Pay your parking ticket with pennies to protest an unconstitutional 1.75 "processing fee"

>pay your parking ticket with pennies to protest an unconstitutional 1.75 "processing fee"
>get brutally attacked and choked out until you literally poop your pants by powertripping court officers (these are not security guards, these are court officers).
look guys, i know BLM is full of shit, they appropriated the entire "holding police accountable" cause and ruined it for the rest of us but it used to be a right-wing position too (especially considering less police = less government = less government tyranny)
can we just face the facts that authority needs to be held in check? that your rights are the most important thing? fuck the BLM and all of the people saying "the cops are racist". that's the whole thing, they aren't "racist" at all, they're actually equal opportunity dickheads and they'll assault you / murder you / oppress you just as fast as they will any nigger

remember kelly thomas, james boyd and so many others who were white people wrongfully murdered by police who later faced no consequences. remember waco and ruby ridge. remember poor vickie weaver, a white woman, who was sniped by US marshalls as she held her own newborn child, after her 14 year old son was brutally gunned down by them.


you really DON'T want to live in a world where cops get free reign to do what they want, i promise you

Other urls found in this thread:

BLM is fucking wrong. the cops don't target blacks unfairly or go after them for any reasons. they're just corrupt, oppressive jackasses and they'll just as soon murder you as they will any nigger

Who cares? He shouldn't have gotten a ticket. Park in a legal spot next time if you don't want to pay a processing fee or get the poop choked outta you.

it's literally this "shouldn't have been doing something wrong then" attitude that allows governments to pass unjust and unconstitutional laws and slowly erode your freedoms until you have none left

>your rights are the most important thing
AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAAHA You are cattle dude. If somebody made a list of the 10 countries with the least rights in the world, you'd be right there with UK and Germany. Get a clue like and just keep your head down sucker.

>getting the poop choked out of you
What a beautiful expression.

Also, you're too dumb to understand the scope of the issue. It's not about getting a fine, or having to pay a fee for getting fined. It's about not being able to pay a debt in legal tender because the 'public servant' in the counter values his convenience more than yours.

t. mexibro

>claim american have "no rights"
>then claim that someone deserves to get choked out by law enforcement because they got a parking ticket
ok mexican. please stay in mexico. come here and we will deport you because we actually do value our freedoms here. people like you are literally the reason we are building a wall and funding ICE

i know when you say "you have no rights in the USA" you are thinking from YOUR perspective. as if if YOU were to come here illegally, you would be deported. that's because YOU would have no rights here, because YOU are not a citizen. you are ILLEGAL. you are not ONE OF US. you don't look like us. you don't represent us. you don't share any of our values or ideas. stay the fuck out, "wall just got 10 feet taller"

>was told there would be an added $1.75 service fee
>Sevy wasn't happy with that, his attorney told WJBK, so he left and later came back with rolls of pennies.
Service fees by the government really are bullshit. I know why they (supposedly) do it, but come on, they take in way more than enough in taxes to cover that shit just like every private business does. Just one more way to ream you because they know you can't do anything about it.

He was saving that shart for his trip to the mart after he paid his ticket. This is so unbelievable and wrong, depriving an American man of his right to shart in any mart he pleases. I hope someone goes to jail over this!

Be as mad as you want. Your country belongs to us anyway.

>pays the extra fee
>still gets beatup
I have about 40 dollars worth of pennies, I'll start doing this, imagine the the 8million settlement money.

Pretty sure it's perfectly legal to refuse currency for several reasons, especially soiled and torn bills. It's to socially acceptable norm that if you intend on paying with change, in an amount worth more than a role of said change, you fucking roll it up.

Something tells me the man wasnt choked for the simple act of trying to pay in change, either, or walking away without raising a fuss after being refused.

Aren't pennies legal tender. Doesn't the law require any payment to be accepted if legal tender. Fuck those lazy govt workers. Legal tender is legal tender

>Pretty sure it's perfectly legal to refuse currency for several reasons, especially soiled and torn bills

Why would you bring up something like damaged tender when that wasn't the issue at hand? Disingenuous people like you are bipedal piles of filth.

What are you rambling about, bootlicker?

