Choking up the black pill

Okay Sup Forums, I have a problem that I can only come here to seek help for.
I have found it increasingly harder to give a shit about anything that is going on around me, whether it's nationalism, Trump, Communism, Islam or Race
On Sup Forums I can't be bothered to look through threads or reply to anything even if it should have interested me some time ago. I would be mid way through a reply and would close the tab because I cant be bothered with it.
I can't watch a youtube video for more than 2 minutes without getting bored and clicking off of it. I still haven't watched the latest Murdoch Murdoch video and I used to really enjoy his shit for a long time. Ive unsubbed to most of my channels that I watched; I can't bear to watch Sargon's or Steven Crowder, the anti-feminism youtubers make me cringe and I virtually stopped watching normie and non-political content with an exception of a few creepypasta reading channels i listen to on the way to work
I completely stopped going on facebook and twitter, both apps deleted

I can barely lift myself up in the morning. I have no motivation to work hard both at work or at the gym that im also falling behind schedule on. I lost most of my friends a couple of months after I started working hard, my gf that I wanted to marry left me and even then I barely gave a shit; I just helped her pack up and go. Im not a good looking guy, Im also not very charismatic so I dont get much attention from women, its even harder that my college days are over and I cant really go out looking for girls - not that it would help me.

but I really don't want to be like this Sup Forums, I want to revitalize myself and regain those goals in life. So help me please

Other urls found in this thread:

I’ve seen seriously despondent people who wished they’d never taken the redpill. I see people wallowing in despair because they don’t know where Sup Forums will lead them. Some want out, but they can’t escape.
Others just get swallowed up by the darkness. Here’s how you can survive Sup Forums. It’s painful. You will never be the same again. But if you want to come out alive, and in most cases, be better off,
I strongly advise you heed these warnings/instructions.

1. Your first encounter with Sup Forums will be shocking. Everything you read will be either nonsensical conspiracies or just seem like hate speech. You will not understand half the things people are referring
to. You will be the normie that everyone will be hazing. This is normal. You are not special. Everyone goes through this.

Never fall for such defeatism and faggotry

2. You will start to understand the jargons of Sup Forums. You will start understand what the posters are actually saying. You will start swallowing redpills. Unfortunately, for the first 6 months, they will
all be hateful redpills. Why? Because these are the easiest pills to swallow. You will find the truth about racial differences, women, Jews, governments, homosexuality, and other degeneracy.
You will start to hate. And this is the most dangerous stage of Sup Forums. You must continue because if you stop evolving here, you are doomed. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep pushing ahead

3. Once you have swallowed enough redpills, you will start feeling segregated from your immediate group of friends/families. You’ll find yourself opposing just about every popular opinion they have.
You try to hold your tongue, but it gets harder and harder. You can’t understand why these people are so blind. You can’t understand why at some point in your life, you actually agreed with these people.
It’s tough becoming estranged from your loved ones. So, don’t argue. DO NOT TRY TO FORCEFEED REDPILLS TO OTHERS IN YOUR LIFE. This is the most important lesson you will take away from here.
Redpills are something that has to be taken voluntarily.

4. At this point, you will fall into despair. You will feel alone. You will feel like everyone around you are just idiots going through life without a single rational thought. And then, you will become
angry. You will know what true rage is. It will surprise you.

Now, this rage is the crucial fork in the road. It is at this point that either Sup Forums will make you a god or an ostracized hateful racist neo-nazi. You can use this anger and become destructive
(to yourself and others) or you can use it to your own benefit. It is up to you.

If you wish to transcend into the true redpilled state, there by achieving Nirvana, you MUST adhere and obey the following steps.


5. At this stage, you still have not taken the ultimate redpill; that is, you are ultimately responsible for your actions. That you are responsible for who you turn out to be. You, and no one else,
is responsible for your happiness. You still have not accepted that posts that warn you on this board about drugs, porn, feminism, and other degeneracy are not just a meme or a lecture on morals but are
instructions. Instruction for you to survive the brutal process that is redpilling and eventually, success in life. And the truth is, you can’t take this final pill until you’ve changed certain things
in your life. And tomorrow, you will start this process.


