Sup Forums's sentiments, but I refuse to become a dog soldier tool. I may disagree with Peterson on some key matters, but I still respect his decades of research on western civilization, evolutionary psychology and totalitarianism. The truth that Peterson is not willing to admit is that whites need a certain amount of collectivism so that figures like Peterson can exist, and I will advocate for what's necessary even if Peterson won't, and still appreciate what he has to offer. Unlike the majority of the psuedo intellectual bedroom philosophers, Peterson is one of the few radical centrists who I really respect and will continue to listen to. It's always good to pay attention to multiple realms of thought, even if just for utilitarian purposes if that's the only level you'll permit.

Not an argument and not even close to what I questioned.
But keep being a retard just as blind as you claim the people defending him are

he's right though. it's fucking retarded to be proud of something you didn't choose

I think he's just trying to deflect a lot of the transcommie he's probably been getting, especially as a college professor he's probably just desparately trying to give them reasons he's not a nazi

It's really interesting, from all the years browsing I see this kind of thing popping up in different boards
Sup Forums for example, every time there is a non-virgin girl in an anime/manga they flip out and shut down every discussion of it.

>I didn't chose for my kid to be a doctor
>He becomes a doctor
Guess I can't be proud of his accomplishments as a parent.

He and Jared Taylor should box.

But we're not shutting down discussion. Normally we don't talk about JBP and we are discussing him now.

And the "wtf I thought JBP was a closet white nationalist" shit is just a strawman. You don't need to feel "betrayed" by him to point out when he's making bogus arguments.

Ive seen several threads filled with valid criticisms of his stance, some deep, some not, and every thread has people like you claiming no one has made a single retort.