Legal system has already been defeated. Done. No joinder, no case, lose the name, win the game. "It is illegal to use a legal name"
Kikes got btfo by a tranny
Boys in blue are faggots

you're right, it does, i'm not going to argue with you about that. that's why we need right-wing politics, border wall and ICE. and that's why people need to understand that when you hop fences and come here illegally YOU do not have any rights. you are a foreign enemy on our soil and you might just as well be shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave for all i care. i can only hope that there will be a mass awakening of consciousness in this nation and people will begin to learn what you are all about and what your people are truly doing to us and how they are ruining this nation that once was such a nice place to live not far back

i am totally against law enforcement too but ICE is not law enforcement, it's a government agency which combats foreign enemies who have subverted themselves onto our soil

Moneys money, their dickheads simple really

Your right but the thing is you don't care about it you just care that it's not your guys doing it. Please take you and your faggot friends back to r/latestagecapitalism.

He's gunna make a lot of money off of that, pretty good plan Tbh

Because it sets the precedent that it's legal to refuse certain forms of legal tender for various reasons. Either you're trying hard not to see that simple fact, or you're being disingenuous yourself.

Many places refuse large sums of change that isnt rolled.

Not how it works.

what the hell is it with san franciscans and defecating in public

Loose bowels from all the butt fucking.

>actual choking took place where there was no cameras

The government isn't a private business my dude.

Also watch the video he was clearly walking out peacefully and the officers jumped him from behind as he was exiting the doors.

im actually in favor of abolishing the IRS and ending socialism in the USA (because we are already a socialist country, and have been a socialist country since 1913 when the 16th amendment passed, and that's been the source of our troubles) so don't tell me what i do and do not care about. and i make posts about that all of the time on Sup Forums, usually they're in large capital letters but i decided to drop the caps today cuz im feeling mellow (used them in the thread i posted this morning though, the one about hawaii confiscating guns). don't tell me what i do and don't care about, you have no idea, and i have nothing to do with socialism or /r/latestagecapitalism or the cursed plebbit website to begin with

Private businesses can refuse more than 24.99 in coins.

Yep, the faggot and I mean literal faggot is mad he's not internet famous.

Tacos make you both fat and stupid?

powerful image. they make fun of us for profiling muslims and do the same to white cops

>Amerisharts can't even pay a parking ticket without losing their stools.

Sure sure Evey you just posted seems like a copy pasta smoke screen for when you get called out. Plus we all know that by now anyone who still supports the libertarian political ideology is a subversive.

>can we just face the facts that authority needs to be held in check? that your rights are the most important thing?

>Tax Day
>go to town hall
>pay my unconstitutional property taxes with half dollars and 2 dollar bills
>pencil pusher lady tries to give me a hard time
>after half an hour of arguing she accepts them
>drive past her house on the way home (small town)
>throw a rock through her front window for being a bitch
score one for the good guys

I agree. Cop worship is some truly cucked behavior that you can find on the so-called "right wing". I think police in america are the enemy in general, on an individual level they may be okay, but they choose (no one is forcing them, you can quite being a policeman at any time pal) to enforce corrupt and unconstitutional laws. For this, they will pay if there is an ever an uprising.

>The government isn't a private business my dude
Local governments essentially are in many ways.

>Also watch the video he was clearly walking out peacefully and the officers jumped him from behind as he was exiting the doors.
Doubt it tells the full story, got a webm?

>Doubt it tells the full story, got a webm?
Open the fucking link in the OP

>For this, they will pay if there is an ever an uprising.
I don't know, you sound a lot like the type of person who's going up against the wall, round 1

I blame the mindless drones who came here in hordes during the election for that kind of mentality

lol, no. Aint giving the fagchronical click revenue

then fuck off and stop commenting on an event you know even less about than anyone else in this thread.