6. You will wake up in the morning. You will take a shower to wake up. Then, come sit on your bed or a chair, and close your eyes and CLEAR YOUR MIND. FROM THIS MOMENT ON, THERE IS NO THINKING ALLOWED.
You are not allowed to think. You will only do. There are no excuses. There is no rationalizing. You will simply do what needs to be done. You will open your eyes and go about your day.
Either go to your job or your school and do your best. From now on, everything you do, no matter how mundane, will be your best effort. You will eat no processed food. When you are done with the chores of
the day, you will go straight to the nearest gym and join.

7. You will lift weights. Slowly at first. It matters not how much weight you bench. It only matters that you are there and that you keep going there. And it matters that you are there for the right reason.
You are not there to impress girls. You are not there to make yourself look sexy. You are not there to become a model. You are there to improve yourself. Period. You are doing this for yourself and no one
else. When you get home, eat a healthy meal. Under no circumstances are you allowed fast food or processed foods. Spend 30 minutes on Sup Forums or some other right-wing site, especially Libertarian sites.
Read a book. No TV. No Netflix. No video games. No porn. Try to go to bed early.

I'm where you are OP. I haven't found the solution myself other than finding things you enjoy, no matter how hedonistic they are. For me, vidya and beer do the trick, but I can't tell you what you'd enjoy. Lower your expenses so you don't have to work a shit job you hate, and realize your time is limited and you're not alone in your blackpill mindset. Hoping the best for you man

8. Repeat this for 3 months. It will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life. But don’t give up. Above all, do not think. Thinking only leads to laziness and excuses. Every time you start
thinking about making excuses not to go to the gym, GET ANGRY!!! And this is where you use that RAGE I talked about earlier. THIS IS WHERE THAT RAGE WILL HELP YOU INSTEAD OF DESTROYING YOU.
If you find yourself lacking the motivation, summon that anger that Sup Forums has instilled in you. Bring it to the brim. USE THE RAGE. LET IT CONSUME YOU. Then, just get up and go to the gym and burn out
the rage by lifting. As you lift, think of all the redpills you’ve swallowed and think about how mad it makes you. Think about how hypocritical and how evil this world truly is. Think about how when shit
hits the fan, there are only 2 things that are going to save you; your physical strength and your guns. Think about how the government and people in power force you to be less than what you’re capable of
becoming. How they want you to conform to social norms simply for the sake of political correctness. Think of how unfair things in this world truly are. And finally, no one on this god damn planet can help
you EXCEPT yourself.

9. In 3 months, you will notice a significant change in you. You will look different. You will feel different. You will notice that people react to you differently. It is because you will be more confident
at this point. You will start affecting those around you more than they affect you. Some will resent you. Others will admire you. Fuck them all. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is you
and how you are changing. Movies become boring as hell. Why? Because you no longer live in that fantasy world. You now understand that the mind numbing effect of mass media is INTENTIONAL.
They are trying to control you. But you will not let them anymore. You won’t be able to watch any TV. You won’t be able to watch any major news outlet. It will all look like bullshit to you.
And you will be right.

In 6 months, you will no longer be recognizable. Physically and mentally, you will be a completely different person. Now, you are ready for the next step. Financial security.

10. You will get your finances in complete order. You will payoff all your debt as soon as possible. No more credit card debt. This will be a lot easier than you think because you no longer have
degenerate expenses draining you financially. No drugs, no smoking, no movies, no eating out, no concerts, no materialistic sycophantic women, etc. You will find more energy and more motivation to improve
your income. You will no longer be held back from getting that better job because at job interviews, you will be infinitely more confident. The lack of degenerate behavior and physical fitness will improve
your intelligence. You will have a clearer mind and your memory will improve as well as your ability to concentrate. If you are a student, your grades will improve dramatically. If you have a job,
your performance will greatly increase. It’s a feedback loop. The better you become physically, the better your mental capacity will increase, which in turn will motivate you to improve
your body even more. Suddenly, women who you would never even have thought about approaching because they were out of your league will start approaching you. But, here’s the thing. You are now redpilled.
You won’t fall for the fake, bullshit crap that you once fell for. You won’t give a shit about this hot bitch looking to seduce you because you can see right through it. You can see her motives.
You are no longer blinded by your hormones. THIS IS WHAT Sup Forums IS ALL ABOUT. SEEING THROUGHT THE BULLSHIT. You are there user. You are redpilled. And life is fucking awesome.

