What’s up with the American blacks thinking they were Egyptians? Is there any merit to this claim or is it just a meme?

What’s up with the American blacks thinking they were Egyptians? Is there any merit to this claim or is it just a meme?

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White Hispanic here.

>when you don't have any history of your own so you just steal others

Some Nubians managed to usurp the throne, but most major famous pharoes were pretty far from black.

Nubians were a minority in the population, and were the equivalent of Germanic in Roman society.

Black people suck.

low iq

It's because they're retarded, user.

They're just trying to steal a history like niggers do. There's no merit, it's not a meme, it's niggers being genuinely retarded

The only other thing they have is rap.

egypt is located in africa
1+1= WE


Egypt is in Africa. There literally is no argument against the Black Egyptian truth no matter how much mental gymnastics Sup Forums tries to do to smear the progress of Black excellence.

Can't you tell by their superior culture? I mean, we all strive to be like the great blacks of history. Wait...

this is too fuckingmuch
this is honestly too fucking much

oh god

What is a Trayvon Martin?

King Dindu TopRamen

Do you know where Egypt is? It’s in the Med separated by the Sahara desert from where all the blacks were. They were not black. Please educate yourself. washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/05/30/dna-from-ancient-egyptian-mummies-reveals-their-ancestry/?utm_term=.70299dec9f02

I guess he doesn't get the Irony of his hat. Kings are self made through right of conquest or they are crowned through inheritance. Nobody can make you a king.

Ethiopia, on the far West of the country, was the only black civilization in Africa. The reset were in mud huts in the bush.

>black excellence

what did he mean by this??

Do you understand ignorance and intelligence are two different concepts? If I throw you a bone and say you're intelligent, it doesn't mean you're not 'ignorant' to every fucking reality in the world. There are a lot of intelligent, ignorant people in this world that are blinded by their own sense of false 'knowledge'.

I pissed off an Egyptian teacher at a high school I worked at by saying their molecular structure changed, so she starts lecturing me about how the Moops came and changed everything there.

>I pissed off an Egyptian teacher at a high school I worked at by saying their molecular structure changed, so she starts lecturing me about how the Moops came and changed everything there.
Forgot the picture.

>niggers were slaves in egypt
>niggers now say they were egyptian kings
>niggers were slaves in America
>1000 years later niggers will say they wuz founding fathers (more than they do today anyway)

>ITT: Nigger finally wants in his kid's life 2 years after he died because he thinks it will win him money or street cred.

It’s like the scandies and the Greeks

We wuz sodomites

I don't see whats so funny about this? Egyptians were African, blacks are African. Wheres the funny?

>Ethiopia, on the far West of the country

What did he mean by this?

We wuz shakespeare


Imagine being descended from the cursed children of Ham who God designed for the sole purpose of being slaves to the children of Shem (kikes) and Japheth (Whites).

The delusion of negroid subhumans is incredible.

Holy fuck Niggers never cease to crack me up


Various tribes from the Bantu and Mali region of East Central Africa claiming to be an ancient race from the other side of the continent.

That would be like some Amazonian guy claiming to Full blooded Apache or something.

They think just because they're on the same continent that they're the same race. It's like having a Japanese person claim he has proud Babylonian roots.

Subhuman negroid demons even take the word of God and transform it into filth and wickedness.

"But blacks can be integrated and we are all the same level of intelligence!"

No, they can't. They are a subhuman slave race.


I will never understand how someone can be satisfied with a clearly flawed work being permanently imprinted on their back

and there is only one king in every kingdom, they act like they are all kings, news flash if every black person was a king it would defeat the whole purpose of a king who is an individual leader or many people...fucking retarded


A black teen who was trespassing and resisted apprehension by a mestizo Jew (George Zimmerman) that the media played off as white on black crime.
Zimmerman claims he was assaulted and shot tray tray in self defense
Media and black community claims trayvon was an upstanding African American citizen who din do nuffin.
Zimmerman was acquitted.


There is actually an interesting story behind this. Some Russians tried colonizing a part of what now is Jibuti. The colony was rely by the French, but this nog was brought to the empire, must’ve been one of the first kangs in Russia.

Zimmerman was neighborhood watch in a gated community if I remember correctly. Forgot to add that



There were several black African civilizations (like, actual city building, conquering, fiefdom-making civilizations)

To be fair, that's it, for the entire continent south of the Sahara, from 1,600 BC to 1,700 AD.


The face and the headdress are facing different directions. You can clearly see at the base of the neck how shoddy a 'shop it is. Don't they have any quality control?

Seems to be a collective self image delusion as their actual west African ancestors were hardly illustrious in the civilization building game.
Because Egypt is officially part of the continent of Africa they claim it was once black and just taken over by Arabs when we can tell from DNA and depictions of themselves they are very clearly not sub Saharan African unless you count one later dynasty that invaded and took over from Nubia for a shirt time. It's a similar level of delusion of a Portuguese man getting tattoos of and dressing up as the Kievan Rurik dynasty and claiming all Portuguese are descended from them.

and funny jokes

This is bizarre. Muh dead kid in an ancient costume. It must be a black thing whites cannot grasp.

spooks illustrated

Which is it Boo? Are you perpetrator or victim, you can't be both bitch. If that's true, even though ancient Egyptians look Middle Eastern not black, you whining bitches need to accept that they were some of the first slave owners. As such, can we expect an end to the pussy ass crying pissing moaning & blame for personal failures from you hypocritical fucks over slavery? I mean damn son, you fuckers ain't stopped crying sense the rabbit got the gun. It's undignified coming from descendants of "kangs".

North Africa is Caucasian you fucking nigger and always was.
You niggers only exist in SUB-SAHARAN APEFRICA .. get it ?


Wasn't the trayvon Egyptian meme picture made by someone mocking niggers and his death?

