How did this country become the somalia of Europe


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The illegal invasion of Crimea and Europes backstabbing


Ukrainians are the niggers of the white race.

>illegal invasion

Stop drinking the kool aid.

they didnt accept their rightful place as members of a great and polish commonwealth

Most of the trade tied with russia, then your largest trade partner attacks you. + corruption, ofc

This is your first mistake.

Jesus Crist, when will americans be banned

The Ukraine is weak.

Fertile land and

Starvation, tyranny and literal genocide under the soviets might have done something

This is a clear lie. Ukrainian identity has surfaced among intellectuals back in the 1880s. They're as much as a country as, say, Finland.

Don't be stupid. Ukraine was hardly better before the war with Russia.
The real answer is abysmal corruption and criminality.

>literal genocide
>doesn't fit the literal definition of genocide

RIDF is strong in these threads.

Also, not a country.
And always remember kids, Soviet is another word for Jew.

Someone, get a truck.

>being European
>being white.
next thing you'll tell me not all Slav women are whores.

Before the war - yes, but after their economy dropped significantly.

Yes yes, all Soviet crimes are done by Jews, Russians were innocent of everything, including doing the most to stop Nazi Germany itself. Honor Russian veterans, but spit on American ones for fighting for the wrong side.

>and literal genocide under the soviets

Why is it always called "the Ukraine" and not just "Ukraine?"

>Do not travel

do travel.

Ukraine is pretty safe and comfy

I don't know about this comparison. I know we're less than 100 years old country, and despite I'm 0 % nationalist or patriot or any of that, Finland still feels more like proper country. We're clearly separated by language from any country we used to belong to and our people are separate group from Russians.

Are Ukrainians even real people? It seems so petty to separate them from Russians or anyone else, like if I would start telling that Savonians are Finns but Ostrobothnians aren't.

Migration to Russia and Poland before and after the outbreak of the war does not mean that Ukraine is safe and comfortable.

It's the same problem with Ireland. Whenever you put a bunch of retarded revisionists in charge of your country, they end up changing everything that even resembles their former ally, usually to their own self detriment.

Revolutionaries are always power-hungry murderers.

>all Slav women are whores.

Why is Crimea "do not travel"? As far as I know it's pretty peaceful despite the illegal annexation.

Ukraine had a lot of USSR manufacturing poured into it. once all the money ran dry, they went bankrupt

Crimea is closed to most countries.


Nie ma siły ludzkiej, zdolnej przeszkodzić temu, ażeby oderwana od Rosji i przekształcona na niezawisłe państwo Ukraina stała się zbiegowiskiem aferzystów całego świata, którym dziś bardzo ciasno jest we własnych krajach, kapitalistów i poszukiwaczy kapitału, organizatorów przemysłu, techników i kupców, spekulantów i intrygantów, rzezimieszków i organizatorów wszelkiego gatunku prostytucji: Niemcom, Francuzom, Belgom, Włochom, Anglikom i Amerykanom pośpieszyliby z pomocą miejscowi lub pobliscy Rosjanie, Polacy, Ormianie, Grecy, wreszcie najliczniejsi i najważniejsi ze wszystkich Żydzi. Zebrałaby się tu cała swoista Liga Narodów… Te wszystkie żywioły przy udziale sprytniejszych, bardziej biegłych w interesach Ukraińców, wytworzyłyby przewodnią warstwę, elitę kraju. Byłaby to wszakże szczególna elita, bo chyba żaden kraj nie mógłby poszczycić się tak bogatą kolekcją międzynarodowych kanalii. Ukraina stałaby się wrzodem na ciele Europy; ludzie zaś marzący o wytworzeniu kulturalnego, zdrowego i silnego narodu ukraińskiego, dojrzewającego we własnym państwie, przekonaliby się, że zamiast własnego państwa, mają międzynarodowe przedsiębiorstwo, a zamiast zdrowego rozwoju, szybki postęp rozkładu i zgnilizny. Ten, kto przypuszcza, że przy położeniu geograficznym Ukrainy i jej obszarze, przy stanie, w jakim znajduje się żywioł ukraiński, przy jego zasobach duchowych i materialnych, wreszcie przy tej roli, jaką posiada kwestia ukraińska w dzisiejszym położeniu gospodarczym i politycznym świata, mogłoby być inaczej – nie ma za grosz wyobraźni. Kwestia ukraińska ma rozmaitych orędowników, zarówno na samej Ukrainie, jak poza jej granicami. Między ostatnimi zwłaszcza jest wielu takich, którzy dobrze wiedzą, do czego idą. Są wszakże i tacy, którzy rozwiązanie tej kwestii przez oderwanie Ukrainy od Rosji przedstawiają sobie bardzo sielankowo.
tldr JEWS

Our nationalist from 1930, Roman Dmowski, talking about Ukraine. Fucking brilliant prediction:
>jews will take over ukraine and destroy it
>there is no force in the world that would prevent gathering all of the world’s biggest scum in Ukraine

you better pray for anti-jewish revolutionists hungry for muslim blood, John

US meddling in Ukrainian elections is to blame.

If it hadn't been for Russia's provision of weapons, intelligence, logistical support and literal battle commanders and experienced soldiers to the rebels, the Ukrainian government would have crushed the separatists within months. Instead, a 3 year civil war has left Donbass in complete ruin. Plus MH17 wouldn't have been shot down by retarded rebels and 300 innocent people wouldn't have died.

>abysmal corruption and criminality
>Ukraine was hardly better before the war with Russia

>72% of Donetsk and 58.3% of Luhansk residents disapprove of secessionist project

>Ukraine Faces Mass Starvation and the Exodus of Millions
>1.4 million people internally displaced by the conflict and 100,000 left without access to clean water

>10,000+ killed overall

When your country borders Russia, Poland and Romania, well...

Fucking Ukrainians should not be fighting for their own territory or sovereignty because they don't deserve it. Russia is justified in sending these armaments and commanders to Ukraine to support seccessionism, but America is never justified in doing so anywhere on the planet. Don't question this logic or you are a NATO shill.
>literally the capital of mutts
>capital of porn
>capital of globalization
>capital of antifa
>capital of
and so on

Each one of your three sentences contradicts the other two so I don't know what the fuck you're trying to say. Burgers just can't do irony, so please, don't bother trying. Ukraine is not a homogenous grey mass as you seem to think (pic related). I'm not saying what they do or don't deserve, I'm merely pointing out that Russia's geopolitical funny business has laid waste to eastern Ukraine and killed a fuckload of people for no reason other than zealous nationalism.