Have you considered that your former goals were crap? Make new goals. Just because something isn't new and shiny doesn't mean you search out something that is. If you find true value in something, see it through 'til it's conclusion. Observe yourself, observe the world around you. Forge your future based on the infinite "now's" until it is so. The blackpill is carrying on with what you know in the core of your being to be right, even if everything in existence screams against it, including you. Man up.

it gets better


Don't drink/smoke pot
Socialize IRL

Read this book and join the revolution.

Is this a copypasta or did you just write it up now? Good stuff

Just take a month break from politics. I've done it before it's refreshing


I noticed this started happening to me once amerimutt memes started being spammed here everyday


the only way out is through, friendo


The blackpill is hard to swallow. I'm at a crossroads myself right now, either forcing myself to become a better person or killing myself. Still deciding which one I'd rather do.


I like that. Also adding some MMA training is a must.
The bottom line is that tougher people, are harder to Kill.

the amerimutt memes are the final nail in the coffin
all my life people hated me for being smarter than them
now I come on Sup Forums and people hate me again

The description does it no justice whatsoever either.

No you're supposed to administer it to enemies u using it wrong guy

2 cent advice from a anonymous stranger on the internet. Go out and ask for at least 20 girl's phone numbers in a single night. You'll get rejected by a lot, if not most, but you'll get at least one. This is the first step to building confidence and becoming more "charismatic." I've done this with several of my friends/co-workers and it almost always has a major positive impact. Also, keep off the facebook and twitter worlds, it sucks at first but eventually it forces you to go out and actually meet new people.

yea this is really good stuff...i also have been in a similar state as OP and this is really good advice

So you're the smartest of the amerimutts? What's it like being king shit on fuck island?

all your life you wanted to feel like a victim
keep blaming a fucking meme this time, you dumb mutt

>On Sup Forums I can't be bothered to look through threads or reply to anything even if it should have interested me some time ago. I would be mid way through a reply and would close the tab because I cant be bothered with it.
>I can't watch a youtube video for more than 2 minutes without getting bored and clicking off of it. I still haven't watched the latest Murdoch Murdoch video and I used to really enjoy his shit for a long time. Ive unsubbed to most of my channels that I watched; I can't bear to watch Sargon's or Steven Crowder, the anti-feminism youtubers make me cringe and I virtually stopped watching normie and non-political content with an exception of a few creepypasta reading channels i listen to on the way to work
>I completely stopped going on facebook and twitter, both apps deleted

its called growing up user

Okay OP here, sorry I was taking a shower
here to respond:

Thing is, I cant help it. This is why I posted this and wanted to seek help from people who would understand me and not some phoney (((psychologists))) or shit like that. I dont want to take the black pill

I would if I could... I stopped playing vidya and the ones that I launch I exit 5 minutes later
I stopped smoking weed and drinking because it makes me feel depressed and even worse, especially that I have nobody to drink or smoke with. Good luck to you too user

My former goals were not crap. I wanted to work hard so my life could be smooth, marry a woman I love and explore the world, and once Im settled down have a bunch of kids so I can play my part to secure an existence for my people.

I hope so Swedeanon :(

This is stupid, You cant just tell someone "be this" and they will be this. I did (or at least attempted) all of these. My post was to say that I slowly and out of nowhere lost all motivation to do these things

I might buy it after payday

and do what? the only thing I still find remotely interesting is politics and even that is slowly fading away.

Its just a meme Americanon, I get called a subhuman slav toilet cleaner everyday on Sup Forums
If it bothers you that much just use a meme flag (I use mine because I live in the UK but Im Polish)

Become better person man, its never good to lose a soldier in the upcoming race war
But seriously, I want to get better too but there is nothing in the world any more that helps me get motivated.

I'll try

same thing that I posted to another americanon...

To Eco-user
Im still reading your posts

Its worse than that user. When you grow up you start to find new things interesting, Im slowly finding NOTHING interesting. Everything is boring to shit and I dont want it to keep developing

Hi, this is called depression. It's very difficult to deal with on your own (mostly because you don't want to deal with anything when you're depressed, and don't have the energy, and just can't be fucked to do a damn thing about it) so maybe you should talk to a therapist/see a psychiatrist/both.
Good luck user!

I'm sure I dont have depression.
There is nothing in my life that warrants me to be depressed. compared to other people I had a luxorious life.
I was fine until lately - but when I started becoming apathetic to everything there wasnt really something that caused me to have that

trust and belive in yourself
i pray for u senpai

I understand how you feel. All of these red and black pills can make everything else in life feel fake, plastic, because you're on to the bullshit.