> most of those were Arabic Muslim Colonies
> the few that were negro were not even empires, more like village states .

Need zimzam in the same headdress

Forgets to point out that blacks are apt to turn out while incarcerated then any other race as well as they're being more black men on the down low outside of incarceration. That's why they're still sagging their pants but we won't let a little thing like truth get in the way of your fantasy

Did we forget that Egypt is located in Africa
Obviously not a civilization built by white people.

If you weren't on Sup Forums for the Zimmerman trial you need to fuck off right the fuck now you Reddit fags

Better yet put Zimmy in the uniform of some army that conquered Egypt. We wuz defeated.

Ayyyo HOL UP...
>Clears throat from all that loud (blunts)
>Spits on your flower bed and steals 5 of your garden ornaments

Not many Africans crossed the Sahara. They couldn't even figure out of to irrigate water. They stayed close to the water for that reason. Also it's pretty clear that there were both black and white rulers and slaves in Egypt. At least if all the pictures of paintings I've seen are real.

Far east

Is that Pepe next to the snake on the headress?

I first discovered Sup Forums when Zimzam removed watermelon. Been here ever since, for I had found my people.

The only thing niggers ever had to do with Egypt was ruining it.

For such powerful strong & capable people you motherfuckers sure do get taken advantage of a lot. Typical, trying to appropriate white mans accomplishments as their own because appropriating other races history isn't enough. NOTHING'S ever enough for the black man.

Even worse, just wait until his daddy's back hair grows back in.

Did we forget that niggers were limited to SUB-SAHARAN Africa until fairly recently?

What do you expect from a race with a collective IQ of just below room temperature?

Did you know that during the dark ages Europe thought numbers and baths were the devils work. Until Africans called the Moors had to teach them every thing they know.

Sadly, I know white intellectuals who think Egyptians were black, because Africa.

What's funny, though, is this - just like political correctness and postmodernism - were problems in the early 90s and by the early 2000s had been completely demolished by academics. Some Jewess wrote a book about how it's bullshit and she was criticized, not for being wrong, but because of how harsh she was.

Funny how times change, now it would seem that 1/3rd of Africans have AIDS, and 2/3rd of AIDS carriers believe that only raping a virgin will cure it.

Niggers have an innate sense of entitlement. That'd be great if they weren't dumb. Imagine thinking the world owes you something while you contribute absolutely nothing. Just plain retarded. Children.

do you have the adoloyo ohilla one?

More Appropriate?

Not only that, the ornamentation at the top of the headdress looks like Kek standing next to a garden elf.

No I did not know that because that is bullshit. Europe in the early to high middle ages was very fond of bathing the stigma against it only arose after the black plague in the late 1300s due to a large number of infections occurring because people bathed together in public baths, and nobody hated math, it's just that a larger number of people were innumerate during the period.

did he even raise the nigger

There were a couple of nigger empires. But they are rather sketchy. It is hard to tell if there were just large gangs that extorted large areas or if they were empires/nations in the sense that we would use the word to describe our own history. It doesn't help that when you research them you find that the history of them is based on oral history several generations removed and a few Muslim 'historians' who were known to lie about where they had been (as in they had never actually traveled).

Regardless, nothing came from them. They can likely be regarded as products of exceptional individuals of that race that failed soon after they died and were unable to reach any true heights because of the limitations of their general population.

Toddlers with glocks. The negro is a non-human person, and is not capable of bearing the responsibility expected to partake in a well functioning society.

The sad thing is that actual African empires did exist. West Africa had the empire of Mali and various other kingdoms throughout history in the region made wealthy through trade with the inhabitants to their north. Indeed the African slave trade didn't suddenly pop up, but was simply a continuation of policies that had already existed in the region for centuries. In fact one of if not the wealthiest men in human history was the West African king Mansa Musa who when he went on Haaj spent and gave away so much money he single handedly crippled the Egyptian economy with his wealth.

In East Africa there are the kingdoms of Abyssinia and eventually the empire formed by the Solomonid dynasty (claimed to be descended from king Solomon of Israel) who ruled and defended their empire for almost a thousand years against Muslim aggression and European colonialism, with the Solomonid dynasty outlasting many notable European ruling houses like the Bourbons, Angevins, Hapsburgs, and Hohenzollerns.

they inherited the very end of the Egyptian civilization.
it spanned thousands of years, they got the last 5 minutes when everybody had given up.

they didn't build anything, just turned it into Detroit.

They're just as human as, say, an ape. You still care for them on some level but they're niggers at heart. If we could just accept reality we could all get along. I wouldn't beat apes but I wouldn't let them direct their own lives in western society. We'd all be happier.



they love you

They do have history, much of it wasn't written down. The only complete writing system I am aware of from Africa is Ge'ez......I believe it was developed in Ethiopia. There are over 1000 African languages (many of them dead), but very few had a writing system and were only spoken. There were hieroglyphic-like writing systems, but they were very primitive. This is why many of the currently used African languages will often use Latin script, or a form of Arabic script, and were created after Europeans/Arabs moved south through the continent.

Are there any other complete African writing systems that are still used today?


Are there genetic nigger strains that are decent? Like a bully pit bull is the nigger of their breed.

Niggers always have the cringiest memorials.

They are all descended from the king though.

>There literally is no argument against the Black Egyptian truth
I dont see any pyramids in Detroit

As I said above, I have looked in to these claims and they are really sketchy. The story is great, but the evidence just doesn't exist.

Impossible to tell just exactly what was going on and to what extent said empires were really nations in the European sense.

The best direct evidence is the spread of language and legal customs throughout large areas. And that is about it.

Yes, nubians
The only unruly niggers are the slave breed ones (aka everything after the colonialization of africa)


There is a pyramid in detroit built by blacks.