What does Sup Forums think of Napoleon?

give me your honest opinion

Great general, terrible politician.

He tried to make a great European empire, but failed.

Dictator and oppressor

Harbinger of the liberal world order. Whether he knew it or not, he allowed the jews to take over Europe.

Sp00ky cunt


The french revolution was a horrifying moment in history that which we still reap the repercussions of to this day.

First Antichrist

before all the braindead frogs and americans flood the thread, you are not allowed to approve of napoleon unless your post explains what good his obsession with niggers and muslims brought to france

He was a good man and friend to members of the Jewish faith.

>wah wah wah i want to change shit
>lol jk, i want to be a fucking retard

also, he wasn't short
he was actually taller than average for the period

Lacks ideological vision, a problem mostly related to his size.

Literally a sperglord

He emancipated the Jews

>arrests pope
really? not smart

He ruined the revolution.

I'm confused, what's your point? What does his height have anything to do with?

I don't like him for the way he treated the Germanic states and attempted to make most of Europe into a gigantic franco-sphere

I'm not sure if he was a good goy or he did what he did because he genuinely believed in enlightenment values.

More proof that manlets are the most powerful race on Earth

Friendly reminder being an idiot makes you a de facto good goy.

Frenchist menace, advocate of the metric system, using the wrong side of the road and sower of other seeds of deviancy that set the world on a ruinous course 99 years later.

Napoleon was fucking savage in the best of ways

He stands atop as one of the greatest personalities the world has ever known

Never get involbed in a war in Asia

A hero and a revolutionary,
who sacrificed the ideals the Revolution championed for his own power.
Did great things with that power, but let it go to his head,
and was cast out because of that.

A good general, but he shouldn't have chimped out so much. If he hadn't have pushed so far he might have been able to make peace with the UK.

He was a cunt. He destroyed a lot of Italian states and also liberated the jews.

Jew-loving, secular, liberal traitor.
Like all French (((revolutionaries))).

His failiure to win resulted in the balance of power obcession to continue on, with people being too retarded to figure out how to adapt if one power fell and another rose.

What about Robespierre and his Reign of Terror?

>he wasn't short

He was 5'7''. Two inches shorter than Hitler, two inches taller than Goebbels, and not as redpilled as either.

Illegitimate usurper.

Napolean was the blue pill personified.

You have to consider how the average height in the 19th century france was somewhere around 5'3-5'4.

Good lad, tried to somewhat repair révolution and bring back monarchism. Great commander. Participated in modernizing France administratively speaking. Plant a shitload of trees to regrow our woods because we'd lack ressource. Pretty based.

Thats because peasants brought it down through malnutrition. Amongst his peer group Napolean was short


He did a lot of good work for Europe.
But he was also a prick so he had to go.


Nothing, but at that time he had no clue they would invade us

what he understood is that islam is a religion of conquest, domination and war, and was appealed by it, and as long as they stayed in their countries

He was a revolutionary and should have been hanged before he took power.

Hitler had admiration for Napoleon though and visited the Invalides where his body lies

>Dictator and oppressor

do you knwo what those words mean boii?

And then more than a century later, the anglos, our worst enemies, gave the jews their own country

we will never learn

The original SJW