But the steps that user left will help you get on the right track, if you can follow them.

Limiting electronic use, reading, exercising, cutting out processed foods, all of these thing will help.

Depression can happen to anybody. There doesn't have to be any reason for it. At least check out the symptoms and see if it fits.

Jesus Christ you sound like me since I was 15

Blackpill by day
Drink at night

nice work!

Holy shit. You actually typed out my whole damn post? Or did you cut and copy every paragraph? Nice. Either way, I'm flattered. Oh I did add #11 to it later on. Here's the screencap.

just work the 10 points out
all will be fine in 6 month
just try it

Well first thing, give serious consideration to getting professional help. Lots of sensible suggestions here too, from exercise to good food.

Beyond that... act out positive things. Clean your room, spring clean your house, all that stuff. But more than that, make a point to act positively to those around you. I don't just mean when they interact with you, but... say you see some children with their parents in the street - smile at the sight, tell yourself how fun it'll be when you have your own, etc. Heck, smile if they're bawling their eyes out, because it's a sympathetic smile for the mum & dad, or because you know you were like that once, or whatever - find a reason to smile, and do so. If someone has a success in their life, however trivial, wish them the best - but verbally and physically, not just mentally.

What else... if you have the chance, volunteer to help people. Doesn't matter what it is (okay, within reason!), just offer to help.

Try also to put things in perspective. Someone was driving slower than you'd like on the road in front of you, so you missed the lights. Yeah, it's annoying, but it's not the end of the world. These things happen, c'est la vie, life's rich tapestry & all that.

Oh, and don't be afraid to cut out negative influences on your emotional state. I read Mark Steyn a lot less than I used to precisely for this reason.

I can only speak for myself, but I've had found all the above to be useful. I have the occasional black pill moment, but they always pass.

> This is stupid, You cant just tell someone "be this" and they will be this. I did (or at least attempted) all of these. My post was to say that I slowly and out of nowhere lost all motivation to do these things

No. That didn't happen "out of nowhere", there's a reason, or perhaps multiple ones. Sure, you don't know (or won't admit to yourself that you know - we lie to ourselves all the time after all) what they are, but they're there all right.

Fucking hell

I glaze in awe my dude

where's the part about having a gf? i guess after developing yourself you can confidently go into the dating scene with both eyes open, or pick a girl to show attention to.

Just came here to post this.
This works OP. I'm working on step 10.
Life gets better.

really nice!
>pic related.

all those digits

Nice! Keep pushing user! I'm there for you.

what do i do if i play a lot of video games and basically browse news and pol whenever i'm not busy or with friends? i was thinking of limiting myself to an hour or two of games a day, but i don't know what to do about my browsing habit. yeah, reading books is good, but they don't inform you about the current state of things or let you debate with people and find hot off the press memes, studies, ideas, etc.

Keep it up user! I am 100% behind you.

This article right here is the final straw for me personally. Just came out two days ago.

Im just fucking done.

Ultimately it does come down to self-discipline, though if you're low in conscientiousness, Jordan B Peterson suggested making a timetable (19:00 - 21:00 = pol time, etc).

became comfy reading all this
thx a lot to all of you Senpai´s

I think we need to treat news browsing like porn now, if it really matters you'll find it on here later. I'd suggest you start youtubing a physical hobby like identifying edible plants or fixing your car.

Both essential shtf skills and people admire you for having a tangible skill rather than endless opinions about things.


thanks, i'll give it a go. maybe a quick sweep in the morning, max 10 minutes at midday break, and max 2 hours at night. something like that is a start.
you might be's just when you're constantly questioning yourself and everything around you, you tend to want to test EVERYTHING and see if your theory on what might be right is still valid. it's taking intellectual honesty too far and getting addicted.

thanks for the motivation!

the hardest thing is to shut all ur inner voices/scares/daredevils quite and have enough endurance for ur plan, and NOT get distracted by things/others for a sertain time
I use to complicate everything....
need to keep things humble ...

thank you too!

>you might be's just when you're constantly questioning yourself and everything around you, you tend to want to test EVERYTHING and see if your theory on what might be right is still valid. it's taking intellectual honesty too far and getting addicted.

absolutly this!

have a nice nap

Making a collage of this shit. Thank you, user.


Fuck off, apathy jews.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

I think you're clinically depressed.

