When is this liberal anti-Trump faggot going to be removed from Fox?

Fuckin guy is the worst.

I can't wait until this motherfucker is exposed as a kiddie touching faggot. I hope he dies.

Yeah you can just tell with this guy.

We'll, he is gay after all...


Good replacement for Matt

he looks like a fucking mutant

He's not liberal you fucking retard. He's moderate, and he only appears liberal because you're so fucking radical.

Fox needed someone to fill Megan Kelly's seat.

You know, I've wondered the Op's question for awhile...I mean I was FOX news 24/7.....my wife would finally tell to turn on something else. At any rate, They'll never get rid of Shep...as the only at least "pretend conservative" news station on cable., having a gay man is like their "beard" you younger people might not understand what that means and I don't have the time to get into it, but Shep give them credibility as being "Fair and Balanced" get it? He's there until he dies...get used to it.

He donated 5 figures to the clinton campaign. Dont be fucking ignorant.

he is actually needed, like that nigger on Waters show, because they need at least a semblance of bipartisanship.
They both harmless and removing them would be a shot in the foot.

maybe you prefer this fine intelligent gentleman?

Any sensible moderate or even right winger would have fought against Trump. That's not liberal. That's responsible.

He and the nigger are needed for optics. We all know that Fox is right-wing, but they need stupid people from the left-wing on the shows to be "technically" bi-partisan, at least on paper.

Take that dumb blonde bimbo from CNN. That is worst political commentator on TV right now, she turns people off liberalism. Strawmen like these are needed to win the culture war.

Shut the fuck up retard, go suck Michael Obama's dick.

Sandersfag detected

When you're a retarded leftist ideologue your sense of what is moderate or biased becomes complete shit.

Shep Smith gay raped me........in the missionary position.

I know *why* they have a token lib, and a gay man - but he's such a CNN narrative-pushing, excessively-anti-trump pos. I'd rather listen to Heraldo if I must.
Who actually watches him other than liberal anti-right-media-watchdogs?
Surely they can do better..

The ONLY time I turn FOX off is in that stool pushing nob goblins fags time slot.
BUT funny thing I noticed is for the past couple months TRUMP trolls Shep by doing his speeches and announcement during Shep's show.
TRUMP TROLLS SHEP in that time slot.
Keep an eye on it. TRUE

The WH could just squeeze him out. Make every WH briefing, speech, cabinet meeting start at 2:59 p.m. EST and go an hour until he gets zero airtime. Sanders went to 3:47 one day last week, it was great. They should just do that every day until somebody hands him a mop and tells him to make himself useful.

He's Fox News' token anti-Trump voice, so they can say they are 'Fair and Balanced'.

I'd be surprised if Shep Smith actually possessed the principles necessary to be anti-Trump in his position. He probably voted for the orange maggot.

When the rumors are confirmed that he's sucked plenty of balls in an unwanted manner