His new nickname is spudgun

The video doesnt show him being choked, so what worth is there? No one knows anything, speculation based on common sense is more valuable than speculation based on a video that doesnt tell the story.

that's not true at all borders aren't a huge tax drain, there's no reason you can't be a libertarian and still support borders. that's insane. "libertarianism" is the foundation that this nation was founded upon. people have weaseled their way into it and tried to subvert it the same way they have with capitalism. do you really think we're living in a "capitalist" society today? when the government is entitled to literally everything you own? when they can dock half of your labor and just take it as their own? when they use tax codes to redistribute funds to entities they see fit?
(usually to the richest corporations via billion dollar subsidies and tax loopholes, as well as government contracts and regulations against small businesses that are bought and paid for by CEOs and lobbists) no. that's socialism. that's wealth redistribution. whether its going to poor niggers in the ghetto who hate us, or whether its going to rich jewish elites running fast food companies, it's wealth redistribution. it's textbook socialism and its the textbook reason socialism fails. our politicians CALL it "capitalism" because they know its making people miserable and they know if they keep calling it "capitalism" them people will cry out for "socialism". it's a psychological trick.

i'm not a subversive, these are just the facts. this is just the reality. we need to abolish the fucking IRS. end wealth redistribution in the USA and make sure that our inherently corrupt and evil government has no power over us

picture related

Cents are legal. fucking. tender.
Phuck those clowns.

>Nigger tries to troll / cause issues in the system
>Gets the nigger treatment immediately
I see nothing wrong with this, why didn't he pay like a normal person instead of going out of his way to cause issues?

Fuck niggers and fuck your heart bleeding liberal bullshit, now that TRUMP is in the white house NONE of this nigger shit will fly, white people are TIRED of your nigger bullshit

Better start acting like a human being you liberal and nigger pieces of shit

There has always been a strong contingent of extreme authoritarians or people roleplaying as them on this site, even way before Sup Forums, who would defend cops beating or killing anybody, not even just niggers. I think they just like to imagine themselves doing it

>i am totally against law enforcement
you are no better than antifa cucks then, without law enforcement there would be absolute chaos. People would be constantly on vigil to prevent getting fucked over by their fellow next man, there has never been a working modern civilization without it for a good reason.

See here is the cuck behavior. No man with self respect thinks like this.

$1.70 isn't a large sum of money

Drugs time is approaching - started with espresso, moving up to nicotine followed by a light nasal dusting with insuflicated bupe. Then it's nap time followed by more bupe and some choco-dawg boss bud and vidya (I'm addicted really badly to vidya - it's no jest)
How shot/strangled/licked in an AIDS rape camp for life would i be for a simple nights entertainment in America?
Is the answer: A lot?

you legally cannot pay your taxes in pennies

nickles, however...

>licked in and aids rapecamp

>i'm not a subversive
>we need to abolish the fucking IRS

Yes you are. Wear that label proudly. Not proud like a homosexual, actually proud, jesus christ they really have destroyed our language haven't they

"im totally against law enforcement" in this context doesn't mean "lets abolish the police department" it means lets recognize them as a corrupt arm of a corrupt government and hold them accountable and if you're going to say that we should all bend over and take it up the ass just because annoying leftists have self-righteously adopted the "anti-police" cause then you're really weak minded IMO and you're making a massive mistake. the right-wing has every opportunity to be better than the left wing. the left-wing has revealed its hand as shameful authoritarians, you and anyone on the right has the opportunity IMO to stand up and show that you stand for genuine freedom and something genuinely positive.

you shouldn't make the mistake of defending corrupt, murderous, violent, power tripping police officers just because of how horrendous the left is

No, but it can be a large number of coins. 170 of them, even.
If you want to buy something with them, put 100 of them into a roll at the least.

Or are penny rolls only 50 cents? Then it's 3 rolls and 20 loose coins. What's so hard about that?

im not a subversive at all dude, incomes taxes weren't even legal in this country until the 16th amendment passed in 1913. i say exactly what i want done. "subversives", as i understand the term, are people who enter into a movement or political system with bad intentions, not in good faith, and they pretend to hold one idea while they secretly advance the agenda of another. like john mccain, for example, is probably pretty much at this point safe to call a democrat subversive, as are, IMO, many in the republican party, particularly the "establishment" republicans / neocons / rinos

Are you kidding? We're all about shitty drugs like bupe nowadays. You could be running multiple scripts probably, and be getting that much more not-really-actually-high

No, there is not refusal on legal tender in debt payments of any kind, if legal tender is refused that's forfeiture of debt.
I guarantee he didn't have to pay that fine after they refused to take the money, a representative of the court refused payment resulting in forfeiture of debt

orale ese

Greasy hippy literally gets the shit beat out of him. This is a great day so far.