>I have found it increasingly harder to give a shit about anything that is going on around me, whether it's nationalism, Trump, Communism, Islam or Race

Because you literally can't control any of those things. The best you can hope for is to join a political movement that will drag you along to... something... someday...

you don't give a shit but you just wrote a book on Sup Forums.. where literally half of us want you to die just for posting and the other half just wanna troll you.. you should drink bleach.. and not like a capful emo cuck like 3 gallons..

Yeah definitely! I looked into everything news related that I could, spoke to msm journalists who I encountered socially and what I've since concluded after years of research is that it's all a TV show to manipulate our minds.

We can only hold one thought at a time in our heads, and each thought/mood connects to the next. When they trigger us in the morning with an identity politics story or some inane bullshit about how we need to drop our culture and adopt theirs - it then makes our next experience that day less beneficial.

Eg; I'm now in a bad mood after starting my day on a negative note after reading about some stupid news story so when I meet that sexy girl at the shops I'm incapable of making something of that encounter because my state of mind is so negative all I can really say is something ranty and bitter.

Then getting my mood back to positive from angry becomes even harder, so I go back to reading fear porn because I can't think of anything else to do. It just keeps looping around and continues like a subtle drug addiction.

It's a black pill alright, and msm is the real engine driving this new world fuckery. The real sneaky thing (((they))) did was removing all of our other online hobbies and keeping us mad so we don't do anything productive.

Sounds like you're perfectly rational human to me. Welcome to the real world mate

just use your anger senpai
for something useful

>what about to tell your opinion

Congrats, you've reached a degree of mental clarity and maturity which gives you the ability to rise above the mundane. Your depression is just your failure to recognize it.

Sup Forums is one giant crapflood, which is entertaining at times but not much more. Meme "intellectuals" on youtube and twitter are the absolute worst things you could devote your time to; being political at all is a mistake too. Politics in the age of democracy are just a giant bread and circus show where everyone has been convinced their opinions have any degree of validity. Being a gym rat isn't much better, health is; but narcissistic hypertrophy is not. Women These things aren't worth a man's time. You're still living the lifestyle of livestock; something that just exists and consumes.

You must make something or kill something if you want to be complete.

Based as fuck. Thanks user


Really good thread, thanks guys

This will help so much

isnt exactly this the reason user wrote pic related?
to free the mind of waste and get the ability to rise above the mundane,,, knowledge is there, but so much waste, its like a purgation?!

real question

Mein Bruder,

some of us didn't used the term "red pilled" outside topics that also have gotten from r/theredpill.
If the movie matrix never existed we would call it something else, right? The truth? the full image ect.
And everyone mentioning that they are black pilled is way you can get attacked.
((They)) uses this to know how to shill. Claiming the situation is worse than it is, posting stuff that
*triggers* your hate right now.
And there is a reason they I mentioned this subreddit. It might be degenerate there, seeing the world how
it is in the world of women and men and use it to get laid as much as you can with different women.
But there is something I want you to take on your way: They use these information and turned it around.
Use the information and make something out of it.

Now, I can't tell you exactly what to do right now, but there are options.
While changing to a lifestyle they can't control, they can't profit from but other white people would be a start.
Saving resources for a future family instead wasting it on consumerism is a start.
Being part of one of many groups, support some, defend them is a way to go.
One big movement can be infiltrate, hundreds of groups with similar goals can't.

Right now it might feel like it doesn't matter how weak an opponent might be when they fight like 5:1 and the rest is watching.
But there a lot more people on our side that are just afraid to stand up. The more people stand up the more will follow

Like PEGIDA in germany. A few year prior to the first PEGIDA demos I didn't belife anything would ever happen in
Germany against Islam and Muslims because of the left. Suddenly there were so many people, it was so successful they used
the even the name and did the same in other countries.

just start and see other follow

Wahre Worte Bruder.

I'm In the same place bro. After two failed relationships and swallowing the final pill im now lost.

Here is what makes it hard for me: the constant bullshit pushed by the media, over and over and over, and how they always paint rational people as crazy.

Have a very reasonable stand against mass immigration? Now you are painted as "far-right", that is, radical, removed from the "center" of normalcy, despite that fact that such a stance would have been considered normal just 30 years ago.

And how the left always paints themselves as the side of "science" and constantly claims that we are "anti-science" and live in a post-truth world, yet they deny the very basic reality of racial differences. The smugness and assuredness of how they constantly said they're on the side of science is so annoying when they deny even basic realities about the world.

But here is what really worries me: the right-wing is now being pushed as the side who wants to censor the internet, and the left wing is pushing themselves as the side of internet freedom. And yet when they get into power, their main motivation will be to probably censor the internet hard to "protect democracy" from russian trolls and "misinformation". In their minds, freedom of information is bad because it causes them to lose elections.

In fact I'm getting tired of the usage of the word "democracy" in general, these days everyone says they want to "protect our democracy" by making it hard for us to access information. And the worst part is they think they are making us more free by doing so.

I just copypasted, bruv.
We are in this Thermopylae together.
I love all my brothers, and we'll dine in hell.

I'm but a humble faker, tending to my bros.

I hear ya. Its like swallowing the pill takes away all the illusions but leaves you with nothing to replace it with. How do I live a genuine life and make living in this society bearable.

Don't follow these proto-fascists. Sup Forums,or specifically the fascists in crypto mode is the kind of community that tries to suck you in by progressively making you ingest stupid beliefs belonging on history books by making you feel like shit ,when you feel lonely and purposeless ,until you integrate trying to fit in the pills are just the levels they try to make you believe and ingest their views about white supremacy, building an ethno-state, etc.. These things will make you feel purposeful, they will make you feel important and powerful and they will make you feel in a community, a community you would try to expand since it made you feel so much better. All their rhetoric is about either making you feel greater than what you are and part of something magical and grandiose. So its like a cult with extra steps. I would recommend leaving Sup Forums and try new things. Smoke pot, do volunteer work, that usually makes you have something to do that actually helps and makes it easier to socialize. Also don't worry about being not charismatic, its about being genuine, not looking good. Sure you will not get insta-friends and chicks, but you sure get some relations that are memorable for good

>I have found it increasingly harder to give a shit about anything that is going on around me, whether it's nationalism, Trump, Communism, Islam or Race

you dumb nigger got to a stage you want and now you want to get out of it?! ENJOY YOUR BLISS WITH KNOWLEDGE!

You'll find those answers ITT.


If the world is so doomed, than fuck it. Have fun and do things that will make you feel better and the people you value in your life. You don't have to save the white race, if you cant save yourself. When you have a clear mind and have become your own man,than you can revisit Sup Forums and objectively rate what is made in here

shut the fuck up nigger
humans are talking

Yeha,sure.Reinforce my point that you need to hate on something so you have the will to wake up in the morning after ingesting the pills

jaja we all got it, ur special
>just imitate ur pic

All I need is to never see another nigger again for the rest of my life.

>Hotel California
You can't never leave

You want me to defect and come to your country?
Now that's what has to happen.
Shoulda thought twice before posting Amerimutt memes faggot.

I volunteered for years just to realized that this keeps the problem alive.
If you are not delusional anymore about problems you don't want to help the dirt of society.
You don't have any goals, if the world is doomed or not, why not fight 'till the end?
Is Albania such a bad place, field with such bad people you already gave up?

I you gave me a chance to get rid of all the non whites people in germany and all the lefties
I probably get rid of even more people that aren't even enemies, but not worth keeping alive.
But the rest, sure for those I fight for, work for, life for as long I don't have children on my own.

Look , I was the same as you and was part of a group were we called for an Albanian ethno-state. Free of Gypsies, Greek-race mixed degenerates . Joined them, had a sense of purpose after several suicide attempts and got my life straightened out with the group. And as time went on I felt the need to godeeper and deepr into the group and get involved more in their nightly dealings. Night patrols, beating, intimidating foreign workers at night, putting signs to propagate our growth. Until I killed a 12 year old boy, a gypsie I think , or mixed kid, by putting a nail thought his head with a nail gun. I felt good about it,excited and I had achieved what I wanted, until I saw his eyes. That kind of imagery fucks you up good. Seeing those dead eyes. That wasn't a person anymore, i made a living, breathing person who had dreams and feelings into a lump of meat, into a thing. I shoot it again and again, but it just made this feeling worse, when I finished I had made his head into a pasta bowl. Since then I went backpedal and went on to try suicide a few times, but chickening out when I got reminded of that kid. Didn't want to end like that, until I met an ex-member who had left too and he helped me rebound from that. I cant say I'm happier now, than the time I was with them, but I'm more hopeful and actually look forward to the future nicely for once