>get the poop choked outta you.
white people please make this a thing!

I've always read it more generally as like, working within a system against the interests of that system but your definition might actually be more correct. The likely unironic nazi you were talking to probably means you're a potential subversive to his imaginary fascist state anyway, however

Fuck cops and niggers

>you shouldn't make the mistake of defending corrupt, murderous, violent, power tripping police officers just because of how horrendous the left is
maybe my stance on the matter is due to the fact that it's an non issue over here, or that i'm not a criminal and respect the men in blue

It’s more like how the Jews work within our society to destroy it. Hence the term, those subversive kikes.

What a fucking redcoat faggot. I can't imagine how ashamed your ancestors must be of you.

You're confusing the ability to pay debts with legal tender with the obligation to accept it.

i looked it up on google and your definition is technically correct. either way, i still don't consider myself a "subversive" though, i love the united states of america and i don't seek to undermine it in my view, just return it back to the principles and values that it was founded upon. but whatever i'm just some faggot on the internet and i used to blog sometimes too but nobody ever reads it so i stopped.

people are more interested in moral outrage and i think they get off on the perceived feeling of "power" they get at getting cultural or government to turn against certain groups of people through repressive laws.

and i'm not talking about "minorities" or people of other races either, as far as i'm concerned this is a fucking white country, always was and should always be. only whites have rights here in my view. not cuz i "hate" anyone though, just cuz lack of racial homogeny is a recipe for disaster

Poo poo pee pee in DMV

i don't think this guy was a "criminal" either, he was just homeless and existing

The article clearly states he had rolls of pennies. Regardless, the clerk would have to count the pennies to make sure the fee was paid.

>telling someone else they’re too stupid go understand something


> americans really believing they have any freedom
> Take off your shoes
> Why you sent this email?
> Here have a trap down your throat
> Also remember that blm, goy

dumping large amounts of unrolled small coinage is disruptive to business, and is illegal in most cases, it can be easily construed as "disorderly conduct".

Rolled pennies, on the other hand, are perfectly acceptable.

Section 31 U.S.C. 5103, states: "United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues. Foreign gold or silver coins are not legal tender for debts.

>i don't think this guy was a "criminal" either, he was just homeless and existing
he was an entitled cunt that don't realize the consequences of ignoring police while wielding a deadly weapon

>Win 6 figures in lawsuit.

Now find the law saying a person in your municipality MUST accept federal reserve currencies.

aren't pennies american coins?

Cops are a Target. They are thug enforcers and revenue generators for the pedophile elite. They wear funny costumes and think I won't shoot them in the face. They are dead wrong.



If they refuse payment then he no longer owes the debt.

What an idiot.

He got what he deserved.

The police are there to protect and serve, not to put up with temper tantrums over $1.75.

If you pull this kind of crap with the police, they should beat you within an inch of your life.


ameritards just realizing they are in an open air prison.

Don't fucking forget either.


The guy banked on this happening. Now he's gonna get loads of money. Pretty brilliant if you ask me. Might try this next time I get a ticket.


How’s that boot taste, cuck? Those brave cops are the fist of ZOG, and you’re a good goy faggot.

i honestly question the humanity of anyone who can have the reaction that you're having to that video. he was just a guy living in the woods and not partaking in society and they came and shot him for essentially no real reason at all and none of them faced any consequences for it and its a shame that white people didn't protest or make a media stink about this the way that black people would have if it was a black person.
the tragedy of the whole "BLM" thing is that it's racialized a colorblind issue. "police brutality" isn't a "black issue" its a human issue and by making it a racial issue they've essentially created support for repressive and corrupt police forces all over the nation and it's fucking horrendous what has happened

fuck you fucking nigger, that is for businesses, not fucking government fucking workplaces you god damn idiot commie faggot, your mother is a bitch and so are you.

How's that big government cock taste?

ladies and gentlement, nazis

>for various reasons
And damage wasn't even one of them. It's called a non sequitir, faggot.


So an institution, representing some sort of judicial entity, refused to accept legal us tender?

That's a bigger crime than parking illegally.

Then they assault him with what is now considered deadly force.

That's a felony.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."